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Karimnagar +91-8465024350

Ajay Marukonda Linkedin


• Java, Data Structures and Algorithms, MySQL, OOP, Concurrent Programming

Tic Tac Toe Game (Case study)
Developed a console-based Tic Tac Toe game applying OOP principles and utilizing design patterns for an
efficient and scalable solution in Scaler Academy within a 2 weeks with the help of our Instructor.
Implemented an algorithm for determining the winner, addressing complexities in checking rows, columns,
and diagonals. Successfully optimized the algorithm for performance, considering scalability for larger board

Scaler 2023
Specialized in Software Development & Problem Solving
Completed modules on DSA, OOP, Concurrency, SQL, and Design Patterns.
Acquired proficiency in Java.
Engaged in collaborative problem-solving sessions, enhancing teamwork and communication skills.
kamala institute of technology and Science 2022
Developed proficiency in electrical circuit analysis, signal processing, and control systems design.

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