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JUNE 9TH – JUNE 12TH 2022

Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD

The word Church and Assembly: It's means more than something
originally intended.
When the word was used, it wasn't in English.
It meant a Called out Group.

Jesus said "I will build my Church": They were called out from the
Synagogue represents those who were not necessarily called out, but

So when he said "The church at Ephesus. The church at Corinth.. etc",

that's how that meaning came to stay.
The Called out Ones. The Ecclesia.
'Church' wasn't intended to be a name.

Israel was called "The church in the wilderness". They were called out
of Egypt and they assembled in the wilderness, to worship Him and to
offer Sacrifices.
But they had a name: Israel.
Where did they get the name? From the son of Isaac, the son of
Abraham. whose name was Jacob. (This was after Jacob wrestled with
But the promise that was given to Jacob had been given to Isaac because
it had been given to Abraham.
Israel was the Father of the 12 patriarchs/12 tribes of Israel.
They Inherited the name of their Father, Israel.

Genesis 10:21
The NASB has issues translating this verse.
The principle behind bible translation: They try to stay as much as
possible with what is stated there without changing anything.
But there are other verses that give you the understanding of what's
Japhet was the Elder. He was the First born of Noah. Japhet was Older
than Shem. But when you are reading in the NASB, it gives you the
opposite. That's why just reading different translations doesn't
necessarily help you in every aspect.

There are 2 gifts in the Bible that I have to talk about again and again
because of the misleading information in the church.
If you merely use language, confirmations and how they line up with
your thoughts, it's not going to be Okay.
The 2 gifts of the spirit that He gave to the church:
First the gift of wisdom: a spiritual gift. Because most of the church has
had a misunderstanding of that gift, not much has been said about it.
Second gift, is the gift of Knowledge, which incidentally has been so
wrongly interpreted.
It is what is named as 'The word of Knowledge" in 1 Cor 12:8
Several times this gift was mentioned, this is the only place where it was
called " word of Knowledge".
It is also translated "the Utterance of Knowledge".

The gift where you can know something supernaturally about someone
is called PROPHECY.
The more Faith you have, the more of the gift of prophecy you can
That's the gift God says everyone should go for.

Eber, according to the historical account, when the tower of Babel was
being constructed in the days of Nimrod, and God was careful to stop
them because He knew that what they were doing was terrible and
dangerous... he confused their language, Eber deliberately refused to
Join them when they made that decision to construct. They had ulterior
and wicked motives. Something about Him stating that He would not
Join them; He retained the Original Human language.
The Hebrew language is Named after Eber.
There must have been an original language.
God wrote by himself on a stone for Moses. so what language did he
and Moses had to teach the people the Law.
Today, the only people with an Original language in History is the
In spite of them being scattered around the world, They came back
according to the prophetic language, speaking their language.
all other nations lost their language.
It was protected by prophecy inspite of their many wicked
They are the children of promise just like us. They were given a
covenant. Jesus came from the Jews. Salvation came from the Jews. The
scriptures were originally written in the Hebrew language. The apostles
were all Hebrews.... Including Paul who was also a Greek. He was
primarily Hebrew.

I was telling you about the importance of our praying together in various
groups. We grow if we are praying correctly. It's about fellowshipping
with the word.
Always be filled with the holy spirit. always have a consciousness of
walking with the spirit.
Every cell leader must make it his duty to be filled with the spirit. That
is the Christian life. That's what it's supposed to be.
Peter was not filled with the spirit because he needed to do something.
God wanted us to have a perpetual life of victory, success and excellence.
Not once in a while, or when we need it.
How Often Do You Need To Breathe?
You're always breathing
it's a life.
Be filled with the spirit Always!

Ephesians 5:18 KJV, AMPC

The Greek Connotation of that verse means to be continually filled. It's
being filled action-wise. The action of being filled continues. Be being
filled continuously. Ever be filled. No shortage.
Think what your life would be when you're always filled with the Holy

v19: I'm talking to me, and you're talking to you. "The Lord is my
shepherd, I shall not want". I live in the field of abundance.
If the prices are doubling, It is God making life difficult for the Ungodly.
He is troubling his adversaries. It's not for you. we are always on top.
Remember the ark of Noah. The higher the water, the higher the ark. In
the waters of inflation, they get drowned, but we are ever floating. This
is beyond positive thinking and positive talking. It's not as mundane as
that. We are talking about spiritual reality. “I believe therefore have I
spoken” (2 Corinthians 4:13). It's coming out of my spirit.
You want to be very successful because you are a Child of God. what
does that mean to you? This is no religion. This is a lot!
some say they are the children of some Monarch in some country. They
carry themselves with some dignity because they have a family name. so
they are respected by their community or nation, and some, the world.
But do you know their history? How did they get there? How in the
world did their blood become royal? some in history Murdered their
Master to take over the crown... and everyone submitted and his children
were said to have royal blood.
If you read their history, you will wonder how they are Royal.

Royalty is descriptive of some connection to deity. It means there is

something divine about the person.
We have the most sublime identity of Royalty of anybody. Ask us about
our history, we will be so excited to tell you.
He has made us Kings and priests unto God. We can show you how!
His blood was divine. Hallelujah!!! Gloryyyy!
Born of a virgin, God's son in the flesh. Wow!

We have to understand the spirituality of life. How we came to where

we are and why the ministry that's committed to our trust is so important.
Our mentality must be different.

We must think as sons of God!

If you're not trained to think that way, you will think as sons of men. In
defeat and unbelief. People will say all kinds of things about you: “they
know you, you don’t have the drive; you are weak, you cannot be

(Pastor Narrates about his friends who didn't believe he had a pastoral
calling/ministry; and as a result created schisms in the assembly, to
discredit him)

Pastor further narrates that he was the only binding force (they all came
to know each other and stayed together through him) and yet they
claimed that he didn’t have a pastoral ministry. They elected one to be
the pastor and another an assistant, and Pastor was made the general
secretary. He wasn’t offended, because he knew it was “not by might,
not by power, but by my spirit says the Lord”. He was even told to make
the announcements in the fellowship, about this pastoral change. which
they didn’t or weren’t able to do.
Pastor said “I became “he who has no name”, the Lord was my portion”.
“There was no portfolio to being the general secretary. I was still
Brother Christian”.

Many years have come and gone, and where Pastor left them is still
where they have been. Apart from the ones that died. The Pastoral
ministry has been proven in his life. That is why we are all here.
Ministry is spiritual; and it doesn’t matter that some may not believe in
your ability. The question is “can you believe in God? Can you believe
in this message that is being shared with you? Can you believe? Can you
think the way we have raised you to think? Do not think the other way!”
That’s why you should listen to the messages. They will affect your way
of thinking, giving you a mentality. Even your brethren will attest to the
change, as they report to you that they’re being asked “are you from
Christ Embassy?”. We have a language. And it’s not a rehearsed one,
but a language we speak. This is our life. Glory to God!!!

Spiritual. Become spiritually minded. Think like God. It is not a lot to

think like God.

Ephesians 5:1:

be imitators of God as dear children. The word imitators is from the

Greek MIMETES, which is to copy, as dearly loved children. Dearly
loved children mean favorites. How are they favorites? Because they are
always around him, so they can easily copy and act like him, and before
long, everyone is a split image of him.

If you understand the biology of your eyes that they don’t see, they look.
When we discuss ocular vision, you’d understand the functions of the
eyes. The images must be interpreted, otherwise, you’d have images
without meaning. It’s like sound without meaning. They have to be
interpreted. When there is an interpretation, then the corresponding
actions align.
Have you heard of color blindness? This is a proof that something is
wrong with the interpretation of what is being seen. Sound can be made
and different people interpret it to mean something that aligns with them.

