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Definition, symptoms, causes, treatments

Dandruff is a common condition that cause the skin on the scalp to flake. It isn’t
contagious or serious, but having it, our heads look dirty and it can make us
embrassing. The symptoms of dandruff include: many white small pieces of skin
on hair, itchy scalp,… Dandruff tends to occur in dry, cold season. The signs may
be more severe if you are stressed.
Several causes of this condition are: sensitivity with hair care product, irritated
skin or fungu (they feed oil on the scalp so the skin will be dry). However, mild
dandruff can be treated with a gentle daily shampoo. If that is not effective, see
the doctor specializing in skin conditions. They will give you advices and some
medicine treatments to get over completely this disease.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition that results in chronic
inflammation of the joints. It means that your immune system attack healthy cells
in your body by mistake, causing inflammation (painful swelling) in the affected
part of the body. This disease commonly affects joints in the hands, wrists and
knees. The symptoms of RA includes: pain, swelling in more than one joint,
weakness, fever,…
Characteristics that increase risk are age (adult in their sixties), sex (higher in
women than men), smoking, obesity,… RA is diagnosed by reviewing symptons,
conducting a physical excamination and doing X-rays. This disease can be
effectively treated and managed with medications and self-management strategies.

Muscular dystrophy is a genetic condition in which there is progressive destruction
of muscle tissue which is replaced by scar (connective) tissue. Over time, muscle
weakness decreases mobility, making everyday tasks difficult. Muscular dystrophy
can run in families, or a person can be the first in their family to have a muscular
dystrophy. The main sign of muscular dystrophy is progressive muscle weakness,
can also include frequent falls, troubles in running and jumping,... Specific signs
and symptoms begin at different ages and in different muscle groip, depending on
the type of muscular dystrophy
Regarding cause, certain genes are involved in making proteins that protect muscle
fibers. MD occurs when one of these genes is defective. However, this condition
can be treated by physical therapies, surgery, heart assist devices and chemical

TETANUS: trang 94


ALZHEIMER trang 174



Corona virus disease is an infectious illness that remains a threat to public health. It
is characterized by some specific signs and symptoms such as cough, fever,
tiredness and loss of taste or smell. This disease is caused by corona virus that can
spread easily among people via respiratory droplets released when someone with
the virus coughs, sneezes, breathes, sings or talks.
Once the virus enters the mucous membrane in your throat, it will start to attack
your respiratory system. As a result, your lungs might become inflamed, making it
tough for you to breathe. In order to prevent and control this illness, the best
ways are avoiding close contact, wearing a face mask and getting vaccinated.
Infertility is a common condition which is defined as not being able to get pregnant
despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples. Some
specific signs and symptoms such as having irregular or absent menstrual periods
in women or hormonal problems, changes in hair growth or sexual function in
Infertility causes can be from one or both partners, for example abnormal sperm
production or ovulation disorders. As a result, some of the steps of fertilization do
not happen properly. Some types of infertility aren't preventable but several
strategies may increase your chances of pregnancy such as doing exercise on a
regular basis and having a healthy diet. (in vitro fertilization IVF)

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