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Activity 2

Answer the following questions:

1. How does God reveal Himself?

(My Answer)

-God revealed himself by revelation through Creation, History and Prophets

Creation can tell a lot about God's design, order, and planning, but it has been tainted by sin
and no longer properly portrays its Creator. “The heavens declare God's glory, and the sky
above proclaims his handiworks. From day to day, speech is said, and from night to night,
wisdom is revealed.” Psalm 19:1-History and experience, on the other hand, fall short of fully
revealing God's specific designs and methods. We can't perceive everything God is doing in
history because of the short span of a human life and our sin-darkened insight. And how often
do we misinterpret what He is trying to do in our lives. And God communicate or spoke to the
prophets through dreams, visions, direct conversation and more. The Holy Spirit then guided
the prophets as they wrote down the messages God had given them in their own words.

2. In what way do you accept God’s revelation?

(My Answer)
-I accept Gods revelation by special revelation which is the scripture the text, the bible is
scripture with fully divine and fully human. The Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God,
recorded by His messengers the prophets. God spoke to the prophets through dreams, visions,
direct conversation and more. The Holy Spirit then guided the prophets as they wrote down the
messages God had given them in their own words. We can trust that the Bible correctly depicts
God's thoughts, words, and acts since God was actively involved in every step of the process.
Because it is one of the most important passages that I can look at when my thinking about
what is bible is. I believe in words of God written in the bible. All scripture is breath out by God
its literally the spirits breath which means by its nature its God breath its inspired me it’s how
god communicates to us and communes with us today. Scripture is the mystery of God made
known. God has revealed himself in the Incarnation, and our simple God has revealed himself in
Jesus. Jesus is the image of the invisible god, and all of God's fullness dwells in him, as God
revealed through prophets.

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