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(Former M.P.

Minister for Agriculture & Cooperative)

Mushtaq Hussain will long be remembered for his total com- mitment to secular
values. He was deadly opposed to communal poli- tics. He wamed that the RSS
symbolises hatred and preaches divisive politics. If the RSS and its frontal
organisations including the BJP comes to power, the nation will be doomed, he
used to warn us.
During his lifetime he incessantly struggled against communal forces. He was a
communist who upheld lofty ideals of equality. He was confident that India will
turn a new leaf by opting for a system free from exploitation and communal hatred.
Mushtaq led a simple and austere life. He had no wordly possession; neither he
aspired for it. He made total sacrifice for the cause he held dear to his heart. He
was a bachelor by choice. He wanted to give his undivided attention to the
upliftment of the poor and the downtrodden.
The human side of Mushtaq is not known to many except his close and intimate
friends. He had no hesitation in asking monetary help from us for meeting his bare
necessities, but at no time he had more than a pair of shirts and pants. He used to
distribute even his clothes to the needy.
He worked round the clock if occasion demanded. He was a trade unionist who
lived among the Railway workers in Bilaspur. He stayed with P.S. Karunakaran,
S.E. Railway worker leader who lovingly nurtured Mushtaq when he fell ill.
Mushtaq is more an ideal to us then a leader. He was our inspi- ration, he was our
guide, he was our motivator, he was our comrade, friend and philosopher. He was
our Guru in journalism. He had a sharp intellect. He will provide ample food for
In departing Mushtaq has left a rich legacy of service and sac- rifice. He has shown
us the path that will ennoble us if we reach the destination. The path was of course
steep and slippery but he used to remind that path to service is full of hazards and
not straight and smooth.
We mourn the loss of our dear friend, philosopher and guide and hope that his
example will be followed by all of us.
1. Commitment to Secular Values:
- Mushtaq Hussain was dedicated to secular values and strongly opposed
communal politics.
- He warned against the RSS (Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh) and its divisive
politics, considering it a symbol of hatred.

2. Struggle Against Communal Forces:

- Mushtaq Hussain incessantly fought against communal forces throughout his
- As a communist, he upheld ideals of equality and believed in a system free from
exploitation and communal hatred.

3. Simple and Austere Life:

- Mushtaq led a simple and austere life, devoid of worldly possessions.
- He made significant sacrifices for the causes he held dear, including being a
bachelor by choice.

4. Advocacy for the Upliftment of the Poor:

- He dedicated his life to the upliftment of the poor and downtrodden.
- Mushtaq was known for distributing even his own clothes to those in need.

5. Trade Unionist and Railway Worker Leader:

- Mushtaq Hussain was a trade unionist who actively engaged with Railway
workers in Bilaspur.
- He lived among the Railway workers and had a close association with leaders
like P.S. Karunakaran.
6. Legacy of Service and Sacrifice:
- Mushtaq Hussain left a rich legacy of service and sacrifice for the greater good.
- Despite the hazards and challenges, he emphasized the importance of the path
of service.

7. Intellectual and Inspirational Figure:

- Mushtaq possessed a sharp intellect and was an inspiration to his associates.
- He served as a guide, motivator, comrade, friend, and philosopher to those who
knew him.

8. Guru in Journalism:
- Mushtaq Hussain played a role as a guru in journalism, imparting knowledge
and wisdom to others.

9. Call for Following His Example:

- The writer mourns the loss of Mushtaq Hussain and expresses hope that others
will follow his example of service and sacrifice.

It's important to note that while this text provides insights into Mushtaq Hussain's
life and values, it does not explicitly mention his direct involvement in the freedom
fight for India's independence. If you are specifically looking for information
related to the freedom fight, additional context or sources may be needed

of selfless dedication to the cause of communism. His life was a testament to the
belief that true revolutionaries must lead a life of simplicity, devoid of materialistic
Mushtaq's impact extended beyond his immediate circle. He influenced and
inspired not only fellow journalists but also a wide spectrum of individuals, from
trade unionists to students. His commitment to the working class and the
underprivileged was unwavering, and he walked the path of hardship with the
conviction that the road to revolution is not an easy one.

In the words of Habib Tanvir, Mushtaq's childhood friend and neighbor, he was a
rare person who left an indelible mark. Tanvir reminisces about the days when
Mushtaq guided him through literature, introduced him to renowned writers, and
played a significant role in shaping his intellectual journey.

