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Institute for Technology and Management

Market Research SPSS Assignment

Submitted By :- Group 6

Name Roll No.

Prakhar Agarwal 21230023064
Dipa Uram 21230023067
Nishant Singh 21230023071
Aniket Soman 21230023271
Neha Yadav 21230023276
 KMO bartlett’s:
The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which determines if the responses

given with the sample The KMO measures the sampling adequacy (which

determines if the responses given with the sample are adequate or not) which should

be close to 0.5 for satisfactory factor analysis to proceed. The KMO and bartlett’s test

display the result for interpreting the adequacy of data for factor analysis. Kaiser

Meyer- Olkin (KMO) is a measure of sampling adequacy and its value should be

greater than 0.5 for the sample to be adequate for undertaking factor analysis. Also,

the P-value of Bartlett’s test of sphericity should be less than 0.05. In this study the

value of KMO test is equal/greater than 0.5 that is 0.518 and P-value of Bartlett’s test

is 0.001 (less than 0.05), factor analysis can be undertaken using this datasheet.

Looking at the table above, the KMO measure is 0.518, which is close to 0.5 and

therefore can be accepted.

 Total variance table:

The total variance explained table displays the total variances, percentage variance

and cumulative percentage variance for both – unrotated and rotated components.

The first half of the table shows details of unrotated components and the second half

shows the detail of rotated component. The cumulative variance for both the

unrotated and rotated component is 80.720 per cent. However, for unrotated

components, the first component explains the maximum variance, followed by

declining variance of the second and third component, whereas in rotated

components, the variance is uniformly distributed. Component 1 accounts for 30.408

percent of total variance in the world, the component 2 accounts for 30.296 percent

and component 3 accounts for 20.017. The cumulative percentage of variance of

unrotated factors. Eigenvalues: These are the eigenvalues associated with each

component before any rotation. Eigenvalues represent the amount of variance

explained by each component. The higher the eigenvalue, the more variance is

explained by that component. In your analysis, the initial eigenvalues are 3.177 for

Component 1, 3.050 for Component 2, and 1.845 for Component 3.

 Scree plot:
The scree plot is a graph of the eigenvalues against all the factors. The graph is
useful for determining how many factors to retain. The point of interest is where
the curve starts to flatten. The curve begins to flatten between factors 3 and 4. Note
also that factor 2 onwards has an eigenvalue of less than 1, so only two factors have
been retained.

 Component matrix:

The table above shows the loadings (extracted values of each item under 3 variables)
of the 10 variables on the three factors extracted. The higher the absolute value of the
loading, the more the factor contributes to the variable. We have extracted three
variables wherein the 10 items are divided into 3 variables according to the most
important items which are similar responses in component 1 and simultaneously in
components 2 and 3.

 Rotated component matrix:

1 2 3
ONTIME .954 -.004 .153
COMFORT .037 .090 .962
FOOD .912 .037 -.052
HOSTESS -.062 .965 .096
BOSS .578 .149 -.325
AIRYOUNG .959 -.040 .021
FREQFLY -.028 .985 -.005
SCHEDULE -.077 .175 .958

MOM -.184 -.389 -.086

LIFESTYLE -.016 .956 .097

The table above shows the loadings (extracted values of each item under 3 variables)
of the 10 variables on the three factors extracted. The higher the absolute value of the
loading, the more the factor contributes to the variable. We have extracted three
variables wherein the 10 items are divided into 3 variables according to the most
important items which are similar responses in component 1 and simultaneously in
components 2 and 3.

The rotated component matrix you've provided seems to be the result of a factor
analysis, possibly using a technique like principal component analysis (PCA) or
factor rotation to simplify the interpretation of underlying factors. Each row
corresponds to a variable (in this case, it appears to represent different aspects of a
service or experience), and each column corresponds to a component or factor
extracted by the analysis.

Here's an interpretation based on the values in the matrix:

1. Component 1:

This component seems to be strongly related to variables like ONTIME, FOOD,

AIRYOUNG, and FREQFLY. It could represent efficiency or punctuality, as
indicated by the high loadings of ONTIME and AIRYOUNG. Passengers who
prioritize on-time performance and efficient service may score high on this

2. Component 2:

Variables like HOSTESS, BOSS, SCHEDULE, and LIFESTYLE have high loadings on
this component. It might represent interpersonal aspects or customer service quality,
given the presence of variables like HOSTESS and BOSS. Passengers who value
friendly service and good interpersonal interactions might score high on this
3. Component 3:

This component appears to be related to variables like COMFORT, FOOD, and

SCHEDULE. It could represent aspects related to comfort and amenities provided
during the service, given the high loadings of COMFORT and FOOD. Passengers
who prioritize comfort and amenities during their travel experience might score high
on this component.

Each component represents a set of variables that are correlated with each other, and
these components are orthogonal (uncorrelated) to each other, which aids in
simplifying the structure of the data and identifying underlying factors that explain
the correlations among the variables.

 Name of 3 Factors extracted out of 10 factors:

Component 1
Service efficency

Airyoung Food&Freqfly Ontime

Component 2

Hostess Boss&Lifestyle Schedule

Component 3

Comfort Food Schedule

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