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Drama & excitement Nostalgic Interest in star

Generation Patriotism Social influence

of the game associations players
Z-ers: 16–24 .689** -.022 .159* .121 .721**
Y-ers: 25–34 .257** .471** .089 .261** .101
X-ers: 35–55 .208* .350** .248** .593** .196*

Generation-Z For Generation-Z, the result of the correlation reveals that Patriotism correlates positively
with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.689**, p < 0.05 ). Similarly, Social Influence
correlated strongly with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.721**, p < 0.05). Our results
further show that Nostalgic Associations (r=.159*, p < 0.05) relate positively but Interest
in Star Players relates insignificantly to Fan’s Intentions to Watch T20 (r=.121, p > 0.05).
The results indicated that Drama & Excitement of the Game correlated negatively (r= -
.22, p > 0.05) for Generation-Z’s Intentions to Watch T20.

Generation-Y For Generation-Y, the result of the correlation reveals that Patriotism correlates positively
with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.257**, p < 0.05). Similarly, Drama & Excitement of
the Game correlated strongly with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.471**, p < 0.05). Our
results further show that Interest in Star Players (r=.261**, p < 0.05) relate positively with
Fan’s Intentions to Watch T20. It was also found that Nostalgic Associations (r= .089, p >
0.05) and Social Influence (r= .101, p > 0.05) correlated insignificantly for Generation-Y’s
Intentions to Watch T20.

Generation-X For Generation-X, the result of the correlation reveals that Patriotism correlates positively
with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.208*, p < 0.05). Similarly, Drama & Excitement of
the Game correlated strongly with Fan’s Intention to Watch T20 (r=.350**, p < 0.05). Our
results further show that Nostalgic Associations (r=.248**, p < 0.05) and Interest in Star
Players (r=593**, p < 0.05) relate positively with Fan’s Intentions to Watch T20. It was also
found that Social Influence (r= .196, p < 0.05) correlated significantly for Generation-X’s
Intentions to Watch T20.

All The result of the correlation reveals that Patriotism correlates positively for all
Generations (r=.689**for Z-ers, r=.257** for Y-ers, r=.208* for X-ers). Results further reveal
that Drama & Excitement of the Game for Generation-Y and Generation-X correlates
positively with Fan’s Intentions to Watch T20 but for Generation-Z, it correlated negatively
(r=-.022 for Z-ers, r=.471** for Y-ers, r=.350** for X-ers). It was also found that Nostalgic
Associations correlated significantly for Generation-Z and Generation-X but for
Generation-Y, it correlated insignificantly (r=.159* for Z-ers, r=.089 for Y-ers, r=.248** for
X-ers). Similarly, the results reveal that Interest in Star Players correlated significantly for
Generate-Y and Generation-X, but for Generation-Z, it correlated insignificantly with the
Fan’s Intentions to Watch T20 (r=.121 for Z-ers, r=.261** for Y-ers, r=.593** for X-ers). For
Social Influence, it was found that it correlated significantly with Generation-Z and
Generation-X but for Generation-Y, it correlated insignificantly (r=.721** for Z-ers, r=.101
for Y-ers, r=.196* for X-ers).

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