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Inglés II- Prof Andrea C.

Rodeghiero Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría


Kinesiology focuses on two general categories or forms of physical activity: exercise and skilled movement. You
know much about both forms of physical activity. In fact, your interest in one or both of these is probably responsible for
your deciding to seek a degree in kinesiology. People engage in exercise to improve or regain performance, health, or
bodily appearance. Running or lifting weights to increase your fitness (improve your health) or to lose body fat (change
the appearance of your body) is exercise; so is weight training by bodybuilders hoping to increase the size and definition
of their muscles to achieve an ideal “look.” Working out to increase strength or cardiorespiratory endurance as adjuncts
to healthful living is exercise. And so are the rehabilitation routines that patients undergo as they attempt to regain
function following an injury or disease.
Because exercise involves many different types of physical activity, breaking the term down into three major
categories is helpful:

● Exercise performed for the express purpose of conditioning your body to improve athletic or other types of
performances is a specific type of exercise known as training. Kinesiology graduates who embark on careers as
conditioning specialists with university or professional sport teams focus on physical activity as training.
● Exercise undertaken specifically to develop or maintain a sound working body, free of disease and able to
perform daily tasks and deal with emergencies, is known as health related exercise. Kinesiology graduates who work as
fitness leaders and personal trainers focus almost exclusively on physical activity as health-related exercise.
● Exercise also may be performed to restore capacities previously acquired or developed that have been lost
because of injury, disease, or behavioral patterns. This type of exercise is therapeutic exercise. For example, postcardiac

patients usually require physical activity regimens to help them 1 regain cardiovascular health following a heart attack.
Kinesiology graduates who embark on careers to work in these cardiac rehabilitation programs, or who work as athletic
trainers or physical therapists, focus on physical activity as therapy.
Skilled movement is the second area of focus of kinesiology. Skilled movement involves performances in which
accuracy of direction, force, and rhythm or timing are essential to accomplishing predetermined goals. Normally, people
learn these qualities of physical activity through systematic practice. Factors normally associated with exercise such as
strength, cardiorespiratory endurance, or flexibility, although important in executing many physical tasks, are not

elements of skilled They movement. ( are developed through training, health-related exercise, or therapeutic

Two categories of skilled movement are of primary interest to kinesiologists: sport and developmental skills.
Inglés II- Prof Andrea C. Rodeghiero Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría
has long been of interest to scientists, teachers, and practitioners in kinesiology. We define sport in general terms as a
form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movements to achieve a goal in a manner specified by rules,
usually in competitive contexts. Note three things about this definition. First, the physical activity in sport is “skilled,”
which means that it3 is performed “efficiently” and “effectively.” Not all forms of physical activity require a great deal of
skill, but in every type of sport the advantage belongs to competitors who have learned to move their bodies in skillful
ways. The soccer player who passes the ball deftly to her teammate, the golfer who strikes the ball squarely, and the
gymnast who successfully completes a double rotation on dismount all are expressing skill in their performances.
Second, note that rules are essential in sport. They exist for the sole purpose of creating the game. Without
players could do whatever they felt like doing at the time, and the game would soon break down. If a basketball player

decides not to dribble the ball as she4 runs down the court, she is no longer playing the sport of basketball.

Finally, note that the physical activities performed in sport tend to be framed in competition, either against
teams, against individuals, against established records, or against “personal bests.” Rules create a level playing field for
all competitors, ensuring that each has an equal chance to win the competition.

Developmental skills are skills performed in nonsport settings. For example, as part of their5 professional

responsibilities, elementary physical education teachers teach 1st graders how to perform such fundamental movement
patterns as skipping, throwing, or hopping. Acquiring these developmental skills at an early age may lead to high levels
of proficiency in sport and in other activities in later years, but when they are taught they have no direct correlation with
a specific sport. Likewise, graduates of kinesiology programs who go on to pursue careers in occupational or physical
therapy or who work in nursing home facilities as physical activity specialists may spend a great deal of time teaching
poststroke elderly patients the developmental skills required to eat, dress, and groom. The range of developmental skills
is enormous. Some kinesiologists study the characteristics of walking and running, some study the mechanics of grasping
or reaching, and some work to improve the efficiency of movements used in industrial or military settings.
Obviously, these categories of physical activity are not mutually exclusive. Use the categories as guides to
understanding and appreciating the types of physical activity that concern kinesiologists, not as hard and fast

1. Mencione:
 qué tipo de texto es, Informativo/ explicativo
 en qué soporte podría haber sido publicado, libro, folleto, página web
 quién es el lector esperado de este texto, estudiantes, deportistas

2. Lea el texto y complete el cuadro con la clasificación que menciona el texto:

Inglés II- Prof Andrea C. Rodeghiero Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría
movimiento hábil/
Ejercicios/ excercise skilled movement

entrenamiento salud terapéutico habilidades deportivas/ Habilidades de

sport desarrollo/
developmental skills.

