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Engineering living therapeutics

with synthetic biology
Andres Cubillos-Ruiz1,2, Tingxi Guo3,4, Anna Sokolovska5, Paul F. Miller   6,
James J. Collins   1,2, Timothy K. Lu   3,4 and Jose M. Lora   7 ✉
Abstract | The steadfast advance of the synthetic biology field has enabled scientists to use
genetically engineered cells, instead of small molecules or biologics, as the basis for the
development of novel therapeutics. Cells endowed with synthetic gene circuits can control the
localization, timing and dosage of therapeutic activities in response to specific disease biomarkers
and thus represent a powerful new weapon in the fight against disease. Here, we conceptualize
how synthetic biology approaches can be applied to programme living cells with therapeutic
functions and discuss the advantages that they offer over conventional therapies in terms of
flexibility, specificity and predictability, as well as challenges for their development. We present
notable advances in the creation of engineered cells that harbour synthetic gene circuits capable of
biological sensing and computation of signals derived from intracellular or extracellular biomarkers.
We categorize and describe these developments based on the cell scaffold (human or microbial) and
the site at which the engineered cell exerts its therapeutic function within its human host. The design
of cell-based therapeutics with synthetic biology is a rapidly growing strategy in medicine that holds
great promise for the development of effective treatments for a wide variety of human diseases.

Department of Biological
Over the past century, the development of new therapeu- circuits of interacting genes and proteins that underpin
Engineering, Synthetic tics has largely relied on synthetic chemistry approaches endogenous cellular functions as well as the response of
Biology Center, Institute for to design and optimize bioactive molecules that may a cell to its environment6. Genetic circuits can be decon-
Medical Engineering and have the potential to become medicines. This process structed into simpler functional units or modules with
Science, Massachusetts
typically involves cycles of lead compound functionali- defined inputs and outputs; for instance, translation can
Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA, USA. zation and screening to iteratively enhance their efficacy, be viewed as a two-input (an mRNA and a ribosome)
Wyss Institute for Biologically
safety and pharmacokinetic characteristics1. Although and one-output (a protein) functional module. Thanks
Inspired Engineering, Harvard this approach has enabled the discovery and develop- to this modularity, the overall behaviour of the system
University, Boston, MA, USA. ment of important life-changing medicines, there are can be expressed as a composite set of interconnected
MIT Synthetic Biology many unmet clinical needs across numerous human operations (Box 1). Using this framework, synthetic biol-
Center, Massachusetts diseases that will require strategies that extend the reach ogists can independently design, test and characterize
Institute of Technology,
of small-molecule-based and protein engineering-based novel functional modules using genetic parts that have
Cambridge, MA, USA.
therapies 2. In recent years, the advent of synthetic been previously characterized. Importantly, the interac-
Department of Electrical
Engineering and Computer
biology has been changing the way life scientists and tion between the parts that compose these modules can
Science, Research Laboratory bioengineers think about designing and building ther- be described using well-established mathematical mod-
of Electronics, Massachusetts apeutic agents by establishing living cells, rather than els, which enables the implementation of model-based
Institute of Technology, chemical compounds, as scaffolds for the development design approaches for the integration of functional
Cambridge, MA, USA.
of novel medicines. Synthetic biology approaches, akin modules into more complex synthetic genetic circuits7,8.
Synlogic, Inc., Cambridge, to medicinal chemistry methodologies, enable the Although many of the synthetic genetic circuits created
functionalization of a wide variety of cell types through thus far are proof-of-principle designs, the field has
Artizan Biosciences,
the introduction of synthetic gene circuits to generate moved towards application-based designs that promise
New Haven, CT, USA.
engineered living therapies (ELTs) (Fig. 1). important breakthroughs in the development of novel
Intergalactic Therapeutics,
Boston, MA, USA.
Synthetic biology is an exciting discipline that therapeutics.
✉e-mail: jlora@ emerged at the turn of this century, combining molecu- The structure of a genetic circuit can be generally lar biology tools with forward-engineering principles to divided into three basic modules. First, an input mod- construct genetic systems that programme a desired cel- ule that detects biotic or abiotic signals and transforms
s41573-021-00285-3 lular behaviour3–5. It builds upon the existence of genetic them into interpretable molecular signals. For instance,

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 941


Molecule-based therapies Cell-based therapies


Small molecule Protein Implantable Tissue-resident

cell cell

Circulating cell Bacteria


Small molecule Antibody Effector production Microenvironment

inhibitor sensing

Cytokine Enzyme Complex enzymatic Disease biomarker

transformations sensing

Safety and efficacy


Antibody–drug Encapsulation Sense and Controlled tissue
conjugation respond tropism

