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1.In order to start the MBO process, John and his team need to establish clear and
specific goals for the project. These objectives should be attainable and realistic within
the given timeframe, while also being in line with the overall goals of the construction

2.Once the organizational goals have been identified, John should collaborate with each
team member to set individual goals that are in sync with the project's aims. These
goals should adhere to the SMART criteria: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant,
and time bound.

3. Develop Action Plans: After establishing the objectives, John and his team need to
develop detailed action plans that lay out the specific tasks and actions needed to reach
each goal. These plans must incorporate timelines, responsibilities, and resources
essential for successful execution.

4.Keeping an eye on the project's progress is essential to ensure it stays on track and
reaches its objectives. John should establish methods for monitoring his achievements,
such as performance indicators, progress updates, and regular status meetings.

5.Assessing his team members' performance is crucial for John to ensure they are
meeting their goals and plans of action. The evaluation should be fair and provide
constructive feedback to help improve performance.

6.Finally, John needs to provide feedback to his team members based on their
performance assessments and recognize those who have achieved their objectives.
Offering incentives, promotions, or other forms of acknowledgment can motivate
employees to continue striving towards the company's goals.

John and his team can effectively oversee the construction project and ensure its
successful completion by following these six steps of Management by Objectives.


Implementing MBO can be quite time-consuming, requiring significant effort upfront to

develop action plans and establish goals. John and his team may find themselves
dedicating numerous hours to meetings and discussions to ensure that objectives are
clearly articulated and aligned with the organization's overall mission.

Flexibility: While MBO action plans and objectives are typically set in advance, this can
sometimes lead to rigid planning and decision-making. John may struggle to adapt to
unexpected changes or new information during the project due to this inflexibility. Team
members constrained by predetermined goals may also struggle to think creatively or
bring in fresh ideas.

John should prioritize short-term objectives over long-term strategic planning when
using MBO. It is important to strike a balance between the company's overall goals and
the immediate need to meet project targets. Focusing too narrowly on short-term goals
could result in missed opportunities or the neglect of underlying issues that may have
lasting impacts on the project.

Conflicts can arise when individual goals do not align with the overall objectives of a
project or organization. In such cases, the Management by Objectives (MBO) approach
may result in competition and disagreements among team members. John may need to
intervene to resolve any interpersonal disputes and ensure that team members work
together towards common goals instead of their own personal interests.

Question 3

The company has a competitive edge when it can create goods or services at a lower
cost or with more efficiency than its rivals. This edge allows the company to outperform
others in terms of sales and profitability. For instance, Apple is known for its innovation,
particularly with products like the iPhone. Their position as a market leader is bolstered
by strategic marketing efforts that enhance their exclusive brand.

In order for Apple to stay ahead of its competitors in terms of technology, there are
several key factors to keep in mind:

1.Emphasize Innovation and Product Development: Apple should utilize technology to

push forward with product development, staying true to its reputation for innovation.
This means investing in research and development to create top-of-the-line products
that meet the evolving demands of consumers. By incorporating advanced technologies
such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and machine learning, they can
enhance the functionality of their products and even expand into new industries.

2. Cybersecurity and Data Protection:

In order to protect customer data and intellectual property, Apple must prioritize
cybersecurity measures. This includes implementing robust encryption protocols,
conducting regular security evaluations, and deploying advanced threat detection
systems. Ongoing staff training and consistent investments in cybersecurity
infrastructure are crucial for staying proactive against evolving cyber threats.

3. Supply Chain Management:

Improving supply chain operations to increase efficiency and reduce costs can be
accomplished through the use of technology. Apple can enhance its production
scheduling, distribution logistics, and inventory management by integrating
automation and data analysis. Implementing advanced tracking systems can enable
real-time visibility in the supply chain, aiding in making proactive decisions and
minimizing risks.

4. Customer Experience and Engagement:

Apple should utilize information technology to enhance user experience, provide

personalized services, and create seamless cross-device interaction for consumers.
By investing in customer relationship management (CRM) systems and data
analytics, Apple can gain a better understanding of customer preferences and
behaviors. This will enable Apple to tailor products and services to meet individual
customer needs.

5. Market Expansion and Global Presence:

By using global outreach efforts, online advertising strategies, and online shopping
websites, technology can assist in growing a market. - Through the use of social media,
apps for mobile devices, and websites tailored to specific regions, Apple has the
potential to increase its visibility on the internet and draw in customers from emerging
markets. To maintain its position as a leader in the industry and stay ahead of
competitors, Apple should focus on these areas and consistently improve its technology

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