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Text: Luke 1:26-38

*INTRODUCTION:* There are different terminologies that describe various aspects of services
unto the Lord: gift, grace, destiny, purpose, zeal, calling. Of all, calling is the most sacred. It is a
divine summon by your Creator to fulfil a particular mandate for Him on earth. He then equips
you with gifts, grace, etc. to do it.

He can call anyone: old (Abraham), young (Samuel), male (Joseph), female (Mary),
sinner/murderer (Saul, Paul), saint (Peter), strong one, and weak one (Gideon), Literate and

His calling is as He chooses, not because we are good. If He calls you as a woman, what should
you do?

1. Ascertain the genuineness of the call: Be sure it is not just zeal, environmental motivation,
desire or ambition. Be truly sure that you are called to do what you believe as a call.

2. Begin to build a personal relationship with God, to know him personally: Not just to serve
Him, but to know Him, please Him, and be able to represent Him on the earth (Philippians 3:10-
11). There are many advantages you have by having relationships with God.

You don’t loose anything for having relationship with God, rather you gain and your generation
gain more from your obedient walk with God.

3. Let God change you to His image (2 Cor 3:18): You cannot afford to reflect what is not God
to your world. Don't run as you are. Get transformed, get changed.

You are not saved until your territory is safe. The essence of followership of Christ is to become
like Him in all things. So, the Holy Spirit to do this work in your life.
4.Be sure you don't have the wrong fashion that shows the world than the kingdom: You are
no more your own, you are His. Believers in the world are not to be fashion fricked but to
remain gorgeous, clean, smart, beautiful and decent in appears and in words.

5. Have a God-given mentor, not your own self desired model: It may be someone that you
can see or someone afar off.

*+* Mary went to Elizabeth (Luke 1:39)

*+* Saul went to Ananias (Acts 9:17-19)

*+* Samuel went to Eli (1sam 3:4-5)

6. Answer these accuracy birthing questions.

✓Is it a full time or part time call?

✓Is it a headship or associate call?

✓Does it include marriage?

Find your place in God and stay there! Don’t want to be like any other person in their call, find
your place and stay there gloriously.

7. Educate yourself in the light of what God is leading you to.

Attend trainings, go for conferences, programs that will educate your call. Read books in line
with your calling, so you can grow in it.

8. Understand your multiple roles, and how to perform each role excellently - minister, wife,
mother, etc.

None of the roles should suffer when you have a proper understanding of all of them. Then you
set your priorities right.
9. Relate with perfect understanding with your spouse, and pray for him for a Joseph spirit
(Matt 1:18-25); Without understanding it will be difficult to live with your spouse and fulfil your
marital destiny.

10. Remain humble under God's hands.

Don't be puffed up by knowledge or gifts. Focus on building your character while you use your
gift to give glory and honour to God.

11. Relate with like-minded people, not with people of another passion, so that you don't get
drawn away from your course. See Paul in Acts 13:1-2, compare to Dinah in Gen 34:1-2.

Whenever you flock with people who are not travelling on your destiny route in life, you will be
led astray, so take your time to cross check that the people you flock with are truly needed in
your destiny journey, so you don’t miss out in life. Be wise!

12. Separate yourself unto your calling.

Jehu separate himself from captains to fulfil his call (2 kings 9:1-16)

No one is called without being separated unto God to for the effective dispensing of their call
and assignments on the earth.

13. Receive covenants that God gave you in the call (Gen 12:1-3).

God calls us to covenants as He is a covenant keeping God. So, ensure you know what the
covenant that God has given to you, believe it and confess it , then live by it.

Lastly, you are no more common, you have become a bondservant of the Lord, not your wish
anymore, but HIS WILL! Enjoy his will so you can live a destiny fulfilled life.

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