If you’re feeling sleepy, congratulations! Why? Because whatever you

were dreaming about, you won. But Blessed are those who are hearing,
because they have the materials for the next phase; materials for an
expanded life; materials for an expanded vision. The capacity for more.

You know what it is like when you come for a meeting like this. You
come in with all that you were before: your capacity, you abilities. But
when you leave, you are leaving with more ability, more vision, more
grace. Hallelujah!
It is different, whatever your previous accomplishments, now, you can
only get better, greater, achieving more.

We started this meeting, talking about building you; your capacity, with
you getting bigger, better and greater. This is what God was seeking to

Psalms 45:1:
My heart is inditing a good matter:
I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue
is the pen of a ready writer.

With my tongue, I write in my spirit. So I can make what I speak a law

in the realm of the spirit. It is written.

Be imitators of God. He said “when I speak it doesn’t return void”. His

word is so strong that Jesus said “it is written”, and what happened to
Satan, he left!

Say “I’m writing!”.

My heart is composing a good matter.

(Moments of prayers)

The lord brought us up for a purpose, for a reason. No wonder he said

“count it all Joy when you go through diverse tests” James 1:2

When people go through things, they say they’re going trying and rough
times. Do they think they’re in this world for a picnic? But the scriptures
say “count it all joy”, because he is confident of what he made you. All
you need is the right material into your spirit, the right association. The
wrong people corrupt your spirit, binding you. And then you start talking
being attacked by witchcraft and wizardry. Because you hear and receive
negative things: bitterness and envy. Your spirit should have no place
for such things. “Purify your hearts, you double minded” James 4:8.
Don’t associate with folks who corrupt your mind. It is dangerous for
you. Have the right association.

Pastor narrates about how as a young pastor, he would have counseling

sessions, in which those that come to him would have negative stories.
In one occasion, after holding two services, some came for counseling,
and while they were rehearsing their matters, pastor fell asleep; and they
had to leave. After all these negative things, pastor goes on his knees to
pray, releasing scriptures to wash his mind from all the negative things.

When people speak, they release informations into the atmosphere, and
if they are negative words, they corrupt the atmosphere that was once
filled with blessings and beauty.

Remember, Words are spirit. This doesn’t only relate to the words of
those who are Christians, it also applies to those who are not. Words can
be spirit but carry death. Don’t forget Death is a spirit. You shouldn’t
allow you to be affected by these things. Many have subjected
themselves to the things they’ve heard, forming opinions, even about
people they have been told about. The day they meet those they’ve heard
about, they react based on the opinions that has been formed in their
minds from the things that they heard or have been told.
Jesus said “you are clean through the words I have spoken to you” John
15:3. So you release words to clean yourself and taking a spiritual bath.
Many, very often, have become the manifestation of the things they
condemn, Pastors inclusive. The things they sought to heal others of,
they became sick of the same. Satan throws missiles of the negative
things you have heard. They didn’t understand these simple things.
Feed yourself with the message of faith, when these onslaughts come.
You are responsible for your faith. Don’t let it weaken out. Build it, stir
it, strengthen your faith. The tendency of faith is to weaken, just like fire,
which burns up its source, next it starts quenching. How do you sustain
fire, by adding more materials. Likewise, your faith will not just stay,
you have add more material, build it!

Jude 1:20, build on the highest level of faith you have obtained. It
shouldn’t be a one time thing. Build from the highest quality of faith that
you have ever had, and then move to the next one. Don’t tell stories with
your faith. When you are growing, your faith should be that of the
fathers: those who know God. It shouldn’t be weakening. Faith is not
optimism. Your faith should be stronger today, than it ever was.

Know God, and be known as someone who knows God. Some feel
proud for the fact they know a prime minister or a president, but we
know the monarch of the universe. He was not elected or appointed.

There’s a lot to tell you, and we will move it to the next time.
Are you glad you’re a cell leader? Is your cell thriving? Did you
multiply your cell?

Pastor thanks cell leaders who send in their reports regularly, alongside
all their exploits with the gospel of our lord Jesus.

The 7billion mandate, is seen as some as audacious, but to us it has

become “one of those things”. There was a time certain amount of
money was a lot, and having it was audacious, for instance 100 thousand
of any currency, was a lot of money, but it’s not so overtime. We have
grown by the blessings of the Lord.
There was a time, our goal was 250 million copies of rhapsody around
the world. We did and surpassed them, and we moved on.

Structure was necessary for the proper distribution of the rhapsody of

realities, when we set the goal for 1 billion copies, otherwise, there
would be a lot of wasted copies. So the need to develop manpower for
the effective distribution was necessary. It’s not enough to have the
materials, there’s another phase of work for the mobilization.

Outreaches are another aspect that requires these structures. You can
desire to use the largest fields or spaces in the area, and pray; but
without the structures: ground force mobilization, there will be a large
disappointment, as there will be just be empty chairs.
In mobilization for an outreach, it is necessary to have everyone
involved; every member of the group should be on board with the vision
and message. Having just a handful out of many to carry out a project,
would hamper the overall result. Build the capacity of your members to
carry out the work, if not, the goal is simply a dream that cannot be
accomplished, and you can’t blame God. You need structure and

The Lord, gave two thousand years for the work of salvation to be
complete, why? Because he needed capacity for the work. Our Heavenly
Father wasn’t in a hurry, yet he wants us to do the work with haste! Why?
He knows his plan for us is based on a timeline. Hallelujah!!

A whole lot more to say….Stand up to your feet.

Highly Esteemed Pastor Vale Odu-Thomas
It will shock and surprise you the amount of information that is in the
cell ministry manual.

"The cells have different types of meetings however, every meeting has
in it, the ability to grow the cell and the church.... "
You have to know what the different activities of the cell are and the
role you play in making those activities effective.

.The cell system is not for the cell leader. It is the process of the Ministry
that has been given to you as the Pastor to supervisor to process and
carry out. .

The Cell Ministry is like a Manufacturing Factory. From raw materials

to finished goods, then mass production.

Pastors, take responsibility for the cell meetings.

Each cell meeting is a means to an end. It is part of a process to produce
Make sure that everyone is aware of the cell and participates in it.
if you run your meetings well, you will be shocked at all the potentials
that are in there.
Lift up the level of your meetings.

We have 4 types of meetings.

If a cel leader just comes into the meeting, holds the meeting and leaves,
it won't produce lasting result.
1. Prayer and Planning Meeting:
Habakkuk 2:2
If you want people to run with the vision for the month, you must write
it down.
Articulate it as the Pastor.
Prov 21:5 (MSG)
The meetings are also leadership development. It's an opportunity for
people to be engaged.
When God wants to get you engaged, He gives you a responsibility.
Everyone should attend the prayer and Planning Meeting. it should have
the same attendance as the outreach meeting.
Give them opportunity to fast. Write out the agenda for the meeting and
then appoint people. Have a first timers target. Pray for their prayer
points. Online or onsite. use 5 minutes to address it. There is no distance
in the realm of the spirit.

2. Bible Study Meeting:

Informative, educative and enlightening through the study of the word of
if Pastor knows the importance of the Bible study outline, what about
Get your members to ask questions.
Every Bible Study Class Teacher is being trained for leadership.
The more you make people like Jesus Christ, the more you become like
Jesus Christ.
It produces growth and stability. You will hear that your members
language has changed.
The Bible study meeting is meant to strengthen your church.
Grace and Peace is multiplied to you THROUGH KNOWLEDGE.
The way you put your weight behind the cell as the Pastor, will
determine the vibrancy of the cell.
Believe the message that you preach. Once you have doubts, you will
start having excuses.
"This is God's production machine. Once you enter inside, you will
come out as the one that has the message for your generation ".

