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Section A

1. a) Delhi
2. d) Stronger
3. d) 5
4. b) 5
5. b) Yuj
6. d) All of the above
7. c) June 21
8. d) All of the above
9. c) Physiotherapist
10. d) Speed
11. ??
12. b) 300 gm
13. b) Skeleton System
14. c) Kinesiology
15. d) All of the above
16. c) Enhancing physiological abilities
17. c) 13 to 19
18. b) Wilhelm Wundt
Section B

19. Physical education is a discipline that focuses on the promotion of

physical fitness and healthy lifestyle habits among individuals.
Coaching career in physical education involves the training and
guidance of individuals or teams in various sports activities. A career
in coaching physical education can be rewarding and challenging as it
involves working with individuals or teams to achieve their goals.

20. The Olympic Anthem, also known as the Olympic Hymn was
composed by Spiros Samaras and words were added by Greek poet,
Kostis Palamas. It was adopted by International Committee in 1958.
The Olympic Anthem is played at the opening and closing ceremonies
of all Olympic Games and during all official IOC ceremonies.

21. Some benefits of Kapalbhati are:

• Great cleanser for the respiratory passages including the
• Improves respiratory function and promotes circulation.
• Improves balance.
• Removes acidity and gas related problems.
• Cures sinus, asthma, and hair loss.
(write points according to marks)

22. Pranayama is a compound term (Prana and Yama) meaning the

maintenance of prana in a healthy manner throughout one’s life.
More than being merely a breathcontrol exercise, Pranayama is the
art of the life force or prana. Ancient yogis, who understood the
essence of prana, studied it and devised methods and practices to
master it.
23. Two Objectives of Adaptive Physical Education are:
• To promote regularity and discipline – Participation in
physical activity and sports provides a feeling of wellbeing
which in promotes regularity and discipline
• To promote sportsmanship – The Collins dictionary defines
sportsmanship as behaviour and attitudes that show
respect for the rules of a game and for the other players.


24. Some causes of disabilities are:

• Lack of Education and Awareness – Lack of awareness about
certain precautions during or post pregnancy may lead to
• Exposure to Chemicals – Pesticides and insecticides and other
harmful chemicals if mixed in edible items and may give rise to
disabilities in people and birth defects in babies.
• Illness – Illnesses like cancer, diabetes, heart disease cause a
number of long term disabilities such as arthritis,
musculoskeletal disorder etc are a significant cause of disability.

25. Strength: It is defined as the ability of the muscles to overcome

resistance. It is a said to be a component of physical fitness.
1. Dynamic Strength: Dynamic strength can be called isotonic
strength because it is related to the movements.
2. Static Strength: Static strength is also called isometric strength.
It is the capacity of muscles to act against resistance.

26. Cardiovascular Test: Cardiovascular Tests are used to measure

how well your body can perform a rhythmic, dynamic activity at a
moderate to a high intensity for extended periods of time. It can be
measured using 3-minute step test, Harvard Step Test, etc.
Achievement Test: The skills of different sports and games
achieved by sportspersons is measured by Achievement Tests. For
example, Johnson’s Basketball Test, Leilich Basketball Test, etc.

27. Biomechanics is the study of the mechanics related to the

functional and anatomical analysis of biological systems, mainly of
humans. Study of biomechanics is necessary to study the body’s
mechanical characteristics and principles and to understand its

28. Few disadvantages of doping are:

1. Quick increases in blood pressure.
2. Convulsions
3. Liver Damage
4. Thickening of blood
5. HIV
6. Increased Cancer Risk
7. Heart Disease

29. The human skeletal system is the internal framework of the body
which consists of bones, cartilages, joints, and ligaments. A human
body has around 300 bones at the time of birth which decreases to
206 bones in a full-grown human as some bones get fused together.
Bones are the rigid part of the skeleton. They provide support to the
body and their different shapes help in different type of functions.
Cartilage is more flexible than the bones. It gives shape and flexibility
to the body to perform various kinds of movement.
Tendons and Ligaments are strong bands of fibrous connective

30. a) These changes include a growth spurt in height, growth of

pubic and underarm hair, and skin changes. Males experience growth
in facial hair and a deepening of their voice. Females experience
breast development and begin menstruating.
b) Common challenges faced by adolescents are:-
• Substance abuse
• Eating Disorders
• Anti-Social Behaviour

c) Diet Awareness
Promotion of Fitness
d) Adolescence as defined by WHO includes individuals between
the age group of 10- 19 years, a period of transition from childhood
to adulthood.
31. a) Warming up is a process by which the human machine is
brought to a condition at which it safely responds to the nerve
impulses of the person for quick and efficient action.
Cooling down is an easy exercise that will allow the body to gradually
shift from an exertional state to a resting or near resting state.
b) Warming up:
• Reduces anxiety and tension.
• Prevents sports injuries.
• Increases muscle temperature.
c) Cooling down:
• Regulating your heart rate.
• Control body temperature.
• Preventing injuries.
d) Warming up is performed before any physical activity and cooling
down is performed after any physical activity.


32. b) A sports photographer has option to cover sporting events like

football, baseball or basketball games, track and field or swimming
meets and golf tournaments. A photographer may also provide a
photo reporting service on the event for newspapers, magazines or
sports websites.

c) A career in the sports industry offers a diverse range of

opportunities for individuals who are passionate about sports and
want to make a difference in this field. Whether it's managing sports
events, promoting athletes, or providing medical support, there are
numerous avenues to explore.

33. During the test:

1. All the equipment and facilities to be carefully checked and
placed in proper position before subject arrives.
2. All instructions, explanation, demonstration, layout plan
illustration should be given to the subject well in advance.
3. Before administering a psychomotor test, a short warm-up is
required to avoid injury and assure better performance.
4. Motivation strategies should be adopted for the subjects
which help to perform best during the test.
5. The responsibility of the person administering the test and
testing personnel is to ensure safety precautions during
explanation and demonstration.
After the test:
1. All answer sheets or score sheets must be complied in a safe
place and raw scores should be converted into standard scores
or may be comparted with norms.
2. Test scores must be interpreted as per standards and norms by
applying appropriate statistics.
3. To illustrate the results, appropriate tables, graphs and profile
may be prepared.
4. A report should be prepared after the event which indicates
the nature, scope and objectives of the testing programme.

34. Kinesiology is ‘the science of movement’ or ‘the study of

movement.’ It includes the study of movement through anatomy and
mechanics, whereas Biomechanics is the ‘analysis/ study of forces’
and the ‘application of the principles of physics and their effect on
the human body. In short, we can say that biomechanics is the
central part of kinesiology. Applying kinesiology to human health
includes strength and coordination, sports psychology, methods of
rehabilitation, such as physical and occupational therapy, and sports
and exercise.
Importance in Sports:
• Analysing human motion.
• Learning and improvement of motor skills.
• Ensuring effectiveness of movement.
• Designing and teaching exercise and conditioning.

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