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I liked the series better because it gives move information, and you get to see it happening.

The book was set in the 1960s,
the people are called Greasers,
their also known to be called the outsiders. Their all-divided communities, there are two groups’
Greasers and Socs. There is ongoing theme of divided communities.
Socs (pronounced “so shis,” short for socialites)
The Socs do live with inherent privilege. BUT their lives are not problem.
Many Socs live under intense expectations
• Socs (pronounced “so-shis”, short for Socialites): Privileged teens, usually into sports, who come
from wealthy families. On the opposite end of the social “spectrum” from the Greasers.

• The Socs DO live with inherent privilege, BUT their lives are not perfect.
• Social pressure from friends and family to succeed, behave a certain way, achieve certain goals...
Many Socs live under intense expectations.

-1.the characteristic of ponyboy that makes him stand out is he likes watching movies
undisturbed and he does not like to see a movie with someone else because he thinks it's like
reading a book over your shoulder. In the book, he said “I like to watch movies undisturbed so I
can get into them and live them with the actors. When I see a movie with someone, it is
uncomfortable, I am different that way.

-2. The difference between the Socs and the greasers is the Soc is a group of rich teenagers
belonging to the west side of the town. The greaser are the poor teenagers from the east side of
the town.

-3. The reason the greasers hate the Socs it is because the greasers think the socs have it easy
with there is lives with the money and privileges.

-4. The reason for the tension between ponyboy and Darry is because Darry wanted the best for
him and his family. Darry has been too overly aggressive to his brother, that's why ponyboy has
been having a problem between him and his brother. It says “Me and Darry just did not dig each
other. I never could please him. He would have hollered at me for carrying a blade if I had
carried one. If I brought home B's, he wanted A's, and if I got A's, he wanted to make sure they
stayed A's.”

-5. The Author used the metaphor “Johnny Cade” is a lost puppy. It said “Johnny Cade was last
and least. If you can picture a little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in
a crowd of strangers, you will have Johnny.”

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