3. The Outreach Meeting.

You cannot have an outreach meeting without first timers. Ask yourself
how many first timers you want . First do an in-reach. Fast and pray for
the outreach. Lay hands on the cell leaders. Have banners in church.
We must pray and that's the way we can take over our catchments for the
7bn is easy. "Everyone here is a door way to a nation of relationships."
You should grow your church without struggle and stress.
Growth is not a miracle. it is an application of a process of a revealed
principles and means.
Highly Esteemed Pastor Joy Amenkhienan
1 TIM 6:12
How do we fight?
1. Through prayers.
Eph 6:18-19
Many of the things we read in the bible, we find that this is our lifestyle.
Pray always. as a cell leader and. a minister of God. Don't pray just
because you have a challenge or a prayer point. Don't let any day pass
without praying.
Pray because of the fellowship
Because of the thoughts that come to us from the communion.

2. Pray in tongues more. The war is still on.

The Kings of the Bible had to fight several battles. With prayers, you
dismantle a lot.

Acts 1:8 AMPC, JUDE 1:20 AMPC

Every time you speak in tongues you increase in efficiency and might.
God will open your eyes to see things other cannot see.
3. Affirmations:
1 Sam 17:22-32- 46
the 17 year old told the King not to be afraid.
David had to share his testimonies. David was describing himself before
the King.
Don't be afraid of a fight. tear the enemies to pieces.
When you enter a city, share your testimony of what you have done in
other cities. They will fear you .
When David spoke words to Goliath, Goliath charged towards him
When you wake up, what are you saying? open your mouth and talk.
We have dominance through our words.
There may be new policies, but don't bother.
Hebrews 11:3
What do you want to shape in your city?
it's time to talk.

2 Tim 4:7
Courage means starting a fight and finishing it. Don't back out. Don't
stop till you finish it.
Hebrews 11:32
Read the word of God to yourself.
"I am set on the course that I must follow".
Create your own aion through your words.
David instigated a fight. Be tough enough to start a fight.

Highly Esteemed Pastor Biodun Lawal

Number 13:23-33

This is the story of 2 categories of cell leaders.

Cell meetings are not the only purpose of the cell ministry. The purpose
of a cell in an area is to capture the whole area for Jesus Christ.
Don’t just have meetings without influencing your environment.

1. Understand the vision of the cell ministry and understand your

catchment area.
Be militant in your thinking, Prayer and Planning. Look at the
street)city/environment and say 'we are taking over this environment '.
Use Healing streams
-We must understand our common vision as a ministry
-You must understand that the vision requires urgency
-You must understand your part in the vision.
-Value your part in the vision.(the people in your catchment are part of
the 7billion
- You must appreciate the role of all your members in the vision.

2. Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit will never step out of his way to help. Be filled with the
spirit of God.
Acts 8:7-22
The ministry of the Holy Spirit In our lives is the secret to capturing an
area. .
Ezekiel 11:17-19 (AMPC)
Once you are born again you become sensitive to the spirit. If you want
to do your own thing, He will withdraw and allow you to do what you
1. The holy spirit is a comforter
2. He is a teacher. Allow him teach through you.
3. He is the counselor. Don't counsel without being filled with the spirit
or he will withdraw.
(Samson kept to the instructions of the spirit from when he was young.
His problem wasn't Delilah. his problem was Sleep. Judges 16;19)
Sleep is one of the causes of leadership failure.
He intercedes, He advocates, he is a standby.
Joshua, when he wanted to capture Jericho, had to wait for the leading
and instruction of the spirit, Not his experience.

3. The Renewal of your mind:

You cannot capture or transform a locality if you are conformed to them.
Romans 12:2. You can't think like them and expect to win them
Penetration is only possible when you think differently from your
God has given us a new way of thinking.
2 Tim 2:4.
You are a child of God, carry that mindset with you.

4. Building Capacity:
Luke 14:31-32
Jesus is not talking about numbers here. What he is focusing on is
You can have 3 members that are able to Capture the city.
Gideon brought people, but God said they were too many. If you have
One Adino in your group, He can take up 800.
Develop your brethren to be able to handle a City.
Jesus won the whole world with 12 men.
1 Sam 14:6
Put a winning mindset in your members. Build them up with strength
-Eliminate Sleepers in your group (Luke 9:2 MSG). Sleepers are
members who have been inactive for a long period of time.
activate the sleepers.
1Kings 19:18- They were the silent majority but they were sleeping ...

5. Understand 4 elements of consideration.

Using the story of the 12 spies.
- Grapes of Eschol. (amazing results that will come out by winning that
catchment )
-Giants (The problems. Giants of discouragement, Delay, Doubt.
Dismay. Difficult
Train them: No delay. no doubting. no discouragement. No dismay. No
Difficulty). Eliminate these Giants from your heart
- Grass hopers (The way you see your self
-God (Your consideration should be God)

6. Dominate your environment!

Isaiah 54:2-3
The important things about the tent is not the Curtains, but the cord and
the stake holding the cord.
The stakes of your structure and cell meetings.
Don't just expand your tent. Lengthen the Cord and strengthen the stakes.

Highly Esteemed Reverend Ray Okocha

I walked into a spirit of prayer when I joined this ministry, which has
only increased in intensity.
Prayer is a spiritual culture and we must cultivate it in our assemblies
(cells, fellowships etc).
in those days, any spare time we had, we were praying.
That's the way we were raised. We yielded ourselves to prayer. No big
wonder God is doing what he is doing with us today.
Prayer was a usual, a very common thing to see and behold in those days.
We would be praying and someone would take off running while
speaking in tongues.
Pastor had to show us from scripture how that Jesus was driven by the
Spirit into the wilderness.
It was regular to see the gift of the Spirit in manifestation.
So many supernatural experiences.

Culture: behavior, belief, ideas, values, code of conduct, language, of a

people... (check dictionary)
Any culture that celebrates prayer will inspire the people to be prayerful.
This is what we want to see especially in these last days.
Culture is something you pass on to the next generation. This is how it is
with us.
We are a praying people. .
When you pray to God, it shows that you are completely dependent on
him to effect any change that you desire. .
Ephesians 6:18
This should be our culture always
Luke 18:1-
Don't Quit, even when you don't see the answer after one year. It took
Abraham 25 years to have his son. It took Joseph 13 years of being in
prison even after his dreams of Greatness. Don't give up!

When the son of man comes, will he still find Faith on the earth?
Prayer is a culture we must teach and pass on to every one member.
Prayer becomes interesting when we see results from our prayer.
We will use everything that we know God has taught us to make the
changes we desire.

Luke 2:36-37: What a culture she imbibed!. She was a woman of prayer.
God put this there for a reason.

Look at the Lord Jesus. You see the life of a prayerful man.
This was God in a human body. He functioned as man. The way he
approached things is the way we should approach things
Hebrews 5:7-8 Jesus offered up prayers and supplications with strong
Jesus was always a target and He knew it.
There was a time he was about to be assassinated (they planned to throw
him headlong from a hill). If not for prayer, He may not have been saved
from that death. It wouldn't have been a sacrifice.

Luke 3:21
How many people have you seen praying when being dipped during

Mark 1:35
This is how his typical day would begin.
The Lord had a house, but he would get out of the bed, go to a solitary
place outside of the House.
That's Discipline.
There is the discipline of prayer before the delight of prayer.

Matthew 14:22-23
Why would God be praying? Because he functioned as a man on earth
with a culture and discipline to pray

Luke 9:28-29
It was while praying that He got transfigured. He didn't go there to get
This is what happens to us spiritually when we pray something is
happening to our spirit.

