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Many people consider books very boring.

The majority of people tend

to avoid reading books in their lives. Yet books are the best source of
knowledge. However, we can’t learn new things without trying something
new in our lives. Thus, a logical question arises, which is better, reading
books or figuring something out on our own?
Learning from our personal experiences is more effective. People can
learn things from the mistakes, which occur while learning. I like trying
everything new by myself. For example, while I am watching a lecture about
computer science, I am writing my code using new techniques and
algorithms at the same time. It helps me focus on new material and
remember it better, and if some error occurs, I have the opportunity to
immediately ask the teacher.
However, reading books is essential for learning. The smallest thing
that we can learn is new words, which help us express ourselves easily, and
generally rich vocabulary and fluent speech are more esthetic.
In conclusion, I want to say that practice makes perfect, therefore we
should try to get theoretical knowledge from the books and practice doing
them over and over again.

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