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1] Euclid’s lemma [ algorithm].Two positive integers a and b can be expressed

in the form a = bq + r [ where 0≤ r< b ] and q and r are integers.( r is a whole
number )

2] Fundamental theorem: Every composite number can be expressed as a unique

product of prime factors – apart from the order in which they are written.

3] An irrational number cannot be written as where p and q are integers and q

≠ 0.

4] A rational number can be converted to a terminating decimal expansion if

q is of the form 2n5m.Otherwise it is a non terminating decimal recurring


5] Product of two numbers = product of HCF and LCM.

Find HCF by [a] Euclid’s method [b] Fundamental theorem of arithmetic [c]
Prime factorization

Find LCM by [a] Fundamental theorem of arithmetic [b] Prime factorization


If = = then the equations are consistent, infinite

solutions,dependent .Lines on the graph will coincide.

If ≠ then the equations are consistent,unique solution,independent.Lines

on the graph will intersect.

If = ≠ then the equations are inconsistent,no solution.Lines on the graph

are parallel.


1] Factorisation method : Remember to find the factors of the product of a and

2] Completing the square method: Remember to convert the value of a to 1
before finding out b/2

3] Formula

4 ] Discriminant D = b2 – 4ac .

If D ≥ 0then the roots are real and distinct. [ Roots are equal when D = 0 ]

If D < 0 the roots are not real.


General fo rm: a, a+ d ,a + 2d,a + 3d ,…..

nth term an = a + (n – 1) d

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