John 17: SEE Jesus' prayer to the Father. See how he gave account for
everybody the Lord Entrusted him with.

Matthew 26
His final prayers at Gethsemane was under such intense pressure. There
was a temptation not to do what God wanted him to do. (He cried "Abba
Father, there is nothing Impossible for you to do) But Prayer aligns us to
the will and purposes of God for our lives.
The Jewish people already had a culture of prayer because that had to
have access to God's presence. They had specific hours where they
prayed and they would drop everything they needed to do just to pray.
This is a spiritual culture that we must not only teach but practice
We've got to pray.
we must adhere to our times of prayer.

In the early church, they prayed without ceasing.

When you look at Paul, you see a man of Prayer.

2 Tim 1:3-4
That's consistency. This was just one of his disciples he prayed for
Gal 4v19. Colossians 4:12,
Our Prayer meetings must be hot. Given solely to prayers.
We must insist on teaching our brethren and continue in Prayer.

The Cell Leaders conference is not for those who will not take seriously,
meetings that were organized. You are not to send the links to offices or
different places where cell leaders are doing other things.

There are different kinds of meetings.

This one is in-house... And it's in-house for those who have gathered for
it in their designated places.

We are in a period in the church age that is very significant. And it is

also a part of the fiercest battle of war.
That is one of the reasons that the spirit of God is giving us required
information for this time.
Information that we need to use. Practical information.
There are different times and seasons in the world and God wants us to
know what time we are living in.
The scriptures that He gave us, provide adequate information.

When you study the bible you find the apostles right from the Early
church stating 'the last days'.
Some think, they've been talking about the last days for so long so
maybe there will be no end to such a discussion.

The apostles talked about different things about the last days and to
know what they were dealing with would be to know what they were
addressing. Then, you would know what they meant.

(E. G. Sometimes it was dealing with the last days of Israel, not the

They were in such last days and did not know how close they were.

First, the end of their calendar had come very close.

Daniel's prophetic writing stated that there were 70 weeks of years
determined for Israel leading up to the establishment of the millennial
reign of the messiah. And he let them know that all the way up to the
68yh week, God was running a calendar that had to do with them, Till
the messiah was cut off in the 69th week.
And He was!

Then between the 69th and 70th week, you have the church age. If you
believe in Jesus Christ you would have to believe his words/message.
You have to believe that He is God in Human flesh and that whatever
the said was truth.
This Jesus stated that the prophecy of Daniel was true. He confirmed the
prophecy of Daniel and stated that the 70th week that Daniel refered to,
would come.
He himself was crucified in the 69th week according to the prophecies
of Daniel.

Then you go into the same scriptures of the prophets to find out when
the 70th week will Begin.
You come to find out in the scriptures that they clearly tell us that the
time between the 69th and 70th week is 2000 years.
To assume that that is a speculation is to ruin ones faith and ones life.
Because then you have no clue or no information aside what the bible
You would be speculating that there is no information or definiteness of
The bible shows you THERE IS.

And the details in which I've laid out what the scriptures tell us about
this difference....

The Lord is leading us. Showing us things that have been in the word
that we may have ignored or probably been fully ignorant about. But
getting to know them will help immensely in taking actions..
1 Tim 2:1-2
In most churches around the world, they didn't prioritize this, yet it was
right there: Praying for all nations of men, their Mayors, the people in
their community etc. If we were doing that, these things that happened
would not be happening. Rather churches became centers for
demonstrating worldly and carnal behaviors.
Most were carried away by the message of Faith to get what they wanted.
Go back to before Covid and listen to the testimonies people gave.
Selfish and so much greed entered the church.
The measurement of success was so carnal and worldly.
This was one reason God didn't need to fight for the churches when they
shut down. They were not gathering places for Christ but for their
worldly leisures. .that's why it was many easy for many ministers to
believe the lies and deception.
In the last days, there will be a great falling away. That's one of the signs.
you need to use the word of God to warn yourself and prepare yourself
for the coming of the Lord.

This morning I will be sharing a few things on Prayer.

Our world was going in the way that Satan wanted it to go; to take away
God's people's interest from the things of God to the things of the world
AND eventually to the worship of Satan.
Even Jesus was tempted by Satan and was told to worship him. Satan
had the audacity to offer Jesus authority over the kingdoms of the world
if Jesus worshiped him. But Jesus was Clear: Thou shall worship the
Lord thy God...

You look at History, you find that human life has always been focused
on deity. The central point if human life is the worship of deity, because
Man in his spirit, recognized a divine connection without which his life
has no meaning. His life is without a compass and meaningless.
.The rich and the poor die the same way. They may be remembered for a
while but..

In 2020, they were destroying the statues of several historical figures.

Men who were revered for so long. Monuments raised to their memory
were brought down most violently.
So much for eternal glory in the earth.
That would tell you something.
A generation came up that had no regard for what they did and provided
some other interpretation for their actions.

It's not new.

Joseph did marvelous things in Egypt. He became a great name in Egypt

through the wisdom God gave him. He served as prime minister.
Generations later, there came to the throne, a Pharaoh that did not
recognize Joseph.
It didn't mean he didn't know ABOUT Joseph but he provided a new
interpretation and failed to recognize the truth about him. He placed
Joseph's people in slavery. Until they cried out to God from bitter and
hard bondage. They were treated less than humans.

There is emptiness in this world.

So why do you live? What's the meaning of life?

It's got no meaning without God.
Back in history, they always sought to connect to the divine

They built Dagon, God of the philistines. He was the male version of a

When you understand the operations of demons and wicked spirits you
will know how such things came about.
Dagon was actually the imagery provided them of a demon. So they
created the idol to fit the imagery of the Dagon demon.

The most senior of their gods which till this day, you see the symbols...
Leviticus 17:7, Deut 32:17
1 Cor 10:20

When things are sacrificed to Idols, there are demons behind the idol.

What is translated as devils in Leviticus is GOATS.

I talked to you about certain cults from where several of those involved
in world politics today, and the symbols of that cult that they worship is
the head of a Goat.
Those are Demons.

All through human history you would see this desire for connection to

Remember when the ark was captured and brought into Dagons temple,
the philistines were happy. Same ark that if an Israelite touched, he
would die. Yet it was captured and taken. It became as nothing. (Just
like God allowed the churches to be locked up during Covid)
But in the morning, Dagon was bowed. They set him up again, and the
next time, not only was he fallen, but his hands and limbs were broken
like Humpty Dumpty.
So they sent away the ark of God.
Think how much they put into building their gods.

Nebuchadnezzar was the king of Babylon/the world at a time, and He

built and idol of Gold; Complete Gold!!!!
This idol was 90 feet tall!! 9 feet wide (approximately 30m High and 3
meters wide). That's a lot for Gold!
And he said everyone in the land should worship the idol. He decided
the life of every Babylonian should be centred around that Gold.
Shedrach Me Meshach and Abednego decided to take a stand at the time

Prayer isn't something new. Man has been acquainted with it from the
very beginning.
Since you've been born again you have known about prayer. Some of
you were even praying before you were born again, like Cornelius.

As you study in the scriptures, Prayer starts having a different level of

importance to you.
It's more than just talking to God.
Jesus said Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.
It is something that God built within tht human system. Not only should
you desire to pray, you should pray.
Prayer is not the response of a weakling. Or for one who has no solution.
Prayer is a solution. Prayer is doing something!

1. Through/In prayer, we implore/invoke the mercy of God.

If we deserved some form of repercussions or judgement for our actions,
we can have the mercy of God in prayer.
We can prayer for others and the mercy of God can be extended to them.

