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Andrea Rodeghiero


What is Biomechanics?
If you are interested in Kinesiology, you must have read about biomechanics. As a fast-growing sub-discipline of the kinesiology
field with much to offer society, biomechanics is defined as the application of mechanical principles in the study of movement
for all living organisms. In other words, biomechanics is the science that is concerned with analyzing how and why bodies move
in the way that they1 do.

About the Study of Biomechanics

Classified as both a basic and applied science, biomechanics integrates the laws of physics with the working concepts of
engineering to describe the internal and external forces acting on the body as well as the effects created with these forces2.
Although biomechanics is more focused on the mechanical principles of body systems, there are many times when physiological
functions and biochemical tissues are taken into consideration when discussing motion. Studies in biomechanics often will
address a broad range of topics, including the mechanical function of muscles, connective tissues, cartilage, skin, nerves, joints,
bones, and even internal organs. Biomechanics is becoming an increasingly important area of scientific study for addressing
problems related to human health and performance. Biomechanics research is often applied by physical education teachers,
physical therapists, physicians, personal trainers, and coaches.

Types of Biomechanics Careers Available

Biomechanists are highly trained scientists that can find employment in various different fields of application, including biology,
exercise science, sports science, health sciences, ergonomics, human factors psychology, and biomedical engineering. Most
professionals in the biomechanics field are involved working in laboratories to conduct essential kinesiology studies on
locomotion patterns, osteoporosis, mobility impairment, microgravity, transitional changes, injury reduction, sport performance,
occupational health, and more. Therefore, biomechanists can be found working in gait analysis research labs, creating designs in
sports companies, completing work related to flexibility testing, designing man-machine interfaces, or testing athletes.

How to Prepare for a Job in Biomechanics

To begin on the academic journey towards becoming a biomechanist, it is recommended that undergraduate students obtain a
bachelor’s degree in kinesiology to take introductory courses related to physics, human anatomy, physiology, functional
anatomy, engineering, and exercise science. Gaining more specialized experience requires you to pursue a graduate degree at
one of the universities that offer specializations in biomechanics. Earning a master’s degree will provide the background needed
to work as junior researchers or laboratory technicians in biomechanics, but the majority of biomechanists decide to pursue a
Ph.D degree to unlock more senior responsibilities in research.

1. Complete las siguientes oraciones con información del texto. Resalte en el mismo las líneas que justifican su respuesta :
a. Se define a la biomecánica como ___________________________________________________________
b. Los principios mecánicos no son los únicos que se tienen en cuenta en el análisis del movimiento, sino también
c. Algunas áreas de trabajo en las que se puede desempeñar un especialista en biomecánica son
d. Sin obtener un estudio de maestría en el área de biomecánica, es difícil

2. Busque los antecedentes de las siguientes expresiones :


3. Indique el núcleo de las frases nominales y traduzca :

a. the science that is concerned with analyzing how and why bodies move in the way that they do.
LKF- INGLÉS II Prof. Andrea Rodeghiero
b. gait analysis research labs
c. a fast-growing sub-discipline of the kinesiology field with much to offer society
d. the internal and external forces acting on the body
e. the background needed to work as junior researchers or laboratory technicians in biomechanics
f. highly trained scientists that can find employment in various different fields of application, including biology,
exercise science, sports science, health sciences, ergonomics, human factors psychology, and biomedical

4. Seleccione la acepción correcta según el texto de los siguientes términos :

a. ADDRESS: I-dirección II- tratar III- discurso
b. CONDUCT: I-llevar adelante II- conducir III-dirigir
c. PURSUE: I- perseguir II- intentar obtener III- persecución
d. SENIOR: I- más viejas II- masculinas III- de mayor rango

5. Traduzca las siguientes oraciones e indique su tiempo verbal :

a. Biomechanics integrates the laws of physics with the working concepts of engineering.
b. Gaining more specialized experience requires you to pursue a graduate degree at one of the universities that offer
specializations in biomechanics.

6. Subraye:
a. Tres ejemplos de cláusula relativa, marcando el SUSTANTIVO que está siendo modificado.
b. Una oración en PRESENTE CONTINUO.
c. Un conector que sirve para expresar CAUSA-CONSECUENCIA
d. Un conector que expresa CONTRASTE.
e. Una oración que expresa CONDICIÓN-CONSECUENCIA.

7. Poslectura: ¿Cuál es el beneficio para un kinesiólogo de estar familiarizado con los estudios de la biomecánica?
Justifique con información del texto.


8. Choose the correct expression to complete the sentence :

a. Kinesiologists help you treat and _____________ from injuries.

i)improve ii) overcome iii)recover

b. Skipping, throwing or hopping are ____________ skills.

i) developmental ii)deftly iii) learning

c. That athlete is fit but lacks cardiovascular __________________.

i) force ii)power iii) endurance

d. Rehabilitation involves _______________ skills or functions that were previously acquired but that have
been lost.

i)improving ii) restoring iii)preventing

LKF- INGLÉS II Prof. Andrea Rodeghiero
e. The goal of the treatment is to help patients live a more functional life without having to __________

i)undergo ii)do iii) have

f. The knee and the elbow are examples of _________

i) bones ii) joints iii) muscles

g. She can’t walk, so she is using a ______________.

i)chair of wheels ii) chair’s wheel iii) wheelchair

h. Many people get ______to a kinesiologist for rehabilitation

i) referred ii) derived iii) ordered

i. Knowledge of biomechanics is usually applied in ________ with that of other spheres of scholarly study

i) group ii)conjunct iii) conjunction

11. Complete these sentences with the sequences from the box:

a. Skilled movement is the second _____________________________of kinesiology.

b. These categories of physical activity ______________________, they can play a role at the same time.

c. These skills have _____________________________any specific sport: they are unrelated.

d. ____________________motor skills, they can be classified into different groups.

e. ______________________expecting people to adapt to a particular design, ergonomists seek to improve

design to suit the people who use it.

f. Working with the ‘whole person´as a physiatrist implies ______________________ different characteristics
of a patient’s life.

g. Preventive therapeutic exercise _________________________ reinjury.

no direct correlation with- reduce the likelihood of- rather than- are not mutually exclusive –taking into
account- area of focus- with regard to-

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