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The Vietnam War – Australia's Involvement

Concept: Global Interaction

Inquiry Question: Was the Vietnam War a people's war OR a war of the Super
To Know:
What was Australia's attitude What was the ANZUS What was
towards people from Asia during Agreement? SEATO?
The Cold War?
What is the domino theory? Why did AUS want US What is a Forward
involvement Vietnam? Defense Policy?
What was Australia's role in the What was the nature of
Vietnam War? warfare for Australian


Pages 59-67 -
Review Question
Questions Answers
1) Under what conditions of the SEATO
treaty would Australia be obliged to 1. Australia would be obliged to fight in
fight in Vietnam? (p60) Vietnam under the SEATO treaty if the
aggression was directed against the
2) Why was Australia encouraging territories of any of the parties, including
United States involvement in Vietnam? Australia, or if there was an attack on the
(p61) armed forces, public vessels, or aircraft of
any of the parties while in the Pacific area.
3) Was Australia taking advantage of the
Americans’ commitment to Vietnam? 2. Australia was encouraging United States
(p61) involvement in Vietnam because it believed
in the domino theory, which suggested that
4) Why was it important for Australia to if one country in Southeast Asia fell to
receive a request from the South communism, neighbouring countries would
Vietnamese? Was it received? (p63) also fall like a row of dominoes. Australia
saw the spread of communism as a threat
to its security and interests in the region.
5) What evidence is there that Menzies
believed in the domino theory? (p63)
3. There is no clear evidence to suggest that
Australia was taking advantage of the
6) What were Menzies’ real reasons for
Americans' commitment to Vietnam.
sending troops? (p63) Australia was primarily concerned about
the spread of communism in Southeast
7) What is the tone of these two Asia and saw its involvement in Vietnam as
accounts? Does the tone reveal the a way to contain this threat.
authors’ attitudes towards the war?
(p67) 4. It was important for Australia to receive a
request from the South Vietnamese
8) What attitudes do they both show government for assistance because it
towards the Vietnamese? (p67) would legitimize Australia's involvement in
the eyes of the international community
9) As the first task force operation, and provide a legal basis for its actions. It is
should this be seen as a success? (p67) unclear if such a request was received.

10) How would it have been reported in 5. Menzies believed in the domino theory,
Australia at the time? (p67) which suggests that he believed that if
South Vietnam fell to communism, other
countries in Southeast Asia would also fall,
including Australia. This belief likely
influenced his decision to send troops to

6. Menzies' real reasons for sending troops to

Vietnam are complex and may include a
desire to support the United States, a belief
in the domino theory, and a desire to
secure Australia's interests in Southeast

7. The tone of the two accounts is not

specified, so it is difficult to determine the
authors' attitudes towards the war.
However, the tone of the accounts could
vary depending on the authors'
perspectives and the context in which they
were written.

8. The attitudes of the authors towards the

Vietnamese are not explicitly stated in the
questions. However, attitudes towards the
Vietnamese during the Vietnam War were
often influenced by cultural, political, and
social factors. Some Australians may have
viewed the Vietnamese as enemies or as
victims of communism, while others may
have had more sympathetic views.

9. Whether the first task force operation

should be seen as a success is subjective
and depends on the criteria used to
evaluate it. Some may argue that the
operation achieved its objectives, while
others may argue that it did not.

10. The reporting of the first task force

operation in Australia at the time would
likely have been influenced by the
prevailing attitudes towards the war. Some
reports may have portrayed it as a success,
while others may have been more critical.
Overall, the reporting would have been
shaped by the political and social context
of the time.


Describe the conditions and tactics of the Battle of Long Tan:


Australian actions and tactics:

NVA actions and tactics:

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