Diseased state Healthy state CAR-T cell cell
Nanoparticle-mediated Implantable device- Gene classifier Feedback-controlled
delivery mediated delivery circuit module

Tuning of PK/PD Increased Site-specific Controlled Selectivity and Biomarker Reduced Tunable strength
parameters on-target activity assimilation dose-release on-target activity surveillance off-target effects and durability

Fig. 1 | Endowing biological scaffolds with therapeutic capabilities. into cells present opportunities for the development of a new class of
Small molecules and protein-based biologics (left) have traditionally therapeutics. Like lead small molecules and proteins, living cells display
served as scaffolds for the development of new therapeutic agents. The natural biological activities that can be harnessed for therapeutic
intrinsic bioactivities of such molecules are usually enhanced through applications. Numerous human cell types and human-associated
medicinal chemistry, protein engineering and/or drug-delivery microorganisms (right) can be used as living scaffolds to build genetic
approaches to achieve therapeutic efficacy and safety. The advent of programmes that endow them with therapeutic capabilities. PK/PD,
synthetic biology and its capacity for programming novel functionalities pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics.

coupling of membrane-associated sensor proteins and desired cellular response. In therapeutics applications,
downstream response regulators enables the transfor- output modules are usually genes that encode biologi-
mation of a ligand-binding event into a controllable cal effectors, such as enzymes, cytokines or cell recep-
phosphorylation signalling cascade. Second, an opera- tors. The composition and integration of these modules
tion module that computes the transmitted signal from enables the creation of complex synthetic systems that
the input module and determines the appropriate cel- reprogramme the overall cellular behaviour in favour of
lular behaviour. Most commonly, Boolean logic gates the desired application (Fig. 2).
are used to process single or multiple inputs to generate To develop dynamic, living therapeutics, engineered
the desired gene-expression outcome (Box 1). Lastly, an cells must sense and respond to environmental cues
output module converts the computed signal into the that encode information about their location, relevant

942 | December 2021 | volume 20


disease states and the timing for mounting an appro- desired dynamic response9. Environmental and disease
priate therapeutic response. For that, synthetic gene cir- biomarkers provide initial input to a sensing module to
cuits must include sensor elements, signal processing/ distinguish between disease and normal states (Fig. 2).
transduction elements and control elements to tune a A sensing module can be relatively simple, such as the

Box 1 | Genetic logic gates

To achieve a desired Single input logic gates
cellular response,
Boolean logic gates can YES NOT
be designed to process In Out In Out
multiple inputs and 1 1 1 0
Input Input
generate outputs 0 0 0 1
according to digital logic PI PO PI PO
rules. Biological logic
gate circuits can be
constructed using
a combination of Double input logic gates
controllable input,
operation and output AND OR
modules that can IA IB Out Input IA IB Out Input
produce desired 0 0 0 A 0 0 0 A
outcomes at the DNA, 0 1 0 PIA 0 1 1 PIA
RNA and protein levels. 1 0 0 1 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
As an illustrative example
(see the figure), we show
how input modules that PO POA POB
use small-molecule
regulators can be Input Input
combined with operation B B
modules based on PIB PIB
transcriptional activators
or repressors to create
logic gates that switch Layered, double input logic gates
on (1) or off (0) the
expression of the output NAND Input
module. The simplest IA IB Out A
operation is the YES 0 0 1 PIA
gate, which makes the 0 1 1
output identical to 1 0 1
the input. This operation 1 1 0
can be achieved when P PO
the presence of the input
signal inhibits the Input
expression and/or B
activity of a PIB
trans­­criptional repressor
that controls the output NOR Input
gene. The opposite IA IB Out A
operation, which inverts 0 0 1 PIA
the signal (NOT gate), 0 1 0
can be obtained when 1 0 0
the presence of the input 1 1 0
activates the expression POA POB PO
and/or activity of a
transcriptional repressor Input
controlling the output. B
The YES and NOT gates PIB
are single-input Boolean
operations that have
been widely used to control gene expression and can be layered to yield is the OR gate, which turns off the output signal only when all the inputs
more complex logic gate circuits with multiple inputs. An AND gate, which are absent. Two independent sets of transcriptional activators and their
requires the presence of all inputs to turn on the output signal, can be built cognate promoters can serve as an OR gate when placed upstream of the
by combining YES gates. In our example, an AND gate is achieved with the output module. Furthermore, more complex logic gates can be created
use of two transcriptional repressor-based YES gates, with operator based on the logic combinations described previously, for example,
sequences that condition the activity of a single promoter (P) in the output a NAND gate can be built by connecting an AND gate to a NOT gate, and
module. Another useful operation for the robust control of gene expression an NOR gate can be constructed by layering an OR gate to a NOT gate.

