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Task 1: Write a tweet addressed to @Elonmusk, stating why he

should gift you 1 bitcoin.

Hello @Elonmusk,
I believe you exemplify innovation, inspiration, and experimentation. I
have observed and admired how you have strategically transformed
Twitter, leaving an indelible mark in history. As a technology enthusiast, I
am always eager to witness your next endeavours, whether they involve
Bitcoin, Tesla, or other unimaginable advancements.

I aspire to embody qualities akin to yours. Currently, I am eager to see

how I can grow and advance my goals and aspirations, especially with the
possession of a Bitcoin. However, the soaring value of Bitcoin makes it
unattainable for me at the moment.

In the meantime, I eagerly anticipate your future developments and I

hope to have the opportunity to exchange a few words on this topic.

Task 2: Why did the chicken cross the road?

For individuals who are not accustomed to traditional and classic forms of
humour like jokes and riddles, may find the phrase ‘why did the chicken
cross the road’ a little challenging to comprehend its intended meaning.
And don’t worry if you are one of them, count me in. However, based on
my understanding, this expression signifies that the path or journey you
aspire to undertake, much like crossing a road, might appear simple and
straightforward initially. Nevertheless, the tasks and obstacles you
encounter along the way can prove to be as formidable as the challenge
faced by chickens when crossing the road.

Task 3: What is your favourite brand on social media and why?

As a fashion enthusiast, I have always had a soft spot for fashion and
clothing brands. During my teenage years, I wished to become a fashion
designer, but my goals and career preferences shifted as I grew older.
Newme, under the handle ‘’ on Instagram, stands out as one
of my favourite brands. They embody the essence of fast fashion and
consistently provide top-notch quality products.
While Newme is a new startup venture, I greatly admire their continuous
growth and their strategic expansion in the right direction. I sincerely
hope that they will maintain their high-quality services in the near future
as well.

Written By Surbhi Gole.

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