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Year 4 Information Text Stimulus

The Helifish
Here is a picture of the newly discovered Helifish.

Your task is to write an information sheet for a website which explains the
following: How the Helifish was discovered, what the creature looks like,
where it is found, what it eats, how it moves and is it dangerous to

page 28 © Topical Resources. May be photocopied for classroom use only.

Year 4 Information Text Planning Notes

Name Date

The Helifish
Title: The Helifish info

Introduction/how it was discovered:

Hannah & friends, underwater drone, May 2025, bottom of the sea

What it looks like:

Blood red spots, describe the helicopter wings!? belly, tail? eyes, mouth, scales

Where it is found/what it eats:

Human brain?! Bottom of the ocean, very cold & dark

How it moves:
Darts away from predators, use lots of adverbs and verbs! moves like a grouchy/greedy

Is it dangerous to humans and if so, how?

Very! Flies up to your ear & likes to eat human brains! very strong?

© Topical Resources. May be photocopied for classroom use only. page 29

Year 4 Information Text Final Written Work

Name Date

The Helifish

page 30 © Topical Resources. May be photocopied for classroom use only.

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