2. Our minds focus in prayer, on the spiritual. We realize we are talking

to a spirit being and not another man. We cease to rely on our senses to
make that communication. Suddenly we go from our inside, beginning
from the focusing of our minds on the spiritual.
Man is primarily a spirit and the more you give attention to your original
nature, the better. If you can focus your mind on the spiritual, it means
you are ready to function and participate in the realm of the spiritual.

3. Our spirits are stirred to contact the spirit of God.

Your spirit is activated especially when you pray in tongues.

2 Peter 1:3-4
'Koinonos': associates, comrades, participators of the 'divine nature';
You've been brought into the membership of a Heavenly Pantheon.
(It is because you are an associate of the God-kind that you are a
partaker of the divine nature)
In prayer, you enter the divine realm and can act like a God not a victim
regarding the situation you are praying about.

I was of the mankind, but when I was born again, I became of the God-

We've got to play in the heavenly realms. They are trying to class you
with all humans. Remember Pilate and Jesus. Jesus wasn't speaking until
Pilate started threatening to take his life based on his pedigree. Jesus
raised his head and told him "You don't have any power over me...." He
practically forgave him John 19:11
There is a time to reply!

4. In prayer, we bless.
To bless is to offer thanks. You bless God by thanking him
When you bless in prayer, you are doing something.
A blessing to God offers thanks. Whereas when you bless men, you are
conferring on them the benefits of the God to whom you give thanks.
Giving thanks is praising God.
Don't just sing "I will bless thee oh God". I will, I will, I will...
There is a difference between. "THANK YOU" and "I will thank you" .

5. In prayer, we prophesy.
Prophecy is 2 fold: To speak forth.. and to fore tell.

Don't let your prayer be limited.

Until you are doing this, you have not utilized the power and benefits of

"In the last days, I will pour out my spirit on all flesh and your son's and
daughter shall prophesy "
The first response of the spirit being poured out is Prophecy.
So why would you not prophesy.
In your prayer, become inspired. That's why you focus your mind on the
Carnal people don't have vocabulary to talk to God. They are carnally
In prayer you become inspired.
Be filled with the spirit. Always!
If you are that way, your prayer life will be enriched with prophesy. You
will speak forth God's word and foretell the Future.

You'd better do it, because if you don't do it, some other person will
prophecy their future for you.

As a church, we have a responsibility to determine what happens in our

When we come together for prayers, know that we are coming together
to prophesy the future of our cities and our world.

Hebrews 11:1
Faith is calling real that which you have hoped for.
Faith is the title deed, the evidence of unseen realities.
Faith is taking a hold of it with your spirit.

Imagine someone giving you a cheque and tells you to fill in anything
you want.
God has giving you a blank cheque to write your title deed. He already
signed the document when the Holy Spirit came into your heart to live
there. That's the seal.
So how do you fill it, your tongue is the pen of a ready writer.
As you speak, you are writing and composing it.

If you have not been doing that, you would understand why things have
been difficult.

The Holy ghost is the Ernest payment. The down payment. The
transaction has been done by putting the seal.
That's prophecy.

Hebrews 11:2
I want to Obtain a good report.
V3: The aeons, the eras, the days, course of life, were framed

What's your story going to be?

The apostles read of the elders like David, Jephthah, Moses, Elijah but if
that's where it stopped, it wouldn't have been helpful to us. Then we saw
Peter, Paul..

These children that are growing up, are they supposed to look at us like
wimps? Should they be asking "where is the God of Elijah or the God of
Paul?". That's not going to be Okay. Jesus Christ, the same yesterday,
today and forever!
Oh God!!! That I might show your glory to this generation!!!!!!

I was very young when I decided to follow Jesus Christ, but i made up
my mind that it had to be true, prove able and had to work. The question
was "was it true? Dependable?" In my spirit, I just knew it was true.
I was young but I listen to preaching of the bible in my home, my
grandfather talked to me and I asked questions. I decided "this must true.
And if I believe it, I must follow it whole heartedly. No half measures".
But if I was committed to God, would he also be that committed to me?
I wasn't sure of that
But the day came - I will never forget-when he said "I am with you. I
will not fail you or forsake you". God was there. He heard me.
When I got up from that chair, I was different forever. I was set. I knew
one thing. He was dependable.
I was glad about the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob, and the prophets
and the apostles, of our Lord Jesus Christ... But now, He had become my
God and that meant bringing him from History to NOW!
The titles that I give are not Empty.
We had a camp meeting in '89/90 and the theme was " Beyond the
written pages".
Christ alive in me 24 hours a day!
If it has worked for 32 years, it will always work.
I figured we had to take him from the book to the everyday of our lives.
6. In prayer, we speak mysteries.

I wish you would understand the glory of this.

Did you ever read in your bible what he says about Solomon. He was so
graced by God with wisdom. God made Solomon wise.

1 Kings 4:29-31
'Wisdom': Phronesis
Solomon was wiser than all men. God knew everybody and all scripture
is given by inspiration of God. And He tells us what some people didn't
know; That Solomon was wiser than ALL MEN. it didn't matter what
they thought or if they challenged what Solomon said.

The divine wisdom that we have is far more excellent than that of
Solomon. Your wisdom is God's wisdom.
We are talking about higher things than what Solomon knew.
Those were the things Solomon talked about

But what do you talk about? You speak mysteries. Mysteries that baffle
One of my very first experiences of the manifestation of the gift of
Knowledge, was, by that inspiration talking about a fruit that I had never
seen and explaining the inside arrangement of the fruit;
And the one I was talking to opened a biology textbook and found
everything I had described.

That's how come I know many things. Most of the things I know, I know
by the spirit. The gift of Knowledge.
You would supernaturally know things of this life and the spiritual.

These are higher things that God has graced us with that the natural man
can never attain to.

1 Cor 14:1-2, 24-25

Prophecy is the gift that reveals secrets, not the word of Knowledge.
Revelations of secrets that have to do with men.

But the Secrets of God are revealed though the gift of wisdom and

1 Cor 14:2- The one who speaks in an unknown tongue speaks mysteries.

1 Cor 2:6-7- We speak Hidden wisdom

We speak mysteries that we might be blessed. These mysteries are the
wisdom of God revealed.
When you are praying in tongues, be alert in your spirit, wisdom is being
spoken, and if you continue, the interpretation will come to you...
Sometimes this can happen once in your lifetime. Be careful. Have
writing materials. Show yourself worthy of the revelation. Sometimes
they don't come in a complete state, or in part. (It also happened to the
Indisciplined people are too quick to say "the Lord told me" when he
hasn't even finished speaking.
A talebearer reveals secrets.
Can God trust you with secrets of the kingdom?

1 Cor 14:13
That's how we know how to deal with what to deal with. Mysteries are
revealed to us.
Eph 6:18
Praying in the spirit becomes the accompaniment for all other kinds of

1. Cor 14:14-15
The spirit is priority. With the spirit you will know what words to use.
Your tongue will be arranged by God. You will say things you didn't
intend to say.
1 Cor 14:21-22
A sign was awaiting Israel even though they wouldn't believe.
V21: the words 'Men of' don't exist in the original. Those words were
put by translators for a reason, but while thinking of making it clearer,
they confused an already confusing expression..

Isa 28:11- 12 KJV, ESV stammering lips and another tongue.

Acts 3,:19-20 CJB

1. Times of refreshing will come from God's presence (referring to our
times in the spirit)
2. Messiah will come back to you.

1 Cor 14:21
God wasn't saying he would send men of Babylon/foreigners to talk to

V16-18. Paul spoke so much in tongues.. that was the secret of his

Speak more in other tongues. We are facing a more vicious world today,
so we've got to.
Paul was quoting scripture to corroborate his explanation about speaking
in other tongues.

