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Cardio VS.

Weight Training
Both weight training and cardiovascular (cardio) exercise offer various benefits to the body. Here
are some benefits of each type of exercise with sources:
Benefits of Weight Training:
1. Increased Muscle Mass and Strength: Weight training is known to increase muscle mass and
strength. This occurs due to the stimulation of muscle fibers during resistance training, which
causes them to adapt and grow stronger over time. (source: American Council on Exercise)
2. Improved Bone Health: Resistance training can improve bone density and reduce the risk of
osteoporosis, especially in older adults. This is because weight-bearing exercises stimulate bone
growth and increase bone density. (source: Harvard Health Publishing)
3. Increased Metabolism: Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue, meaning it
burns more calories at rest. Building muscle through weight training can, therefore, increase
metabolism and aid in weight loss. (source: Journal of Obesity)
4. Better Mental Health: Weight training has been shown to improve mood, reduce anxiety and
depression, and improve self-esteem. This may be due to the release of endorphins during
exercise. (source: Harvard Health Publishing)
Benefits of Cardiovascular Exercise:
1. Improved Heart Health: Cardiovascular exercise is known to improve heart health by reducing
the risk of heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. This occurs due to the strengthening of
the heart muscle and the improvement of blood flow throughout the body. (source: American
Heart Association)
2. Increased Lung Capacity: Cardiovascular exercise can increase lung capacity and improve
breathing. This is because it strengthens the respiratory muscles and improves oxygen uptake by
the body. (source: Harvard Health Publishing)
3. Better Mental Health: Like weight training, cardio exercise has been shown to improve mood,
reduce anxiety and depression, and improve self-esteem. This may be due to the release of
endorphins during exercise. (source: Harvard Health Publishing)
4. Increased Caloric Burn: Cardiovascular exercise burns more calories per minute than weight
training, making it an effective way to aid in weight loss. (source: Medicine and Science in
Sports and Exercise)

Overall, both weight training and cardio exercise offer unique benefits to the body. Incorporating
both into a fitness routine can lead to optimal health and fitness outcomes.

Dakota Sheppard

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