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Miy : Well, at the
begmning. we ihought of Super Famicom itself and Int : So basically the small
doing it up a bit”, you see, Super Mano World (when team works ¡t out and when ;!
Zelda (on the Super news broke about the SE needs a bit ot hetp, or runs
Famicom) uses up all of in July 89 they did say that mto trouble, you add more
the Bmegabits in the Zelda was to be released workers?
cartodge, and to logether with Mario).
accommodate the extra M i y : Well. it s rather like we
data for things like lext Int : A bit of miss get the small team to work
having to be modihed, pfanning? out a rough draft plan or
The Making of translated. we estimated pictureAdea ot what the game
would be like Then we retine
that we needed a n extra Miy : A March release was
’The Legend megabit's worth of memory planned for 91 . but the this work mío a game with a
project dragged on, and it b;g team. From expenence
of Zelda’. in the cartndge for the
Super NES versión. This finally ended up being a we found that in the imtial
also meanl that we now Super Famicom first stages of making a game.
This interview was had some space (memory) anniversary release you don't need large numbers
conducted with none left over. so the 'left over’ of people because it's >ust
int : How many people rough work and
other than Shígeru ideas from Zelda 1 were
the ideal things to squeeze were working on the Zelda
Miyamoto, a top into the game. project?
ranking games Int : Why d»d you decide to
designen cali the game Legend oí
Zelda'? This is the same
Interviewer : The games ñame for the game on the 8-
Legend of Zelda” and bit famicom. Would n't this
’Links Adventures' have lead to confusión?
been around for some time.
But >t seems to me that as Miy : At first we carne up with
they were both released on all sorts of hiles, like The
disk, (Nintendo disk New Legend of Zelda' or
system) that their Gannon Stnkes Back', but
circularon was not that basically it's Zelda on the
great. and to be something Super Famicom. So we
comptetely new. deoded not to change the
Miyamoto : Yes, it's been 5
years since Zelda ( i ) was Int : What kmd ot things did
released. Bul both Zelda 1 you have m mínd when you
and Link are domg well were planning the game?
over in the States, so good
in íact that sales wise, they Miy : We wanted to improve
are in the top ten games. on all of the short comings on
Zelda 1 and throw in a couple
Int : Would that then mean of new ideas that we had left
that expectalions of Zelda out. Overall, I don't Ihink that
to be released on the Super Zelda 1 was our best. we
Famicom (NES) are very Int : So what happened? Miy : Here at Nintendo, we could have done better.
high? And when? don't get a huge number of
Miy : I n the end, we people to spend long fíxed Int : How's that?
Miy : Yes, and around managed to fit the engiish hours to work on a game
Spnng time this year. versión on the 8Mtnts so Fírsl we start off with a Miy : Because ot limitations
both versión should be the handful of people who imposed by the Famicom (8-
' Note: When i mentían same work on it for about a year bit) in terms ot graphics, etc.
Zelda 1 in this interview, i then add more people as it we had to prograrn the game
referto Zelda on the 8-bit Int : When was Ihe original progresses and then take m such a way that most of the
NES. planned release date for about another 8 monlhs lime, the playei had lo
Zelda? before it nears completion imagine things So for
int : Is Zelda the same on So we Started to work or> example. dunng the game
both the Super NES and Miy : Actualty. we were the project with large ibero s sequenre where inoro
Super Famicom? hoping to reléase it numbers of people m Is disappeanng water Wc in
simuttaneously vwth the november '90 on Zelda fací used the same spntes a s
Iroes ,uid coloured it in bine
ELECTfilC 0 I W N ■ ISSUt: 25 ' KW | /
Any plans about future
INTERVIEW messages "htch »op ><P. produettons 7
around? nnw
S h a vand
e t PIhen
b e f dml eIne
so that it looked like water? M i y : Yes. I fhink somcihr
The Super Fanucom because >f you reao atong «he l'nes ol Pdot
versión should have more message 4 before Wings l tlunk that the
sense ot reality to itt message 3. <i w o n ! make time i s not onfy when yoü
sensc AdjuStin9 1<X actually play the game t>x
int i seel messages could mean i Ihal also mclodcs the time «t*.,,
tune ai Nintendo was »
Miy : Also l ihink Zelda 1 110IMS? n would take up or» and a you are actually thmbng
started off the genre ol naií limes the original it. So, I want to make (or
Sword and Sorcery whch tnt ; In RPGslike Y s i .Jl memory space to make) games where
is quite popular now-a-days II. where there s an order
with RPGs like Dragón m whichiodoihingsand lm : Apart (rom ihe hxed toóme I want to play X
Quest l v , Ys i . il. lll etc • once you ve missed order to ihe game. what
and the tact that you could something out it could else is new? int : So you haven't gol any
save and toad was also mean ihal you are siuck debnite pians for any
new. Other original ideas for ages before solvíng Ihe Miy : Well. you can raleases 7
liko (he abitily to buy ítems, mystery . or cocrecting destroy walls by the meaos
etc '.wthm the game and your mistake. How's
of a bomb. M i y r No bul don ! worry. we-
having lo solve complex Zelda?