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 943


Input module sense Output module response

Cell with engineered genetic circuit

Inputs Responses
Environmental and Production
disease biomarkers
• Proteins
• microRNAs • Peptides
• Proteins/peptides • Metabolites
(surface/soluble) • Small molecules
• Metabolites
• Small molecules Secretion
Receptors/ Signal
(host/bacterial) transporters Export
• Hypoxia transduction
• Temperature Degradation
P Gene
Surface display
• Timing Consumption
• Strength
• Sensitivity

Feedback control

Fig. 2 | Development of living therapeutics with engineered genetic circuits. The components of genetic circuits
introduced into a living cell are organized into functional modules with defined inputs and outputs. The initial inputs
of these sensing modules may include environmental or disease biomarkers. Upon their recognition, the output module
can mount a wide range of programmed responses to drive therapeutic behaviour of an engineered cell. For example,
elevated blood glucose can serve as an input, which can be sensed by a glucose transporter and its signalling cascades
to drive the expression of insulin32. Decrease in blood glucose levels following the release of insulin negatively regulates
circuit activity through feedback control. The architecture of these sensing and processing modules can include various
logic gates (Box 1) to specify sensitivity, flexibility, strength and timing of a therapeutic response. P, promoter.

direct activation of a transcription factor driving a tran- of systemic circulation. For circulating cell types, we
scriptional response in the output module. However, to focus on engineered T cells that carry synthetic gene
generate a precise response, advanced sensing modules circuits capable of endowing controllability, flexibility
can interface intricate signal transduction pathways with and specificity to their therapeutic programmes. We
multiple control elements to fine-tune the output sig- then describe efforts towards the creation of live bio-
nal. The layering of these modules into logic gates is a therapeutics based on microbial cells and examples of
powerful way of regulating timing, driving greater sig- sense-and-respond systems designed to create thera-
nal strength and improving the sensitivity of the output peutic functions in gut- and tumour-associated bacteria.
module (Fig. 2). In addition to presenting synthetic biology advances, we
The use of synthetic gene circuits can be an impor- provide insights into manufacturing and clinical devel-
tant feature of cell-based therapies, and these strategies opment considerations related to the creation of engi-
can address some of the notable limitations of conven- neered cell-based therapeutics. Finally, we analyse the
tional therapies — namely, lack of flexibility, specificity future prospects for the development of engineered cells
and predictability (Box 2). The past decade has witnessed that can deliver autonomous, orthogonal and durable
a flurry of increasingly sophisticated genetic designs to therapeutic programmes.
rewire cells for therapeutic applications10,11. These efforts
have been largely directed towards mammalian cells and Programming therapeutic human cells
bacteria, which share similar fundamental principles The use of human cells as chassis for engineered gene
but differ in their molecular toolkits for engineering circuits represents a significant bioengineering advance-
strategies11,12. In this Review, we highlight noteworthy ment, allowing sophisticated therapeutic interventions
reports of engineered cell therapies that have used syn- to be imparted via genetic vectors to cells in situ or
thetic biology approaches to programme cellular behavi­ ex vivo. Implementing synthetic constructs to cells in
ours. We focus on efforts that involve the biological patients can be carried out using viral or non-viral meth-
sensing and computation of signals derived from intra- ods. Alternatively, introducing gene circuits to human
cellular or extracellular biomarkers, ultimately leading to tissue ex vivo allows precise manipulation in an isolated
the execution of a defined therapeutic programme. The setting. In addition to being the least-foreign cellular
examples presented here are categorized on the basis of chassis, human cells provide the native intracellular
cell scaffolds with physiology suitable for the creation environment for exogenous therapeutic programmes,
of a therapeutic platform, namely genetically tractable facilitating integration with physiologically relevant
human cells and human-associated bacteria. molecular processes (such as post-translational modi­
We first describe how distinct synthetic biology fications) and biochemical pathways that are directly
approaches have been employed to functionalize human relevant for disease treatment (such as oncogenic sig-
cell types that are tissue resident, implantable or capable nals). The synthetic biological circuits discussed below

