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Nama : Goldamyra Evelin Valentina

NIM : 22010024004
Kelas : 2022A



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1. Research on Compared with To sum up, in
3D Animation 6596/1856/1/012052 the traditional the modern art
Processing two-dimensional design system,
Technology in animation people have
Modern Art processing more
Design System technology, the requirements for
three-dimensional the aesthetics
animation and
processing appeal of the
technology is very content of the
weakly art design, and it
constrained by is difficult to
time and space in meet the
practical requirements
applications. relying on the
Moreover, in traditional
different forms of design mode.
expression, the Three-
image created by dimensional
3D animation animation
technology is processing
more technology has
vivid and more many
intuitive. By advantages in
applying 3D application. The
animation application of
processing three-
technology to the dimensional
art design system, animation
it processing
has a positive technology to
meaning to the art design
improve the system can not
rationality of only increase
system design the richness of
content and the design
system content,
enhance the value but also has a
of positive
technology meaning
application. for improving
the aesthetics of
the design
2. Comparison https://www.atlantis- 2D animation has 2D animation
Between 3d a history of and 3D
Animation development, and animation are
Design and 2d its two different
Animation design is its own and
Design system. The controversial
design of 3D animation
animation is forms. 2D
based on 2D animation can
mode, with more be
detailed and said to be the
sophisticated most intuitive
processing results. form of
It can be said that animation. The
the two-
fundamental dimensional
difference animated
between the two characters
lies in the displayed on the
spatial dimension. plane are not
The height has only easy to
been adjusted to attract children's
make attention but
the picture feel also can
more real and let cultivate
the viewer fall children's
into it. interest in
The design drawing from an
differences early age. 3D
between 2D and animation relies
3D animations on technological
can be analyzed progress
from the concept, and is a product
production of high-tech
process, productivity.
and Every time a
characteristics. new 3D
Animation design animation work
must always is created, it
capture the represents
audience’s humankind's
attention, embody most advanced
the level of
authenticity of the computer
animation while animation
not forgetting to technology.
create classic However, when
characters, and technology is
give people above art itself,
spiritual those high-tech
inspiration. animation
Whether it is 2D works that
or 3D design, it only pay
has its attention to its
own application
characteristics. cannot ignore
This article will the
substitute the ideological and
corresponding story level of
animation case. animation
The explanation works
and themselves.
comparison of the After all, the
differences animation is a
between the two form of film
are and television;
helpful for the story and
innovative ideology are the
thinking in first. In
animation design. addition, we can
continue to talk
about the rapid
changes brought
by science and
the creators can
carry out a
screening of
and make films
carefully. In that
case, both
animation and
animation can
achieve good
ratings and box
3. Implementation Cosmetology
of 3D education is one
Animation- of the starting
Based Learning education loved
Media to by many people
Increase because have
Fantastic uniqueness and
Makeup characteristics
Creativity typical
Those who enter
department this
of course have
Progress desire for
increasingly develop
technology sped creativity self,
up demand field including the
education for fantasy
Keep going makeup that
increase the started many
creativity of developed.
graduates Fantasy makeup
education so that showing
ready compete in makeup face in
the realm the form of
international (Aan unique character
Ardian and Sudji such as flora,
Munadi, 2015). fauna,
Besides that, mythology
education as event china, wound
enhance the burn, even
maturation could describing
process (Ardhieya monsters and so
Ayuregita on in
Chandra, et al, accordance with
2021) also the imagination
provided of the make- up
instruction for artist.
capable have Because fans
attitude creative cosmetology
and innovative in education is
deal with the enough a lot,
current then enough
development for competition in
students, the
especially for field tight.
Keep going Because of that,
working in the every cosmetic
field of must have high
(Dhiya Pebriana creativity and
and Pure Astuti, will for follow
2020) the development
of the times
of learning
media based on
3D animation
could increase
creativity in
fantasy makeup.
4. Development he interactive The design that
of 3d media that are has been
Animation arranged can developed is in
Interactive visualize the the form of
Media to material using a computer-based
Improve combination of interactive
Cognitive various teaching learning media
Learning component containing virus
Outcomes and media, namely in material for
Student Self- the form of class X high
Efficacy images, text, school, 3D
videos, animated virus
simulations, images, virtual
evaluation laboratories,
questions that are and
packaged in an evaluations.
attractive way so The 3d
that they can animation
support the interactive
learning process learning media
and variations in developed is in
understanding the valid
virusmaterial. category and
has met the
very feasible
criteria with an
percentage of
validators from
media experts,
experts, and
experts, which
is 85.60
Practical results
by Biology
teachers and
students are an
average of 89,
76%. The
cognitive scores
of students at
Rantau Pulung,
Sangatta Utara,
and SMAN 1
Sangatta Selatan
increased with
an N-gain score
of 0.57 and
the T test
results showed
a significant
between the
pre-test and
post-test scores.
The level of
student self-
increased by
32% after using
3D animation

