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Professional Graduate Programs

Data Science and Analytics; Information Security; Quantum Computing

Meeting our Programs’ Prerequisites

Questions 4, 5, and 6 refer to your program’s prerequisite requirements.

All successful applicants must have the required course prerequisites – this is to ensure students are
prepared for the fast-paced graduate level material that the program encompasses – not having these
will make you inadmissible.

We’re looking to ensure your previous education will be sufficient to ensure your success in our program.
Please upload ONE document, preferably as a PDF, which provides the course syllabi, descriptions, or any
other details for ALL THREE PREREQUISITES . Here are some examples of what a successful application
could include, options are listed in order of preference.

OPTION 1: Course syllabus.
OPTION 2: Course Description from Course Calendar

• If you are unable to readily retrieve a paper or electronic copy of your course syllabi or
descriptions, we recommend contacting the program and/or institution which offered the course,
and requesting they provide you with a copy.
• If you have made all possible efforts and are unable to provide an official copy of any materials
regarding your course, please include a list of the topics and/or learning outcomes from the
course, as well as any other information regarding the course that may help us assess it.

2500 University Drive N.W., Calgary , Alberta, Canada T2 N 1N4

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