What did Paul know that made him speak in tongues more than
everybody else.?

Isaiah 28:12,
Acts 2:1-6
The disciples didn't speak in everyman's language. The travelers
HEARD THEM SPEAK in their language.
It was a sign.
V8- How hear we,...(not how speak they)?

When Jesus spoke to Paul, Paul heard him in the Hebrew tongue. The
other guys heard the sound but didn't know the meaning of the words...
While Paul heard it in Hebrew.


The hearing of it is one thing, the speaking of it is another.

2V13- Even in the midst of the sign, some mocked.

V14-16; why? Because they were talking and behaving like buffoons.
Stammering lips!!!

Stammering lips: involuntary repetition of certain sounds.

They are not planned.

And when you are in the spirit, some things just start happening.

When it's not involuntary, they don't classify as 'stammering' but as


Incantations: a ritual recitation of words of sounds believed to have a

magical effect.

Isaiah heard in the spirit that it sounded like Stammering lips. Utterance
is given by the spirit.
Physically they are stammering. The head has no clue.
Spiritually they are voluntary incantations of the spirit.

They are Coded words! If you don't use them, there are things that will
not happen..
Incantation is Conjuration
You call things into being from the spiritual into the natural.

Are you ready for Conjuration?

Not by might, not by power but by my spirit says the Lord.

So when you pray, now you understand.

You don't know the details of the code.

The code may require 25 of those sounds before they connect to another
number. It's all about numbers and data, so don't just stop, continue until
the spirit stops you


Allow the code to be complete. That's how codes work.

Your spirit is making a request, the Father knows what you are asking
for and He releases the Code.
You know the note of victory when start laughing or singing.
Now, you release those incantations like casting spells. Use the right
code. As you pray in tongues, the holy ghost gets the right code to your
lips. You will find everything falling apart. Nothing can stand against us
successfully. You can't be defeated in this life. It's Impossible.
Why do you think witch doctors and spiritualists fear us?
Ritualists send messages to their people to avoid those that speak in
Our coded tongues spoil things for them.

Pray in the Holy Ghost and Use those Codes!!!

Sometimes when you're praying, your spirit starts controlling your body.
Sometimes the Code requires some action.

Have you ever experienced when you were sleeping and you found it
difficult to get up. Or to call the name of Jesus.

Your spirit was trying to say something but your body was asleep.
And when your body complied because the spirit gained control, you
woke up.

Your spirit needs your body to get certain things done in the world.

Sometimes those codes requires some signs

E. G. Moses standing at the red sea. God said "stretch your hand over
the sea". Why? He had to direct the power over the sea.

Sometimes you are praying and you find your hands moving in a certain
way. Making signs.. don't discourage them. Continue, because the signs
are necessary.

Go ahead and pray

When it comes to prayer, you can't be too gentle..

There is a time for everything!
The hour comes where whatever you are wearing at that time is not okay.
Take your Jacket, your shoe and say "I've got something to deal with".
At that time it's like you are wild. You'd better shut your door. Because
you don't know what next you are going to do.
You have to be ready for it.
Don't wait for it. Or wait for the holy ghost to push you
If you want something, YOU'D BETTER MAKE IT HAPPEN!

You have to know that it has happened.

You have to have the title deed. You have to know it INSIDE!!!
The knowledge is within.
The sign is inside.


(video playout)

Since our Man of God gave that admonition (about the importance of
foundation school), it's been an upward forward movement.
1. It is evidence of Soulwinning
2. It is evidence of souls retained.
3. We are seeing a new batch of soldiers to the workforce.

The secret of Understanding the Foundation school is in the manual.

Once you understand the aims and objectives of foundation school, you
will do more.
1. Read the manual
2. Become a teacher in the foundation school
3. Every cell must present a graduate each quarter.
Our foundation school must continue to expand, and not be a bottleneck.
-The cells are suppliers of live testifiers during the classes
- Help your members to turn your foundation school into an outreach.
-Help the students to participate in ministry activities. teach them how to
adopt streets for Reach out world.
- The graduation should make them a part of the workforce with the 3
month post graduation assessment. Help them to do BIG things
- Every member of your church can win at least 1 soul every quarter and
enroll them in Foundation school.

God will not expect another person to play your part. you will do it and
do it well.
Highly Esteemed Pastor Kayode Adeshina
Loveworld is the name of our Ministry.

Recap from Last year

- The vision of the ministry
Patriotism means the quality of being patriotic. Vigorous dedication and
love for ones country, commited to the ideals of his nation.

If you are a citizen of this nation, you are expected to be a patriotic one.
We are talking about a nation that is greater than the nations of this
A citizen of a nation is a legally recognized subject. Either native or
We have a structure in a nation:
President, His cabinet, etc
All truth is parallel.
Central Executive Members,
Secretary General
Ministry directors
Zonal Directors
Zonal Pastors

Every official is a representative of our Pastor.

We don't have ordinary officials.

Group Pastors
Church pastors
Church coordinator
PCF leaders
Cell leaders
Cell members.

A cell member is important. He can become a region.

There was a time the vision was only in Pastor, but now He has given
birth to all of us.
Same way, that your cell member can rise up to become a regional
pastor if Jesus tarries.
Our President is the custodian and embodiment of the nations vision.
God called him and we are first partakers of his grace.
But it will only work for you if you recognize it.
The grace on Pastor ALWAYS WORKS

Psalm 89:20-21

We have a way we talk

We have affirmations
We live in agelessness Fearlessness wantlessness and Deathlessness.

In our lineage, we don't die suddenly.

Genesis 49

We have our statements of faith

We have our products. We have our Banks (Parallex, Refuge, Spectrum )
We have our Base. (Asese Base)
This is the best place in the world. Just be patient and watch out.
We have our Anthem.
(Each sentence in the anthem isn't ordinary. It's loaded)
If we are one big family, you should never put your sister/brother to
disadvantage. Help each other. Lets do far more than worldly people.

We demonstrate the character of the spirit. Love is a character of the


1. Our love for the master propels us

2. Our love for our Man of God
(We truly love him because he has sacrificed so much for us)
3. Our love for One another.
Rev. Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD

In a few hours from now, we will be recognizing several cell leaders for
their enormous work in soul winning.

I want to begin reading to you from Genesis chapter 1, from verse 28.
You are very familiar with the verses leading up to that.

Gen 1:26-
Every creeping thing.... Remember that part.
To Bless primarily is to praise or give thanks.
But when you bless another or God blesses you, it means to confer some
benefit or to empower.

God blessed them... And God said...

You look at God's plan in that place and it's very clear. He said "Be
fruitful. Be productive.. and multiply...and refill the earth".
Remember in the earlier verses, the earth had been made empty.
John.15.16 - Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and
ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit
should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he
may give it you.

Reading the KJV. "He may give it you... "

It's not speculating. It's affirmative.
Look at the context and the strength of that word in that particular use. It
is firmly affirmative.

This was prior to Jesus crucifixion.

So in order to make this happen, He did something else.

Luke.24.45 - Then opened he their understanding, that they might

understand the scriptures,

This was after his resurrection. He appeared unto his disciples and
instructed them...

John tells us how Jesus opened their understanding. He breathed on

them saying "receive the Holy Ghost"
But we know as at them, the Holy Ghost had not been given yet because
Jesus had to ascend to the Father..

So when Jesus breathed on them what exactly was he doing.

Job let's us know

"There is a spirit in man, and the breath of the almighty giveth them

That's what happened here.

Luke 24:46-49
That's wonderful.

V50- He lifted up his hands and Blessed them.

That's wonderful.

"And God blessed them. And God said unto them.."