A multimedia
teaching device
system based on
text teaching
content display
was introduced
in this paper.
The main
of this device
lie in
text and video
note generation,
design by users
and teacher-
interaction are
designed in
this device.
The teaching
device can
boost students’
learning effect
and improve
5. Design of 3D In traditional Firstly,
Animation jet/article/view/7218 teaching process, multimedia
Special Effects we often adopt teaching course
in Animation texts, simple as an important
3D Modeling graphs and resource of
Teaching material objects network remote
Based on QFD as teaching aid teaching
Theory means to provides rich
enhance teaching learning
effect. But, materials for
complex things, learners.
sub-stances, Secondly, QFD
principles, theory starts
concepts and from teaching
conceptions can quality
only be taught in improvement,
the form of text can understand
and imagination students’
and finally form evaluation and
very abstract expectation for
concepts. each teaching
Comprehension link and can
requires rich recognize
spatial teaching quality
imagination improvement
ability. Thus, it demand. In
is especially this way,
difficult to teaching quality
impart such can really be
knowledge. improved.
Because of rapid However in
development of practice,teachers
multimedia should
technology, we rationally
can now use utilize new
pictures, multimedia
projection and 3D reaching
animation to devices and
enhance teaching should not
effect. 3D excessively
animation [1] is a depend on such
stereo-scopic, all- platform. They
round and need to adopt
dynamic teaching rational
mode. With it, we teaching
can establish the methods to
dynamic model enlighten
closer to the truth students, and
and make abstract require students
and dull to combine
knowledge practice, think
become concrete and practice
and interesting. more so as to
Hence, it is widely cultivate their
applied. innovation
and practical
operation ability

6. Perancangan Animasi adalah Dalam

Animasi 3D tampilan urutan pembuatan
“Remember” gambar dalam animasi 3d
dengan metode ruang 3d sehingga melalui
Pose to Pose menciptakan beberapa
iluminasi gerakan. tahapan yaitu
tahap pra-
produksi, tahap
produksi dan
tahap pasca
dimana dalam
tahap ini
design cerita
atau ide cerita
yang akan
7. Penerapan Dari hasil Animasi 3d
Animasi 3D observasi awal pada media
pada Media dan wawancara pembelajaran
Pembelajaran dengan Ibu mengenal huruf
Mengenal Nauroh di vokal untuk
Huruf Vokal Kelompok anak usia 2-4 th
untuk anak 2-4 Bermain Syiarul menggunakan
Tahun Islam Tegal model
pada tanggal pengembangan
12 Maret waterfall.
2018, Dimulai dari
mengungkapkan tahap pra
bahwa kegiatan produksi, tahap
belajar mengajar produksi, dan
mengenal huruf tahap pasca
vokal masih produksi.
konvesional yaitu
bercerita dan
alat peraga
mengenal huruf
vokal. Alat peraga
mengenal huruf
vokal digunakan
suatu objek
kepada anak dan
dalam hal ini
alat peraga yang
digunakan masih
papan huruf
mengenal huruf
vokal yang
ditempel di
dinding kelas,
membuat anak
mudah jenuh serta
merasa tidak
tertarik untuk
mengikuti proses
dan memilih
bermain sendiri
saat guru
menjelaskan huruf
vokal. Hal ini
guru harus
kali untuk
huruf vokal,
karena media
yang digunakan
kurang bervariasi
sehingga anak
lama untuk
belajar mengenal
huruf vokal.
Selain itu guru
juga kesulitan
membuat alat
peraga atau
kesulitan dalam
contoh visual
kepada anak dan
belum adanya
berbasis animasi
animasi 3D yang
diterapkan guru
kepada anak-anak
karena media
yang digunakan
papan huruf yang
ditempel di
8. Perancangan Industri animasi Terdapat
animasi 3 perancangan-animasi-3-dimensi-sebagai-up- sedang berada di beberapa
dimensi 3fbcf700.pdf masa emasnya tahapan yang
sebagai upaya saat ini, di mana dilalui dalam
pengedukasian tiap perusahaan perancangan
masyarakat berlomba-lomba animasi 3D
mengenai memproduksi dalam upaya
pentingnya animasi 2D penanaman
mencintai maupun 3D yang rasa cinta
rupiah sebagai terbaik. Dengan terhadap
mata uang kecanggihan Rupiah.
negara teknologi zaman Tahapan
Indonesia. sekarang, suatu tersebut
animasi 3D meliputi
mampu mencapai perancangan ide
titik dan konsep,
realistis yang penulisan
bahkan nyaris skenario,
sulit dibedakan perancangan
dengan sketsa karakter,
kenyataan. perancangan
Industri animasi storyboard, dan
3D di Indonesia dubbing pada
pun tahap
tidak kalah pra-produksi.
berkembang. Kemudian pada
Berbagai animasi tahap produksi
telah di meliputi 3D
produksi dan modelling dan
mampu bersaing texturing,
di kancah rigging dan
internasional. weight painting,
Pesatnya layout,
perkembangan animating,
animasi lighting dan
diikuti pula oleh visual FX, dan
semakin tingginya rendering.
minat Tahap terakhir
masyarakat untuk yakni
mempelajari cara pasca produksi
pembuatan meliputi
animasi. Hal ini compositing dan
dapat dilihat dari editing,
banyaknya audio editing
sekolah kejuruan dan
ataupun perguruan compositing,
tinggi yang dan final
mulai membuka rendering
pendidikan di
animasi. Tetapi
adanya hal
tersebut tidak
membuat animasi
Baik teknik
maupun proses
diketahui dengan
pasti oleh pihak
yang melakoni
bidang animasi.

