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<title>CS 3rd year</title>



<!--These are Headings-->

<h1>Heading 1</h1>

<h2>Heading 2</h2>

<h3>Heading 3</h3>

<h4>Heading 4</h4>

<h5>Heading 5</h5>

<h6>Heading 6</h6>

<!--This is the first paragraph-->

<p>Hello student, I am <br/>

from wolaita sodo university</p>

<!--This is preformatted text-->


On the Insert tab, the galleries include items that are designed to coordinate with the overall
look of your document. You can use these galleries to insert tables, headers, footers, lists, cover pages,
and other document building blocks. When you create pictures, charts, or diagrams, they also
coordinate with your current document look.


You can easily change the formatting of selected text in the document text by choosing a look for the
selected text from the Quick Styles gallery on the Home tab. You can also format text directly by using
the other controls on the Home tab. Most controls offer a choice of using the look from the current
theme or using a format that you specify directly.



To change the overall look of your document, choose new Theme elements on the Page Layout tab. To
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Both the Themes gallery and the Quick Styles gallery provide reset commands so that you can always
restore the look of your document to the original contained in your current template.


<!--Document formatting--->

<p>This is <b>Bold</b> text</p>

<p>This is <strong>Strong</strong> text</p>

<p>This is <i>Italic</i> text</p>

<p>This is <em>Emphasized</em> text</p>

<p>This is <u>Underlined</u> text </p>

<p>This <small>Small</small> text</p>

<p>This is <big>Big</big> text</p>

<p>H<sub>2</sub> + O</p>


<p>This is <ins>Inserted</ins> text</p>

<p>This is <del>Deleted</del> text</p>

<p style ="background-color: green; color: blue; font-family: algerian; font-size: 50px; "><marquee
direction="right" width="600" height="200">WOLAITA SODO UNIVERSITY</marquee></p>

<p style="background-color: yellow; color: blueviolet; font-family: algerian; font-size: 50px;"><marquee

width="600" height="200">Dilla University</marquee></p>
<img src="C:\Users\hp\Pictures\Saved Pictures\eminet.jpg" width="300" height="300"

<audio controls>

<source src="D:\Phonefile\3.Erkote anna mageni.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">


<video height="200" width="300" controls>

<source src="D:\Files\Mezmur Video\misikinochin yiwedal(tamirat haile).mp4"



<!--To connect our page to the video we want to show/refer-->

<a href="">Youtube</a>






<ol type="1">






<legend>Registration Form</legend>


<label for="fname">FName:</label>

<input type="text" name="fname" placeholder="Name" pattern="[a-zA-Z]{3,}" title="please

enter at least 3 character" required><br><br>
<label for="Id">ID:</label>

<input type="text" name="id" placeholder="ID " required><br><br>

<label for="password">Password:</label>

<input type="Password" name="pass" placeholder="Password" required><br><br>

<label for="phone">Phone:</label>

<input type="tel" name="phone" placeholder="phone number" pattern="[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}-[0-9]

{4}" title="please enter valid phone number in xxx-xxx-xxxx format" required><br><br>

<label for="email">Email:</label>

<input type="text" name="phone" placeholder="Email" pattern="[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.

[a-z]{2,}$" title="Please enter a valid email address" required><br><br>

<label for="date">DoB:</label>

<input type="date" name="date" placeholder="Date of Birth" required><br><br>

<label for="gender">Gender:</label>

<input type="radio" name="gender" value="male">Male

<input type="radio" name="gender" value="female">Female


<label for="course">Courses:</label><br>

<label for="java">Java:</label>

<input type="checkbox" name="course" value=""><br>

<label for="c++">C++:</label>

<input type="checkbox" name="course" value=""><br>

<label for="DB">DATABASE:</label>

<input type="checkbox" name="course" value=""><br><br><br>


<option value="CS">Computer Science</option>

<option value="IS">Information Science</option>

<option value="IT">Information Technology</option>

<option value="IS">Information System</option>


<label for="phone">Phone:</label>

<input type="tel" name="phone" placeholder="phone number" pattern="^\+251\d{9}$"

title="please enter valid phone number in xxx-xxx-xxxx format" required><br><br>


<label for="file">File:</label>

<input type="file" name="file"><br><br>

<label for="search">Search:</label>

<input type="search" name="search" value="search"><br><br>

<label for="time">Time:</label>

<input type="time" name=" time" value="time"><br>

<label for="week">Week:</label>

<input type="week" name="week" value="week"><br>

<label for="month">Month:</label>

<input type="month" name="month" value="month">

<input type="submit" value="submit"><br><br>

<input type="reset" value="clear">





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