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Before we consider the blessings attached to the G&R principle let’ s first understand the
term giving and receiving.
Giving is an action word which means to get rid of something within your possession
intentionally or been coerced to do so(i.e to give out something to others).
The term giving and receiving are correlational I.e they depends on each other.
All living things man inclusive, were created by God to operate with the G& R principle.
Man’s functional systems depicts this operation
1. Respiratory systems. This system is responsible for breathing. Humans receives
oxygen gas into the body and discharges harmful gas (co) with the aid of the lungs
and nose.
2. Digestive and Excretory system: These systems helps in receiving essential
substances such as food and water and give out their corresponding waste products in
the form of urine, sweat and faeces.
Man’s entire life resolves around the G.R principles.
Receiving is also an action word which means to be given something by another.
Note: The value and quantity of item given; the manner in which the item is given;
and to whom the item is given determines the corresponding value and quantity you
will receive in return.
This also confirms the third law of motion” For every action there is an equal and
opposite reaction”.
For instance if you visit a restaurant with 1000 naira you will be served a meal that is
equivalent or less than the value of your money.
This leads us to some questions:
1. What is the value of the things we expected to give out?
According to scripture we are expected to give out the best of what we have.
Genesis 4:4, just like God that gave out his only begotten son which can’t be
quantified. John 3:16
2. In what quantity should we give?
We are expected to give bountifully(in large quantity). 2 Corinthians 9:6
3. In what manner should we give?
 Freely ”not been coerced”. Proverbs 11:24
 cheerful manner( with joy). 2 Corinthians 9:7
4. To whom should we give to?
 God. Malachi 3:10
 The poor(needy). Proverbs 28:27, Proverbs 22:9
 Our pastors/teachers/prophets. Matthew 10:41-42
 Neighbours(Anyone in need). Hebrews 13:16, Galatians 6:10, Luke 6:30
 Enemies. Matthew 5:440.
There are several things in our possession that God desires we give Him .
They include:
1. Our Money(financial resources). Malachi 3:10
2. Our body(spirit and soul inclusive). Romans 12:1
3. Our Time. This is done on the altar of prayer, study of the word and
embarking on soul winning exercises. Matthew 6:33, Luke 10:40-42, John

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