Children were brought to Jesus and the disciples tried to stop them but
he let them come and He blessed them. How? He put his hands on them.
This time, He didn't put his hands on the disciples. He raised his hands
and Blessed them.

V51-53. Amen! That's great.

Acts 19:1-5
V5: They were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
(Isn't it evident that the name of the Father, the son of the Holy Ghost is
the name of Jesus?)

V3- Unto what?

When you are baptized, you baptized Unto/Into something.
It's not about the water.

The connotation of verse 5 isn't that obvious yet. They were actually
baptized INTO the name of the Lord Jesus.
When you are baptized in water, you are baptized into that name. That's
the more significant part of it.
V6-7. Paul laid his hands on them and the holy ghost came on them.
They were just 12 people.
That's one Cell.

V1: Apollos had been there before Paul came. But he found only 12

Imagine being invited as a minister to a certain program and you

traveled all the way. You arrive and some 12 men come to receive you
and you say "wonderful. I'm glad I've heard what is happening here. And
you say " can we go to the meeting? " And they say " we are all here".

Only 12 people in Ephesus?

Paul immediately knew what the problem was. So he asked "Have you
received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"

V8-: Paul decided to do a sewing machine Job.

For 3 months, step by step, one step at a time.

Look at This man. Understand what he does.

He lays hands on them
Then he leads them in an evangelical operation.
He stays for 3 months then he goes to the synagogue where the Jews
often gather .. arguing and persuading.
V9: Prior to this time, the right place to go was the facilities designated
for religious purposes. But now because they made a lot of trouble, He
separated the disciples to a new facility which was a School building.

V10- He stays for another 2 years. He pays for 2 year rent and has the
school building.
What was the result?
All those in Asia Minor heard the word.
He started with 12 men.

The first thing I see there is CAPACITY.

He wasn't the first one to come and preach to them, but they were still 12.
Paul shows up, and all of Asia minor hears the gospel.
He had it inside of Him.

What can you do with 12 people????

Do You Have Capacity????
When I was coming to Lagos, I said "if I have 10 people, I have it made.

Jesus needed 12 men to change the whole world and all generations.
I said if I have 10 men, the world will hear it.
I had 10. The world heard it.

What we are doing right now is very significant. Each one is so

important in God's scheme of things.

This second half of 2022 means a lot for all of us.

By December, you should have a very significant report. Are you
hearing me?
In the next 6 months!
You are going to go WILD FOR GOD!

Last night when we were here praying, I was seeing visions. I was
seeing the practical experience of Us into every man's world.
And I thought about it, I called it Code- RABAH!

So we are launching CODE RABAH today.

Rabah is the word Multiply in Hebrew: To multiply, to enlarge and to
Gen 1:28

Multiply means you are going to multiply the cells.

Every 2 or 3 begins a new cell.
When the cells get into a new place, they enlarge
And when they enlarge with the word of God, they will excel in every
field and every thing.

Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst

of them.

Cells Wake up!

Every 2 or 3.
Don't wait to become senior cell leader.
We are moving with speed.

Acts 8:14
They heard that Samaria had received the word of God....they sent Peter
and John
Like when Paul arrived Ephesus. He knew what to do.
When Peter and John arrived what did they do? They ministered to them
to receive the Holy Ghost.
We have to have the mentality and thinking of these apostles.
As far as they were concerned, Samaria had heard the word.
The seed had been sown.
As far as they were concerned they had conquered Samaria.

Jesus said....
The kingdom of Heaven is as a Mustard seed that grows and becomes
bugger than all others.

The Apostles knew what to do with the word.

In many places, we have been too slow.

We need to sieze cities and communities with the gospel.
Think like the apostles.
Paul knew that he was not just conquering Ephesus but all of Asia.

Same with you.

Arrive like Paul. Arrive like Peter and John.
When you leave this conference, arrive with the mentality of a
conqueror; a winner.
We are moving alacrituously .

Acts 19:11-12
There were special miracles.
The people took handkerchiefs and aprons in those days. Now we have
materials, ROR, Healing to the nations.
Those materials will always direct one to the scriptures. .
We have seen even more special miracles than the ones recorded here all
around the world!
Even the dead have been raised multiple times in several different
countries. How can it be so consistent? Because it's from God.

A lady told her sister "I heard that when people use Rhapsody they raise
the dead. Please come with the ROR and put it on my dead husband in
the hospital". And she did and the husband came to life. Glory to God.
She Heard!!!!!
And the Lord didn't disappoint!

I like the other story in NYC where the guy died in the vehicle, and the
police had come and the other officials. Then he remembered he had a
copy of Healing to the nations magazine in his car. He got it and slapped
it on the man, and the man came back to life. Glory!!!
Multiply the cells.
Think "where am I planting the next cell?".
2 or 3! Multiply them everywhere.
Wherever they are, Increase! Enlarge!
2 to 6 to 10 to 50.

Jesus said something about the Leaven that baffles bible expositor's.
The Kingdom of Heaven operates like leaven. It spreads and expands.

There is no slowing you down. There is no stopping you

Multiply! Enlarge! Excel!!!

So, right away, Code Rabah begins!

The whole world!!!

We are creeping into every man's world.
We are going through their husbands, wives, daughters, nurses ...
If we can't reach the master of the house, we go through his Drivers,
security officers.
Everybody is connected to somebody.
Speak in other tongues!!!
Acts 19V18-20.
This is about to happen in your city and in your country
Can you see it happening?
My brothers and sisters, this is not a topic.
It is not a topic on "prevailing word".
This is a historical report.
So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed.
That word is in your mouth. And it will prevail!

The word is in your mouth and it will prevail.

Are you ready??

Open your mouth and speak. Release words!
Pray right now!.
For that nation, for that city, for all men, all nations.
When you get back, things will never be the same.
The word of God will prevail in your community, in your city. The word
of the Lord will prevail.

Prayer Session.
Of our own selves we can do nothing.
If by our own selves we could, we would have done whatever we
Of My Own Self I Can Do Nothing
I Already Know, So I Am Not Looking At Myself.
I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me

I love the prayer of Asa in the Bible.

He heard the Ethiopians and Libyans were coming out against Judah.

He said "Oh God we have no might against this multitude...But our eyes
are upon you and in thy name we go out against this multitude".

And they CHARGED against them. And the Ethiopians and Libyans
were completely discomfited before Judah!

In thy name, we go out against this multitude.

Speak in tongues again.

Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD

You know that Praise is the highest form of prayer.

There are different kinds of prayer but the highest of them all, is the
prayer of Praise.

Praise is worship.
Many times people like to distinguish between praise and worship but
the truth of the matter is Praise is Worship.
Praise is one the things that you do when you worship God.
And praise is the highest part of worship.
That's how important it is.
The simple difference between praise and worship is that worship
Includes other things, like service; your service to God is an act of

Praise, once it is clearly understood as the highest part of worship, you

will realize how important it is in your relationship with God.

Many Christians don't know that because they were not taught. So they
do all the other things that are of lesser value to God.
Praise is your highest worship to God.
There are different kinds of sacrifices that we may offer to God: People
give money or other things in kind; even volunteer your time to do
somethings for God through the house of God, or even through
missionary activities.
But the highest sacrifices are the Sacrifices of Praise.

1 Pet 2:5
He calls the church a spiritual house. Living stones. A holy priesthood,
assigned to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 13:15
Let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God CONTINUALLY....
The fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name..

Wherever you are give thanks

Think of something you want to thank you for.
What does he represent to you in your life?

Did you ever read of King David? He was a man after God's heart.
What a description! What could be better than that?
Ps.69.30 - I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify
him with thanksgiving.
Ps.69.31 - This also shall please the LORD better than an ox or bullock
that hath horns and hoofs.
Heb.13.15 - By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God
continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.

