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District of Columbia Bicycle Advisory Council


Cathy L. Lanier
Chief of Police, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Department


October 20, 2011 Working With the DC Bicycle Advisory Council to enhance communication between the Metropolitan Police Department nd cyclists

Dear Chief Lanier: The Police Complaints Board recently released a report, Improving the Safety of Bicyclists and Enhancing their Interactions with Metropolitan Police Department Officers. Among other important ways to enhance traffic safety, it recommends that MPD participate actively in the DC Bicycle Advisory Council, of which I am a member, as a way to enhance communication between MPD and cyclists, and as a way to ensure that some persistent issues of bicycle safety are addressed. We want to follow-up on that recommendation by respectfully requesting that you designate an MPD representative and alternate representative to participate in the BAC. The DC Bicycle Advisory Council (BAC) is a citizens advisory council created by the Council of the District of Columbia to advise the Council and the Mayor on issues related to bicycling in the District. We are each volunteers appointed by Councilmembers. In addition, the law enabling the BAC includes membership for the District Department of Transportation, the Office of Planning, the Department of Public Works, and the Metropolitan Police Department. The BAC has six meetings a year, on the first Wednesday of odd numbered months. Our next meeting will be Wednesday, November 2, from 6pm-8pm, on the 11th floor of 441 4th Street NW coincidentally the same day as the Council Committee on the Judiciary will be holding a hearing on enforcement of pedestrian and bicycle safety. Although MPD is designated as a member of the BAC by our enabling legislation, MPD participation has been inconsistent. A representative has occasionally attended our meetings, but this attendance has been rare and seems to be a different person each time. A regular representative should be a consistent liaison with the bicycling community with ability to followup on issues raised at the meetings. For example, the Police Complaints Board report raises a number of issue relating to enforcement related to bicycling, and we would welcome the opportunity to work with MPD on these issues. In addition, the Police Complaints Board Report made a number of recommendations for the

BAC to enhance its communication and outreach. This letter is a part of our effort to step up our proactive efforts to engage with MPD. We look forward to your designation an MPD representative and alternate to the BAC and to their regular participation in future Bicycle Advisory Council activities. Thank you,

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