nover run out oi ideas New
mazes made Ihe gante very tnt ; Is this where walls
Miy : We've made it as genre's could very easity be
unique But i f s been 5
easy as possible and in crealed
years s»nce ifs rotease, and
those ideas that were the game, you can'l take
atternatnve routes to Miy ; Aclually you can int : Any games similar lo
original and uruque then. break walls thai haven i
are now the bog standard completion. so for Zelda to be released m the
any cracks, if you hit the
for any RPM type game. future?
wall wilh your sword, you
But we haven t tried should hoar a metallic
anylhmg new tlns lime, and M i y : How about 'Link's
sound- But somelimes
that's that. Adventure' orí the Super
you'll come across walls
wtiich give a holfow sound. Famicom?
Int ; Why have you
changed the way that Zelda int : Rather hke treasure int : Thank You?
swings his sword? hunting because the piayer
Miy : Because we had
would go around looking * A Note o n
for destruciabie walls and
improved our graphics, we seemg what behind them. Shigeru Miyamoto.
thought that we had to in the consolé tnduslry. wher
1$ rt trae that lots of
improve the way that Zelda a piece of software sells more
bniiiant ideas we<e
swings his sword. than 10,000 copies it is
dropped because there
simpty was not enough considered a hit! But most
Int : i also think that the
space to til them all? the games that Mr.
high speed you can get by
press button A' was real Miyamoto's been involved m
Miy : Yes! But then again, have sold over 100.000
neat ...
example. you won't come we were nol going to sil copies worldwide. There
Miy : Yes. we had a similar across a btocked passage around domg nolhing inelude hits such as Super
System on the RPG wtiere you can'! progresa because all the ideas Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda
Molher on the NES. We further aven if you have wouldn t fit onto the given F- Zero. and Super Mano
thoughi of usmg each of the forgotten a certain ítem memory space. so we WOrld
buttons on the joypad 1o eartier on. There would not dropped ihe average ideas He says ’Well, it not m e
perlorm a difieren! action be alternativa routes or and picked the best that's doing the actual
or combmations to get Solutions for problems hke programming. but as director
difieren! moves 8u1 we this. if we know that Int : For example. whal? I have to pressure my staff if
dectded to abandon this gamers would not like an we are to get any work done I
Decause tisera might tmd order or pattern in wtiich Miy : When you use tire i n foel sympathetic towards
this awkward and make the things happen, and 1hey the held. we could have over-síressed staft having to
game a hassle' or bother to wouldnt mmd even if n made the fire spread on ifs be pressured oven more but
play. took them cióse lo a year own, etc. because of Ninterido's
m comptehng it. then we otoligation lo próvida the best
Int ; How would yon nnght have made the int : Sovnds original, any for ifs customers, I teel I can
descube Zelda 7 game much harder others? use th>s pressure i n a positivi
way, and to matniain our
Miy : A kmd of advenlure Int : wetl. the sense ol M i y ; Or where you use a teputation*.
game ihat's gol an RPG accomphshment atter stiovet to dig a canal and tnslead ol stating trfunt
’ee> to it or RPG w>th some spending one year to then destroying the lake deadlines to which staff woi •
action touches lo rt complete a game could be boundary so the water their heads off to achteve Mr
very satisfymg seepsinto Ihe canal. M . oonstantly harasses and
Int : Isn't Zelda ono of
ihose games -where you Miy : Yesexcept, when dítves on tú keep the staff
int : ideas segm to be gotng. I s this the secrei U1til!'
complete it once and i f s you take oui the order i n overllowing. Seems lo me
dead easy iho second time wtuch things come, success?!
Ihat programmers have an
infinite suppiy of ideas,
g É L t e r m e BW*1N ’ ISSUE 24 ‘

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