3. Indique, de acuerdo al texto

3. Indique, de acuerdo al texto
A. Dos ejemplos de ejercicio: deporte, desarrollas habilidades deportivas de desarrollo
B. Dos ejemplos de movimiento hábil: levantamiento de pesas (lifting), saltar (hopp)
C. Un ejemplo de habilidad de desarrollo: saltar la soga (skipping)

4. Responda a las siguientes preguntas. Marque en el texto las líneas que justifican su respuesta:
a- ¿Por qué la flexibilidad y la resistencia cardiorespiratoria no entran en el grupo del movimiento hábil?
Porque se desarrollan a través del entrenamiento, el ejercicio relacionado con la salud o el ejercicio terapéutico

b- ¿Cuál es la finalidad de las reglas en el deporte?

Porque sin reglas, los jugadores podían hacer lo que quisieran hacer en ese momento, y el juego pronto fallaría por
ejemplo, Si un jugador de baloncesto decide no driblar la pelota mientras corre por ella la cancha, ya no practica el
c- ¿En qué se asemejan las habilidades de vestirse y de arrojar objetos?
Son habilidades de desarrollo aprendidas de niños

5. Complete las oraciones con información del texto:

A. El entrenamiento involucra que el kinesiólogo mejorar la condición física .
B. Un profesor de educación física de primer grado enseña habilidades de desarrollo, como como saltar la
soga, lanzar o saltar.

6. Busque los antecedentes de las siguientes expresiones:

a- THEM - pacientes
b- THEY – factores asociados con el ejercicio
c- IT – actividad física / deporte
d- SHE – jugadora de básquet
e- THEIR – profesores

7. Ubique el núcleo de la frase nominal y traduzca:

a- the rehabilitation routines that patients undergo as they attempt to regain function following an injury or
Las rutinas de rehabilitación que se someten los pacientes en su intento de recuperar la función después de
una lesión o enfermedad
Inglés II- Prof Andrea C. Rodeghiero Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría
b- a form of physical activity in which a person performs skilled movements to achieve a goal in a manner specified
by rules, usually in competitive contexts.
una forma de actividad física en la cual una persona realiza movimientos hábiles para lograr un objetivo de una manera
especifica por reglas, generalmente en contexto competitivos
c- The range of developmental skills
El rango de habilidades de desarrollo
d- competitors who have learned to move their bodies in skillful ways.
competidores que han aprendido a mover sus cuerpos de manera hábil.

8. ¿Qué funciones cumplen los siguientes conectores en el texto?

A. In fact – expresar énfasis
B. For example – ejemplificar algo
C. First – ordenar algo
D. Likewise - expresar similitud

9. Busque en el texto las expresiones que se mencionan a continuación y complete el cuadro:


Running Forcé Accuracy Skipping Stoke

lifting weights Health Deftly Throwing Hearty attack
skipping Flexibility Squarely Eat Injury
throwing Fitness succesfully Dress disease
hopping Muscles groom
Loos body fat

10. ¿Cuáles son los equivalentes en español de las siguientes frases correspondientes al inglés académico?
A. breaking the term down into three major categories – descomponer o dividir el termino en 3 categorías
B. the second area of focus of… - la segunda área de enfoque
C. Factors normally associated - with… - factores que se asocia normalmente
D. Two categories of …… are of primary interest to…… - dos categorías de interés primordial
E. they have no direct correlation with….. – no hay correlación directa con
F. The range of…- el rango de
G. ….. and …… are not mutuall exclusive. – no son mutuamente excluyente
H. …… is framed in…. – se enmarca en
Inglés II- Prof Andrea C. Rodeghiero Licenciatura en Kinesiología y Fisiatría
think of
a)2 ways to say "mejorar" – recorve (recuperar), improve. progress (progresar),
b) 3 ways to say "evaluar"- avaluate, test, assess
c) 2 expressions related to the word "workplace"- injuries, condition,
d) What's the main tense of this text? Present simple

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