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This story begins in a world where your cursed, cursed no matter what.

The first cursed is called an

angel curse. This curse makes u feel happy and never sad, you become a very positive person and
always finds a solution to all your problems. The second curse is called the demons curse, it makes u
feel depressed, sad and you become very suicidal. It also curses u with a demon that does everything
in its power to make u die. it cannot touch or hurt u, it can only talk to u and disguise itself

In this scene a girl named Lizabeth is standing at the top of a 12-story building ready to jump as she
is cursed with the demon’s curse, but a boy named rio with the angel curse comes to her rescue

Rio: HEY! STOP! Don’t jump, I promise it’s not worth it.

Lizabeth: but I don’t have anything to live for, there is nothing left for me

Rio: there is always something, what about your family and friends, come down please I beg of you

Lizabeth steps down from the edge and walks towards Rio

Lizabeth: I don’t have any family left; they were all cursed with the demon’s curse and now there all
dead because they gave in to their demon. I never had friends because no one wants to be friends
with someone that always wants to die

Rio: but you can fight your sadness, there is a way I know there is a way

Lizabeth: how? There is no way

Rio: let me show u

Rio takes her on a boat ride on a river as they watch the sunset together

Rio: so tell me…do you not feel anything

Lizabeth: I feel sad but it is a beautiful scene

Rio grabs a flower of the river bank and places it in her hair as he stares into her green eyes. She
looks at him and smiles.

Rio: you just smiled, I told u there is a way

Lizabeth looks at him in surprise as she places her head on his shoulder

Lizabeth: thank you for saving me I didn’t know there was a way

Rio: that’s okay, I’ve been fighting mine to

Lizabeth: I though u said u were cursed with the angel curse

Rio: uhhh never mind don’t worry about it

Rio and Lizabeth spend the rest of the night on the boat watching the stars. Rio looks over at
Lisabeth and thinks about how happy they could make each other now that there is a way. He
decides to surprise her with a picnic the next day .
The next day he takes her to his house, he leaves her there and says he’ll be back in an hour as he
has a surprise for her. Lizabeth decides that she would take a nap while his gone.

Rio goes to the store and buys her flowers, chocolates, champagne, strawberries, a cake and a
necklace. he goes to the river by the boat in which they slept in the night before and lays a blanket
with candles flowers and all the things he had gotten for her. Rio then goes back to the house to get
Lizabeth, he blind folds her and takes her to the river

Lizabeth: where are u taking me?

Rio: we’ll be there soon

Lizabeth: but I’m so impatient, can I get a clue?

Rio: okay fine, the clue is ‘the stars’

Lizabeth: the stars? Are u taking me to the moon?

Rio: no obviously not

Lizabeth: well u did show me there is a way to be happy, so anything is possible at this point

Rio: we’re here

Rio helps her out the car and places her on the blanket he laid down. He takes of the blindfold.

Lizabeth: wow this is amazing

Rio: I have something for you

Rio pulls out a box from his pocket and opens it

Lizabeth: its so beautiful, I love it

He takes the diamond necklace out the box and puts it around her neck, the smell of her perfume
makes him pause for a few seconds as he realises love is the cure to the curse

He opens the bottle of champagne as they watch the birds playing in the sky

Rio: I really love being with you ,u make me so happy

Lizabeth: I’m sorry Rio I cant lead u on like this

Lizabeth runs away and Rio follows screaming behind her

Rio: Lizabeth please stop, we can talk about this

Lizabeth runs into a 10 story building all the way to the roof

She is now at the edge ready to jump once again ,Rio calls out to her

Rio: please stop Lizabeth, I though u were happy with me

Lizabeth: you just made me smile Rio, that doesn’t mean anything

Rio looks disappointed he though love was the curse but he though wrong.

Rio: I don’t have a reason to live now either, so if u want to die lets die together

Rio is now standing next to her, both hand in hand as they are ready to jump
Rio: I love you Lizabeth

They both jump of the building but only Rio dies as Lizabeth never existed because Rio was the one
cursed with the demons curse and Lizabeth was his demon in disguise

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