M.Y. Bodhankar, an executive editor, shares anecdotes that reflect Mushtaq's

humility and genuine concern for others. He highlights Mushtaq's ability to
connect with people from all walks of life, whether they were railway workers or
intellectuals. Mushtaq's influence on Bodhankar's life is evident as he recounts
stories of Mushtaq's visits to Delhi, offering advice and emphasizing the
importance of building a future.

N. Rajan, reflecting on the Marina Group's discussions in Nagpur, paints a picture

of an intellectually vibrant gathering with Mushtaq at its center. This group,
comprising journalists, trade unionists, and intellectuals, discussed a wide range of
topics, from Marxism to Shakespeare. Mushtaq, with his pleasing manners and
openness to diverse views, played a pivotal role in shaping the group's ideological

The tributes converge on Mushtaq's selflessness, humility, and deep commitment

to communism. Even during his terminal illness, Mushtaq maintained his concern
for social issues, highlighting the problems faced by the tribals in Madhya Pradesh.

As Mushtaq faced the challenges of a changing political landscape and the collapse
of the Soviet Union, his dedication to the communist cause remained resolute.
Despite the disillusionment felt by many during that time, Mushtaq's legacy
endures as a symbol of unwavering commitment to the ideals of socialism and the
upliftment of the working class.

Mushtaq Hussain's Struggle for Freedom and Service to the Poor:

1. Communist Ideals: Mushtaq Hussain embraced communism early in life, driven

by a deep commitment to secular values and a vision of a classless, casteless

2. Early Activism: From his student days, Mushtaq actively participated in political
activities, holding high the red banner symbolizing revolutionary ideals.

3. Journalistic Journey: Initially, Mushtaq pursued journalism, seeing it as a

powerful tool for social transformation. He believed that journalists could play a
crucial role in bringing about positive change.

4. Trade Union Activities: Mushtaq transitioned into trade union activism,

particularly focusing on the rights and well-being of railway workers. He remained
devoted to the cause throughout his life.

5. Self-Abnegation: Mushtaq led a simple and austere life, deliberately choosing

the path of hardship, shunning comforts, and living among the workers. He
believed in self-sacrifice for the greater good.

6. Dedication to Railway Workers: Mushtaq's commitment to the Railway Union in

Bilaspur was unwavering. He lived among the workers, shared their struggles, and
became an adored figure among them.
7. Wide Circle of Influence: Mushtaq's influence extended beyond trade unions,
encompassing people from various classes and walks of life, including artists,
politicians, and intellectuals.

8. Commitment to Tribal Issues: Mushtaq passionately advocated for the rights and
issues of the tribal population, particularly in Madhya Pradesh. He believed in
addressing their problems and spoke out about their challenges.

9. Financial Sacrifices: Despite his own financial constraints, Mushtaq readily

helped those in need. He distributed even his own clothes to the less fortunate and
sought financial assistance for his basic necessities.

10. Legacy of Uncompromising Struggle: Mushtaq Hussain left behind a legacy of

uncompromising struggle for the ideals of socialism and communism. His life was
a testament to his belief in the transformative power of these ideologies.

11. Influence on Journalists: Mushtaq inspired and mentored numerous young

journalists, encouraging them to use their profession as a means of advocating for
social justice and change.

12. Gondwana Thesis: Mushtaq passionately propagated the Gondwana thesis,

engaging in legendary debates with prominent figures like S.A. Dange. This
showcased his dedication to ideological discussions and debates.

13. Resistance to Communism's Decline: Mushtaq faced the challenges of

witnessing the decline of communism globally, especially after the collapse of the
Soviet Union. Despite this, he remained committed to guiding the comrades and
preserving the essence of the ideology.
14. Humanitarian Values: Mushtaq's life reflected genuine humanitarian values. He
was known for helping others without expecting anything in return, illustrating a
selfless and compassionate approach to life.

15. Last Days and Tragic End: Mushtaq faced a tragic end, battling an illness that
led to a loss of memory. The collapse of the Soviet Union, a symbol of
communism, is believed to have deeply affected him. His last days were marked by
physical decline and a sense of loss for the ideals he cherished.

Mushtaq Hussain's life was characterized by an unwavering dedication to the

principles of communism, a relentless fight against injustice, and a profound
commitment to the welfare of the poor and marginalized.

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