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Date: March 31, 2024

Subject: Decisions Made at the UP Board Meeting
Dear Board Members,
I'm writing to summarize the decisions reached during our recent board
meeting regarding three ethical dilemmas facing our company. We carefully
discussed each issue and came to decisions after considering various options
available to us.
1. The New Drug for River Blindness: We deliberated on how to price our
new drug for River Blindness, weighing the need for accessibility against the
requirement for profitability to sustain our research and development efforts.
Ultimately, we decided to price the drug in a way that ensures accessibility
to those in need while also ensuring a reasonable return on investment. This
decision reflects our commitment to corporate social responsibility while
maintaining the financial stability of the company.
2. Test Results for the PX200 (Heart Problems): The disclosure of test
results indicating potential heart problems with PX200 presented a
significant ethical dilemma. After thorough discussion, we agreed that
transparency is crucial in such cases. We opted to immediately disclose the
test results to the public, along with recommendations for further research
and precautions for users. This decision underscores our dedication to
prioritizing consumer safety and trust.
3. Animal Testing for a Dieting Product: The issue of animal testing for a
dieting product raised concerns about ethical treatment of animals in
research. Following extensive discussion, we recognized the importance of
animal welfare and committed to reducing and ultimately eliminating animal
testing wherever feasible. In this specific case, we resolved to explore
alternative testing methods, such as computer modeling and human trials, to
minimize harm to animals while ensuring product safety and effectiveness.
In conclusion, the decisions made by the board reflect our dedication to
upholding ethical standards and corporate responsibility in all aspects of our
operations. These resolutions demonstrate our commitment to serving the interests
of our stakeholders, including consumers, shareholders, and the wider community.
Thank you all for your active participation and thoughtful contributions to
the discussion.
Best regards,

UP Board of Directors

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