9. Pengenalan https://ejurnal.stmik- Animasi Berdasarkan

Dasar Aplikasi merupakan salah hasil dan
Blender 3D satu media visual pembahasan
dalam yang dapat kegiatan ini,
Pembuatan digunakan untuk maka
Animasi 3D menyampaikan disimpulkan
informasi bahwa kegiatan
secara menarik ini telah berhasil
dan mudah dilaksanakan
dipahami oleh dengan
audiens. Animasi dukungan LPK
banyak digunakan Ernala Medan
untuk serta seluruh
menyampaikan peserta yang
kontent seperti sangat antusias
iklan, mengikuti
pengumuman, seluruh sesi
materi pelatihan baik
pembelajaran dan pada saat
lainnya. pemaparan teori
Perpaduan suara, aupun praktik.
gambar, audio dan Pelatihan ini
video dapat sangat
meningkatkan berdampak
ketertarikan terhadap
audiens untuk peningkatan
mengetahui dan pemahaman
memahami secara peserta
jelas informasi pelatihan
yang disampaikan khususnya
melalui animasi pemodelan dan
yang dilihat dan pembuatan
didengar. Dunia animasi pada
usaha khusunya aplikasi blender
telah banyak 3 dimensi.
memanfaatkan Mengingat
animasi untuk kegiatan
menginformasikan praktikum
produk yang animasi ini
dimiliki dan membutuhkan
dipasarkan kepada konsentarai dan
masyarakat, kreatifitas yang
sehingga lebih, maka
memudakan dunia sangat
usaha untuk disarankan
meningkatkan kepada LPK
income dari Ernala Medan
produk yang untuk
diproduksinya. melakukan
Selain itu, penyesuaian
dunia pendidikan durasi waktu
juga telah banyak pembelajaran
mengembangkan kepada siswa
animasi untuk ursus agar
mentransfer materi yang
materi-materi ajar disampaikan
kepada publik dapat dipahami
agar materi-materi lebih
yang disampaikan mendalam.
dapat dengan
mudah dipahami.
10. Perancangan https://jurnal2.isi- Industri animasi Terdapat
Animasi 3 sedang berada di beberapa
dimensi masa emasnya tahapan yang
sebagai upaya saat ini, di mana dilalui dalam
pengedukasian tiap perusahaan perancangan
masyarakat berlomba-lomba animasi 3D
mengenai memproduksi dalam upaya
pentingnya animasi 2D penanaman
mencintai maupun 3D yang rasa cinta
rupiah sebagai terbaik. Dengan terhadap
mata uang kecanggihan Rupiah.
negara teknologi zaman Tahapan
indonesia sekarang, suatu tersebut
animasi 3D meliputi
mampu mencapai perancangan ide
titik dan konsep,
realistis yang penulisan
bahkan nyaris skenario,
sulit dibedakan perancangan
dengan sketsa karakter,
kenyataan. perancangan
Industri animasi storyboard, dan
3D di Indonesia dubbing pada
pun tahap
tidak kalah pra-produksi.
berkembang. Kemudian pada
Berbagai animasi tahap produksi
telah di meliputi 3D
produksi dan modelling dan
mampu bersaing texturing,
di kancah rigging dan
internasional. weight painting,
Pesatnya layout,
perkembangan animating,
animasi lighting dan
diikuti pula oleh visual FX, dan
semakin tingginya rendering.
minat Tahap terakhir
masyarakat untuk yakni
mempelajari cara pasca produksi
pembuatan meliputi
animasi. Hal ini compositing dan
dapat dilihat dari editing,
banyaknya audio editing
sekolah kejuruan dan
ataupun perguruan compositing,
tinggi yang dan final
mulai membuka rendering
pendidikan di
animasi. Tetapi
adanya hal
tersebut tidak
membuat animasi
Baik teknik
maupun proses
diketahui dengan
pasti oleh pihak
yang melakoni
bidang animasi.

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