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When I was in I met Almu, she is a girl who looks a lot like me, she has brown and curly
hair, light color skin and brown eyes. Since the moment we met we have been best
friends, and now we are sixteen years old and still together. However, she is now studying
in USA.

At rst, it was very di cult to keep in touch with each other, because of the di erence in
time between here and there or her new timeline. In September we started growing apart,
we didn ́ t talk to much and I felt really bad. I felt like I was losing my best friend and
although here I have more friends to be with, I missed her so much.

Finally, we talked one day and realized both of us missed each other, so we started
talking whenever we could. Now I text her whenever I can and she answers me whenever
she can and on weekends we facetime each other and update each other about how our
life goes. I think now we are closer than ever and I am truly happy that we have solved
this problem.


When I was in kindergarten, I met a girl named Almu. She looked a lot like me, she had
brown and curly hair, light skin, and brown eyes. Since the moment we met, we have
been best friends, and now we are sixteen years old. However, she is now studying in the

 It was hard to keep in touch with each other because of the di erence in time between
here and there, or because of her new timeline. In September, we started growing apart,
we didn't talk too much and I felt terrible. I felt like I was losing my best friend and
although here I have more friends to be with, I missed her so much.

 Finally, we talked one day and we both realized we missed each other, so we started
talking whenever we could. Now I text her whenever I can, and she answers me whenever
she can, and on weekends we FaceTime and update each other about how our life goes.
I think now we are closer than ever, and I am happy that we have solved this problem.

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