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Ace 2

Report on six-months progress as a sales manager

The purpose of this report is to judge the progress that took plate during half a year of my work at
company XYZ on a sales manager position as well as list my achievements, show problems and
suggest some changes that could help with further development.

During my six months of employment at company XYZ, I have made significant professional
development by introducing new methods such as consultative selling in all sales, which has
improved clients understanding of the product and significantly lowered clients disappointment with
the product. Apart from that we established permanent connections with many clients which will
result in permanent growth and stable revenue.

Despite all this internal communication between departments is severely undeveloped which is due
to the lack of unified communication system. This has resulted in many miscommunications which
slowed work down and some mistakes occurred. Additionally, my mentor was not always available
for me to consult and the beginning training I have received was not complete and I felt it lacked
more of a practical approach.

Considering all of the above, two are two possible improvements that can be made. Firstly a unified
system could be created such as “Teams” so that everyone can communicate with each other. This
would result in higher work quality and lower the amount of miscommunication and mistakes.
Secondly, the training process could be extended over a longer period of time and make it more

In final analysis, the situation of our company is very likely to improve and overall satisfaction of
clients and personnel is going to increase due to more effective training and communication if ideas
from the report are to be implemented

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