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DENV-1 2 3 4 could result to Break-

bone fever, DHF, DSS. Break-bone
fever is caused by an RNA virus that
causes a fever that can be
incapacitating and is characterized
by severe joint pain and stiffness.
Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF)
and dengue shock syndrome (DSS)
are two more severe types of
dengue infection that can be fatal if
not detected and treated quickly.

According to an article written by

Novelo, Audsley and McGraw, In a
controlled experiment, the
transmission of DENV-1 and
DENV-4 are the same but during a
co-infection, DENV-4 resulted in
higher dissemination rate. While
DENV-3 shows a lower replication
efficiency than DENV-2 in vitro and
vivo in co-infection. The difference
between the serotypes is its
genome-sequence level which is
about 20-30%.
During 2000-2011 all the serotypes
of Dengue Virus were present in the
Philippines. Although by the end of
the review, DENV-3 became
prevalent in the Philippines. DENV-3
and DENV-4 display a single
genotype with a minor co-
circulating genotypic population.
This means that predominance of
genotypes need more surveillance
and study for its possible outbreaks
and hazards

This is a portion phylogenetic tree

fo DENV highlighting only the E
gene sequence of DENV-4.The
DENV-4 that circulates in the
Philippines is the genotype II and I.

To identify taxa and construct

datasets for each genotype, a
maximum likelihood (ML) tree was
inferred using Garli v2.0 software
using the 1583 E sequences; This
resulted in 1189 Genotype I strains,
one Genotype II strain, four
Genotype III strains, 81 Genotype IV
strains, and 306 Genotype V

The serotypes shares about 65%

similarity of genomes but 20-30%
genetic variations. Despite having
some variations, all serotypes leads
to the same disease and range of
clinical symptoms such as
headache, red, eye, muscle pain,
fever, fatigue, and many more.
Back in 1970s serotype 1 and 2 was
only found in Central America and
Africa, while all the serotypes can
be found in Asia. But after 2004,
the virus spread widely across the
world making all serotypes be found
in all subtropical regions.

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