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SANTIAGO: Come on Annhelí, walk quickly.

ANNHELI : Wowwww, look at all those ice cream choices!!!!!!

SANTIAGO: Yes, there are a lot of choices. What is your favorite?

ANNHELI: I don’t know … I’m not sure… Okay I’m crazy about all kind of them…. i cant decide
it……..I love everything with chocolate

SANTIAGO: I like chocolate too, but I don’t prefer all kind of things made with chocolate, for
example, I cant stand sour chocolate

ANNHELI: hmmm… whyyyy???? Its Delicious! I like all kind specially ice creams

SANTIAGO: is there any kind of ice cream you don’t like?

ANNHELI: I really don’t like any ice cream with raisins in it.

SANTIAGO: Have you ever had garlic ice cream?

ANNHELI : terrible, that’s sound disgusting, I hate the garlics ( GUACK!)

SANTIAGO: jajaja…. Its a joke!

ANNHELI : hurry up! that's our bus.

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