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Basic snapchat & 4G Proxy guide by @printeradds

Cloner & Snapchat

You need a fresh snapchat APK, reinstall it and do not open.

Method 1: multiple snapchats per device:

for snapchat APK select:

-cloning options:
Skip native libraries
Increase compatibility

Identity & Tracking options:

new identity - enabled, show notification, clear cache, delete app data

Click on clone number, select option “replace original app”

then clone

then install the cloned apk.

Now you can use the new clone.

Only keep one clone actively open at a time and fully close after using.

Method 2: one snapchat per device, relatively safe. Can also use newest snapchat apk for
this, older one still recommended:

for snapchat APK select:

-cloning options:
Skip native libraries
Increase compatibility

storage options:
-redirect external storage

Identity & Tracking options:

new identity - enabled, show notification, clear cache, delete app data
Now clone the app
Install the clone and allow the original app to be uninstalled.

For method 2:

I recommend you re-clone the original apk after logging out the current account and before
using the next one:
-deinstall clone
-reinstall snapchat APK
-delete old cloned APK
-redo cloning process as described above

The best proxies you can use for snapchat are 4G proxies.

I can recommend the following seller: (I currently use this provider myself) or telegram @proxy5g

You can experiment with other ones too, keep in mind that they might be more polluted by other
people doing ofm / snapchat == higher risk of ban.

Logging in accounts

-Rotate proxy for fresh IP

-log in snap using that IP

do this for each snap account

To run:

-Ideally you would run one account on one proxy at a time, which should guarantee that your
account will be fine.

However, you can also try running 2, maybe even 3 or 4 (riskier) snapchats at the same time on
the same mobile proxy. This is because mobile proxy IP’s are shared, so it is not unusual seeing
multiple different users from the same IP. You can try playing around with this, however it is still
safest to use one account per proxy at the same time.


⁃ One 4g IP is shared with multiple users at the same time. How many is unknown, but it is
useful to keep that in mind.
⁃ If you are just used an account, rotate the proxy and then want to go back into the same
snapchat account you should wait. (at least an hour) Since I usually do not run snapchat myself,
or if I do, only with one session per day, I at minimum wait 6h+ between going into an account
after rotating the IP, which works fine. You can test for yourself if lower time spans work aswell.
⁃ You should NOT rotate your IP while inside a snapchat account.
⁃ It is not recommended to login multiple accounts on the same IP, running however should be
⁃ Since 4G proxies are shared you have to ask yourself “how likely is it that two people that
have the same IP login to snapchat in a timespan of a couple of hours vs. how likely is it that
two people sharing the same IP use the app? Since logins are quite rare, its more likely to
appear suspect. However, this is also subject to your testing if you can run more accounts /
login multiple. There is no definitive answer. One user at the same time will almost always be
safe. More is subject to your testing & how polluted the proxy is with other users doing the same
thing as you.
⁃ If you want to look for other proxy providers keep in mind to test them first before buying a lot,
could make or break your accounts.

Practical example:

log in snapchat accounts with a freshly rotated IP

wait a couple of hours

chat on 1-2 snapchat account for a couple of hours using the same proxy

*rotate Ip*

then use the next 1-2 accounts


log in one snapchat account with a fresh IP

Start chatting on this account

When you are finished: rotate IP, log in next account and start chatting.

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