The fruit of our lips: that's words.

I will magnify him with Thanksgiving!

And when you do it, something happens.

Look at verse 32 (Psalm 69)
That act of praise to God that you do, is a massive testimony. You are
testifying by praising God. It's huge.

In our various churches, we have to reserve some particular services and

days to just praise God.
Because the time that we allot to it during the major services is not just
enough, so we must make it a major service. That's our way of showing
it is important to us.
And when we have a praise service, everyone should be there. You can
call that the most important service.
So, in this whole week of MBTC/ICLC, we have reserved this afternoon
service for Praise.
Code Râbâh!
See yourself as a soul winner. It's your divine assignment. There is
nothing in this world to live for if you are not living for Christ. And to
live for Christ is to be his witness. When he sent his holy spirit t live in
you, that was something he told you about.

(Acts 1:8)
These were his parting words.
So that was very important. You are to be his witness everywhere you
See why you must preach when you are in the bus with sinners, on an
airplane with sinners, in an office/shop with sinners, you have to preach.
Be His witness.
And you should be prepared because some may not allow you talk or the
circumstances may not allow you to talk, so carry your materials that
will talk for you.
Rhapsody, Healing to the nations, materials for children.
You should be fully kitted.
Consider yourself not fully dressed until you have certain things with
Things have changed. You are a witness for Christ
Without you, this world will not know salvation or Jesus Christ.
And don't think other Christian's are doing it.
No! A portion is assigned to every one of us. Those who you come in
contact with you are your assignment
Once the Holy Spirit is nudging you, just do it because if that person
goes to hell, you will answer for it.
You are His witness.

Before you got the gospel, there were others whose lives were sacrificed
to have the gospel brought to us.
It was on the blood of some ministers and saints of God to make this
possible for us. Today we are testifying; we are talking about 25 years of
ministry on TV.
For that to have happened for me, some others went through a lot. They
fought to get the right to make it happen.

In Nigeria here, Arch Bishop Benson Idahosa was the first to bring in
Christian Television. Not the religious things they were doing. He said
the gospel must be preached on Television. He went to the one in the
state, and the head of the TV station said over her dead body would that
happen. He said to her "you will see it".
The rest is history
It happened.

Somebody fought! They resisted him

You have people like him in other countries. The same story. But there
were ministers of God who fought hard, prayed and fasted because they
saw the opportunity.
When we saw the opportunity we just requested for airtime.
Our resistances were junior resistances.

There was a day that to hold a bible would either put you in prison or
you would be sentenced to death. Those who printed bibles had to be
Now you have many translations on your phone.
Think of the Judgement you are going to have for not reading them.

There were places where the gospel was not known and some fought to
take the gospel there.
And you don't even have the boldness to preach to your own employees,
or you are an Uber driver controlling the vehicle. If they don't want to
hear, you can say Come down. Once they enter, start preaching. If they
are not happy to hear it, say "come down".
Think of what others went through fighting for opportunity.
You have opportunity!
You are the CEO of the company and there are sinners who have not
heard the gospel? You are afraid they might leave? Who gave you the
Insist that they must hear the gospel.
Half hour every day, all the employees assemble for preaching
Preach, Pray, give an altar call.
Things have changed, Time is short and I must preach.
I read a portion of the bible to you yesterday.

Luke 24:45-50
This is Jesus talking.
And they received that supernatural ability with boldness.
A Christian who is timid about preaching the gospel has not taken
seriously, the presence of the holy spirit in his/her life.
Such should be filled with the spirit.
If you have already received the Holy Spirit that's not enough, you must
be filled with this Holy Spirit that you received though prayer. Praying
in the spirit. Pray a lot in tongues. Offer words of praise to God and sing
praises to God so that you will be filled.
Set your spirit to be that way, and you will find that you are continually
filled with the spirit.
Pray a lot in tongues.

Did you ever have a bottle of something; some suspension inside the
bottle. So the whole liquid has a color because of what you put inside.
Have you ever noticed when. It settles to the bottom and the top is clear.
When you shake it or stir it, those particles rise and color the whole
thing again.
When you are not filled/stirred with the spirit, your spirit is like where
the power/influence/ministry of the holy ghost is settled at the bottom.
Everything is clear like normal water.

The bible says to stir up what you have inside. Stir your spirit by
speaking in tongues, praying and praising God. When that happens, the
influence and ministry of the spirit will rise to the surface and if you
continue, it will come through your mouth

In such circumstances, before you realize what's happening the Holy

Ghost will come through your mouth. The more filled you are, the less
hesitation have. You won't even have to think it before it comes out of
your mouth.
Evidence of being filled with the Holy Ghost.

If you try to preach to someone on the plane and he doesn't want to

listen, speak in tongues. There will be turbulence. He will be so scared,
then ask him "are you okay"?
They are so scared of death. They want to live forever, but there is a way
to live forever.
Ask him "do you want to live forever"? And if he asks you "don't you?".
Tell him "I'm already living forever*.
Or just say a relaxed " Hallelujah " during the turbulence.
We are loved by God. We have no fear for anything. So if they are not
listening to the gospel, Create Chaos.
Use everything you have!!!

Romans 1:11
To get you firmly placed.
The spirit of God is doing marvelous things in our lives.

James 4:6
When God gives you an assignment, He gives you grace for that
assignment. When that assignment is to be expanded, what you need is
increased grace. The grave for the previous level not suffice for the new
assignment. It demands more grace. Don't run on the grace you already
You have to understand the general ministry of the grace of God given
to us in Christ Jesus.
Grace for specific assignments.
Grace for specific callings.
Jesus already asked us to go and preach everywhere. Everyone of us. So
why would he call certain people to go preach somewhere?
Didn't he call all of us and send all of us?
But there are specific callings.
It's like having the holy spirit but he manifests certain gifts in us.
Sometimes He will even ask you not to go somewhere to preach, but
does that contradict his general assignment, No.
How many of you Men are wearing a pair of socks on your feet? Why
didn't you wear them over your head?
Because even though it's the whole of you that is going to enjoy the
dressing, it's your feet that needs the socks.

The point is, the Holy Spirit speaks to the whole body, and yet there are
specific instructions to certain individuals.

Acts 16:6-
V6, God doesn't allow him go to Asia, but later God sends him there and
in 2 years and 3 months, all of Asia Minor Heard the word.
Today we can do it in 2 hours.

They listened to the Lord because God has strategies.

V7: specific calling. Specific strategy.

He called Peter to preach to the Jews and Paul to the Gentiles.

When Paul tried to preach to the Jews, he got into trouble, and he was
sent back to the Gentiles. (Infact they almost killed him). The Gentiles
was where his calling was.

He gives more Grace!

Are you ready for more grace?
Rev Chris Oyakhilome Dsc DD

During the second coming of Jesus Christ, it will be night in Jerusalem,

but it will be night everywhere else.
Why? The bible says 'That night, the sun will not shine. The moon will
not give it's light, Only the son of man.
Throughout the world there will be darkness, It will be a notable day .
The moon will turn red like blood.
That's what the bible says.

For the rapture of the church, they will not see Jesus. He will not appear
to be seen. He will wait in the air.
The trumpet will sound. The dead will be raised incorruptible. That
means, they will rise and come out of decomposition; and we that are
alive and remain will be caught up together with them to meet the Lord
in the air.

All this will happen in the twinkle of an eye.

We will be caught up out of here.
The world will be in chaos.
But some will remember what we said.
This population reduction they are looking for, they should wait.
We will leave everything behind until we come back with Jesus Christ.

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