944 | December 2021 | volume 20


Boolean gates
have been developed to treat diseases such as cancer and HeLa cells was chosen, and a double-inversion circuit
A system or device that metabolic disorders and are categorized on the basis of was built by encoding corresponding miRNA binding
performs a logical operation localization of the cellular chassis as tissue-resident, sites within the transcripts of key circuit components.
on one or more binary inputs, implantable or circulating therapeutic cells. HeLa-low miRNAs directly degraded the output gene
which results in a single binary
(apoptotic factor BAX) transcripts, and HeLa-high
Tissue-resident engineered cells miRNAs degraded BAX repressor, BCL-2, to allow out-
AND gate Initial efforts to rewire cells for therapeutic use stemmed put expression. The resulting ‘classifier’ circuit elicited
Output is actuated only if all from the insertion of circuits to control biological activ- two discrete outcomes based on the detected cell state:
of the specified inputs are
ity in the cell of interest in response to predetermined the output, in this case BAX, is expressed in the presence
input signals (Fig. 3). In these instances, cells are pro- of HeLa-high markers and repressed in their absence
grammed to detect, integrate and respond to biologi- (Fig. 3a). Functionally, this genetic architectural design
cal cues in the intracellular microenvironment. This resulted in the preferential apoptosis of HeLa cells ver-
concept has now been applied to the identification and sus non-malignant HEK293 cells, when the entire circuit
discrimination of cellular states13, such as malignant was introduced to the respective cells14.
versus non-malignant behaviours. Typically, this relies Another experimental strategy to sense intracellu-
on indexing and integrating groups of biomolecules of lar processes is to regulate RNA splicing, whereby the
the synthetic gene circuit into a ‘classifier’ and, based output gene cannot be translated unless splicing occurs.
on the output of that integration, eliciting the appropri- Here, RNA aptamers that potentiate splicing when
ate response in the host cell. For example, a simple ‘if bound by specific input protein ligands, along with an
malignant then trigger apoptotic pathway’ logic might be exon encoding a stop codon, are inserted between exons
implemented. The distinction between non-malignant of the output protein. When the protein of interest binds
cells and cervical carcinoma (HeLa cells), represented the aptamer, an alternatively spliced transcript for func-
an early proof-of-concept demonstration for the concept tional translation of the output protein gets generated.
of cellular classifiers14. A set of microRNAs (miRNAs) Initial proofs of concept have been demonstrated for
highly expressed (HeLa-high) or absent (HeLa-low) in inputs such as tumour necrosis factor (TNF)–nuclear
factor-κB (NF-κB) and β-catenin pathways15. In these
Box 2 | Addressing the limitations of conventional therapies through
studies, when an aptamer was bound by its cognate fac-
synthetic biology
tor (such as NF-κB or β-catenin), spliced transcripts led
to production of the herpes simplex virus thymidine
Flexibility kinase, which confers sensitivity to the prodrug ganciclo-
A fundamental limitation of conventional therapies lies in their inflexible mechanisms vir. Detection of input signals by these circuits generated
of action. Whereas small molecules and biologics typically target a disease-associated non-native drug sensitivity, which could be repurposed
cell or protein to modulate its activity or availability, synthetic gene circuits can enable
to induce killing of target cells with a disease-specific
engineered cells to carry out a multitude of effector mechanisms in response to various
chemical, biological or environmental cues. The modular nature of biology permits intracellular protein.
the rewiring of input–output relationships in synthetic systems, offering dynamic Cancer research has been the main testing ground
therapeutic options that cannot be achieved by standard drugs. Modularity underlies for the early synthetic gene circuits described above.
many synthetic biology designs; synthetic biology platforms that exemplify the utility Malignant transformations in eukaryotic cells can be
of flexible therapies include synthetic promoters coupling endogenous signalling characterized by genetic and epigenetic changes that
pathways to user-defined therapeutics32,37 and universal chimeric antigen receptor result in aberrant transcriptional states leading to uncon-
(CAR) designs with swappable antigen-binding domains75,79. trolled cell replication16. Additionally, cancer cells must
Specificity escape immune surveillance processes through the sub-
The ability of therapeutics to distinguish between healthy and diseased states is version and evasion of several immune pathways17. These
paramount for eliciting safe and effective responses. Conventional therapies have daunting therapeutic challenges pose profound obstacles
largely relied on the availability of a single disease-associated feature to drive effector to conventional therapeutic modalities, but synthetic
responses. However, many disease states cannot be defined or identified by just one biology is well placed as a complementary approach.
element. Synthetic biology systems enable enhanced specificity by integrating multiple Gene circuits can be devised that discriminate between
state-associated cues to deliver a therapeutic output. Designs that have capitalized
normal and transformed cellular states, and produce
on combining inputs to enhance therapeutic specificity include two-input AND gates
based on disease-associated intracellular miRNAs14, transcription factors18 or cell
therapeutic molecules to specifically destroy cancer cells
surface antigens86,88, as well as the localized production of therapeutics based on the by engaging combinatorial antitumour immune path-
properties of diseased tissue40,164. ways. One such cancer immunotherapy platform has
been described by Nissim and colleagues18, and com-
Predictability and controllability
Unpredictable outcomes in treating complex diseases represent a significant
bines a ‘classifier’ module with an ‘effector’ module that
biomedical challenge. For therapies that operate within a limited therapeutic index produces therapeutic immunomodulatory proteins. The
in particular, achieving the optimal balance of efficacy and toxicity across individuals effective discrimination between tumour-like and nor-
and over time is difficult when faced with inter-patient and intra-patient heterogeneity. mal cells is of paramount importance for the reduction
The sense-and-respond capabilities of synthetic biology systems enable engineered of off-target toxicity (Box 2), and as such, multiple-input
live therapeutics (ELTs) to adjust to perturbations in situ and deliver tailored responses. Boolean gates are an attractive engineering strategy to
Adaptable gene circuits have been implemented in therapeutic applications. Notable improve circuit specificity. As an example, an AND gate
examples include feedback-controlled synthetic gene networks that regulate hormone can be designed in which input promoter 1 (P1) regu-
and metabolite levels30–32,37, inflammation-driven production of immunomodulatory lates an autoinhibitory mRNA that encodes the output
cytokines40, small-molecule controlled CAR activity60 and self-regulated population
protein (or proteins), whereas input promoter 2 (P2) reg-
control based on the quorum sensing of an accumulating bacteriolytic factor169.
ulates an RNA molecule that relieves the autoinhibition,

