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Tortoises, are members of the Testudinidae family, are often overshadowed by their more
charismatic counterparts in the animal kingdom. Yet, these ancient creatures possess a
remarkable story of survival and adaptation that spans millions of years

Like other turtles tortoises have a shield that protects them from being eaten by other animals .
Males can weigh more than 227 kilos
but females can weigh more than 113 kilos .
They can grow up to more than 1.5 Meters.
25 years is the age when it’s fully grown . But the can live up to 150 years .

Food and habitat

Since, tortoises are herbivorous animals As other turtles, Tortoises They eat vegetables like
cucumber and carrot ,They also like eating fruits like grapes and strawberries , They love eating
flowers too .
You can find tortoises in a lot of places from deserts to wet tropical forests but they primarily live
in semi-arid regions

5 Interesting facts about tortoises

1- The oldest animal in the world is a tortoise named Jonathan who is 192 years old

2- Tortoises smell with their throat

3- They are very ancient that they have been around for 230 million years

4- Tortoises drink water through their noses

5- tortoises don't have teeth. Instead, their mouths have a hard, sharpened edge that they use to
bite with

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