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1. Dr.

Arshad Waheed
You have translated Kundera’s Art of Novel. What is Kundera’s conception of novel? And
what does it do?

2. Dr. Arif Azad

Kundera’s relationship with power had always been problematic. Despite being a leftist, he
was against Stalinism and its coercive politics. How do you perceive his politics and how is it
reflected in his writings?

3. Dr. Arshad Waheed

In Art of Novel, Kundera says: “Once elevated by Descartes to "master and proprietor of
nature," man has now become a mere thing to the forces (of technology, of politics, of
history) that bypass him, surpass him, possess him.” In other words, scientific outlook has
caused “forgetting of the being.” What is your take on this?
4. Dr. Arif Azad
Many writers and intellectuals lived in exile. Edward Said, Faiz, Bertolt Brecht, come to
mind. And there are many others as well. Kundera also was an émigré. How, according to
you, it impacted his writing?
5. Dr. Arshad Waheed
Kitsch is defined as a work of art in poor taste with excessive sentimentality. Frederic
Jameson is of the opinion that postmodern culture is fascinated by this degraded culture of
kitsch. Kundera has used this term in his novels and essays. What does he mean by it?
6. Dr. Arif Azad
It is said about Kundera that the themes of all his stories converge in eroticism. How does
Kundera treat sexuality?
7. Dr. Arshad Waheed
Your experience of translating Kundera.

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