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 945


a Tissue-resident engineered cells (engineered in situ)

Normal cell
Endogenous cell state recognition (internal input):
normal versus malignant

circuit 1 BAX

Input Sense Output

circuit 2
Inserted gene circuits

circuit 1 BAX

Malignant cell
circuit 2 BAX
circuit 1 BAX
• miRNAs Classifier
BCL2 Responses
• Tumour-specific circuit 2
promoters • Apoptosis
• Biomarkers • Pro-drug conversion
• Pro-drugs HeLa-high miRNAs • Immunomodulation
• Pro-effectors HeLa-low miRNAs • Effector release

b Implantable engineered cells (engineered ex vivo)

Environmental state recognition (external input):
normal versus disease


Serum bile
acids (high)

HGF release Liver regeneration


Feedback to control level of activation


Serum bile
Inputs acids (normal)
Circulating molecules
as disease biomarkers HEK293 cell
• Proteins CREB1
• Peptides
• Metabolites
• Drugs

• Hormone release
• Biomolecular
• Cytokine production

946 | December 2021 | volume 20


◀ Fig. 3 | Human cell therapies with engineered genetic circuits. a | Tissue-resident cells to a cleavable substrate. Hyperactive ERBB signalling
can be engineered to recognize cell states, such as a malignant cell, by using multiple promoted colocalization of both modules and release
designs that include multi-input logic circuits. Multi-input sensing provides flexibility of the effector protein BH3-interacting domain death
to the response, potentially leading to effective therapeutic outcomes with limited agonist (BID) to induce apoptosis. Notably, the compact-
off-target toxicity. For example, sensing endogenous microRNAs (miRNAs) expressed
ness of their design allowed the delivery of the entire
in malignant cells (HeLa-high miRNAs) selectively triggers apoptosis through regulated
expression of BAX without affecting normal cell types, in which miRNAs that are not system by an adeno-associated virus vector. The system
expressed in HeLa (HeLa-low miRNAs) suppressed the expression of BAX14. Sensitivity could be used to trigger the pro-apoptotic protein BID
to the expression levels of malignant and normal miRNAs (or other input signals) can be and had a strong preference for cancer cells with consti-
built into the circuit modifications. Synthetic gene circuits can be engineered to sense tutively active ERBB signalling compared with normal
multiple different inputs and respond accordingly. The main challenge of this approach cells, in which the pathway is only transiently activated24.
is gene delivery for in vivo circuit implementation. b | Implantable cells can be designed Protease-based circuits have also been applied in other
to react to changing environmental conditions, such as circulating metabolites or systems25,26.
disease-related biomolecules. An excess of specific biomolecules such as uric acid,
glucose or thyroid hormone leads to the activation of the response module, and the Implantable engineered cells
integration of self-regulating feedback loops can control and shut off the circuit activity
Unlike engineering tissue-resident cells in situ, implant-
after the system reaches normal physiological conditions. To avoid the potential toxicity
of therapeutic proteins, a biomarker-sensing module with AND-gate logic can be used able cells can be engineered ex vivo, where a wider array
for tight control of the response module. In the illustrated example, high levels of serum of applicable gene delivery methods allows for the intro-
bile acids (a biomarker of liver injury) are sensed through the bile acid membrane duction of sophisticated circuits (Fig. 3). Engineered cir-
receptor TGR5, which leads to the activation of downstream effector CREB1 and cuits in some of the above examples are built to operate
production of hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) to stimulate liver regeneration. Because in one of a limited number of predefined cell states,
HGF not only stimulates liver regeneration but also can drive tumorigenesis, the and they do not dynamically adjust to changing envi-
