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TEXT: HEBREWS 11:17-34, JAMES 2:17-19



Truly, faith is the evidence of things not seen, despite the fact that you haven't received it, you still have
the evidence that you will be given. Noah had not seen the rain or heard about the rain in a long time
but he had an evidence that there was going to be rain. Heb 11:7. Receiving an evidence must push you
into action. James2:17.

As we go further in the study will be looking at some men that subdue kingdoms.

1. Moses: Heb 11:24-27. He was a man like everyone of us, at some point he even fought an Egyptian,
thinking in that way he could become the Saviour, but the things of the spirit cannot be executed by the
carnal mind.

Gen 3:1-5. Moses saw God while beholding the burning bush. This was his number one evidence. This
made God to reveal more to him and in the strength of this he was able to conquer and bring out the
children of Israel through his faith in what he has seen God do.

2. Joshua: Josh1:3-5 he also received an evidence that he ran with. He received the word, he had a
different spirit, he saw a possibility in the mission the Lord committed into his hands and he was able to
conquer those lands.

3. Gideon : judges 6:11-14. He had an encounter with the angel of the Lord, he believed in the God of his
fathers. He also received an evidence, he told the Angel if this is true, let this and that happen and it
happened. He had faith in God and he obeyed Him even when the Lord told him to reduce the number
of his army he didn't hesitate.

4. Samuel: A Prophet that brought peace and rest to his nation even when there was no king or
president ruling. The Bible recorded that Israel had rest during Samuel's time, he heard God and he
stayed by the word of God, the Bible also recorded that his word didn't fall to the ground.


1. Wilderness Experience & Tutelage: this is otherwise called training if you will subdue kingdoms you
need training. Training can come in diverse ways take Moses for instance, he received training from his
mother and from Jethro as well. Training can come true anybody from parents, pastors, elders in the
church and in the society, the word of God, the Holy Spirit and so on..

A spiritual man learn and unlearn per day, before the boy Samuel learnt to obey God he had to be
trained by Eli, Gal 4:1&2 for as long as the heir is a child he still needs training and instructions. David
had his training in the wilderness while he was with his father's sheep. A man that lacks training and
tutelage cannot last.

2. Obedience : if you will subdue kingdoms obedience is necessary such must obey whatsoever that he
or she receives from God. Many people after being trained and instructed will decide to disobey for
instance Saul's Kingdom in 1Samuel 15 :22 &23 was rejected because of disobedience, even Moses
couldn't get to the promised land because of partial obedience which is also disobedience before God.
God will only entrust kingdoms into the hands of people that will obey and yield to Him always.

3. Consecration & Boldness: setting things apart for the sake of God is highly important if one will
subdue kingdoms, you might not be allowed to enjoy what others are enjoying (1Corinthians 10) you
might not be allowed to dress, eat, play the way others do, the consecrated life is a life totally devoted
to God for the sake of the gospel. John the Baptist was not allowed to stay and live in the city but in the
wilderness even though living in the city isn't bad. A consecrated life goes beyond what they say is not
good it stays on what God says.

Boldness is when you take the step of Faith towards the evidence you have received from God. To
subdue kingdoms boldness is needed not timidity or fear. Phil 4 :13 says I can do all things through
Christ that strengthens me Prov 28 : 1b says the righteous will be as bold as a lion. God kept encouraging
Joshua to be strong, bold and courageous in other to inherit the lands.


Faith comes by hearing the word of God, having an evidence that pushes you to act through the
Knowledge of God, knowing God through His Spoken and Written word, revelations, vision and so on.
There must be a knowledge of God that will be acted upon if you must subdue kingdoms.

What evidence do you have?

Which revelation has God shown you?

How much of God do you know?

Generations, nations and your family are waiting for you. Arise now!!!

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