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Title Defense Rubric

Group No: Section: Score: _______________

Members: Approved Title: _______________________________

Category Scoring Criteria Score
The content is clear and concise and deals with important
Content 20
issue in the field of study. Information is accurate.
Uses clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation terms so
Delivery 15
that all audience members can hear the presentation
Maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to
Eye Contact 10
Presents Information in logical, interesting sequence which
Organization 15
audience can follow.
Graphics explain and reinforce screen text. Graphics are clear
and easy to follow. No misspellings or grammatical errors. 20
Texts are READABLE
Subject Demonstrates full knowledge by answering all questions with
Knowledge explanation and elaboration

Score Total Points 100

Rated by:

Noted by: Ma. Lourdes A Lazaro

Research Teacher

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