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Presentación de

Jolie kassumi Guadalupe Rodríguez Olivares
Angela Melisa Alcaide Nava
definition of marketing

Marketing is a set of techniques, strategies and processes that a

brand or company implements to create, communicate, exchange
and deliver offers or messages that give value and interest to
customers, audiences, partners, suppliers and people in general.
The marketing department's main objective is to generate
demand, increase sales and strengthen the brand image. Typical
responsibilities include market research, business opportunity
identification, audience segmentation and selection.
Marketing is in constant transformation. Its journey is crossed by trends, changes in
customer expectations, emergence of new technologies and advances in multiple fields.
Today, your company's marketing strategies need to be more aligned than ever with the
reality we live in every day; an accelerated, disruptive, personalized and ultra-connected

What can you do to ensure that your company accompanies this revolution and the impacts
of new digital technologies on marketing?

Rather than looking for tools and solutions, you can start by deepening your knowledge
about the concepts that are shaping the form of marketing today
marketing companies
1-today, Netflix is ​one of the platforms
that stands out the most for its content
marketing. His trick? Listen to customers
and Big Data. They have been, both
adapting and including content, based on
the information that their clients gave
them, thus maximizing their satisfaction.
Advertising techniques
The objective of advertising is the sale of a product. To
achieve this, professionals use certain rhetorical
techniques that they use in the design of their
advertisements with the intention of convincing the
target audience.

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