engineered genetic circuit is designed to be activated by bile acids in a dose-dependent ronmental conditions. Although this design makes the
manner. Normalization of bile acid concentration in serum shuts off HGF production37. system relatively simple, it poses practical limitations
The challenge in this case is to achieve sustained activity of implanted cell and avoid to its potential use in unpredictable clinical settings —
rejection by the immune system.
a limitation shared with conventional therapies (Box 2).
Therefore, the ability to modulate circuit activity in
allowing output production. P1 and P2 are activated by response to an external input, such as a circulating bio-
distinct tumour-associated transcription factors, and molecule, drug or metabolic product, is highly attrac-
when expressed together are sufficient to specify a malig- tive. One way to address this issue has been proposed in
nant cell state. In the system developed by Nissim et al., the form of prosthetic gene network devices27, which are
whereby P1 and P2 were driven by oncogenic transcrip- applicable to situations in which the target molecule in
tion factors MYC and E2F1, respectively, an output set a disease state is found in circulation.
was built that included a combination of a T cell engager, Normal physiological functions generally require key
a chemokine (CC-chemokine ligand 21 (CCL21)), a metabolic or endocrine factors to be maintained within
cytokine (IL-12) and an anti-programmed cell death 1 a certain homeostatic range. Disruptions to the natural
(PD1) single-chain variable fragment (scFv), with the positive or negative feedback loops that control the levels
potential to engage multiple antitumour immune mech- of these key factors can result in disease (for instance,
anisms. Crucially, both P1 and P2 need to be concur- diabetes is a result of insufficient insulin levels to regu­
rently activated in cells to elicit the output. As a result, late blood glucose). Successful treatments for these
any off-target activity is minimized through the combi- disorders need consistent control in the bioavailability
nation of two tumour-associated synthetic promoters that of the targeted physiological product. Thus, achieving
are unlikely to be simultaneously activated in a normal predictable outcomes is a complicated feat for drugs
cell. Efforts to discover state-specific synthetic promot- that act independently of the physiological milieu after
ers in a high-throughput fashion19 will facilitate broader administration. As we highlight below, several synthetic
application of transcription-regulated logic gates in cell gene circuits that integrate with physiological feedback
and gene therapies. loops have been successful in re-establishing normal
The circuit architecture developed by Nissim et al. homeostasis in preclinical disease models.
combined multiple synthetic biology approaches and Regulating urate levels was one of the first applica-
showed encouraging efficacy in mouse tumour models18. tions for prosthetic gene network devices that sense and
Synthetic promoters However, some of these systems require the delivery respond to a circulating metabolite. Urate is the end
Recombinant DNA elements
that enable the binding of
of large therapeutic gene circuits to cells in situ, pos- product of purine metabolism, and it accumulates to
transcription factors and ing a fundamental limitation in clinical applications. pathogenic levels in hyperuricaemia-related conditions
RNA polymerase enzyme to Improvements in viral and non-viral gene delivery tech- such as gout28, in which urate is excessively produced
initiate transcription of RNA nologies may help to address the challenge of in vivo cir- and/or cannot be effectively excreted. Uric acid may
cuit implementation in the future, as reviewed in detail also protect cellular components from oxidative dam-
Prosthetic gene network elsewhere20–22. Nevertheless, it is important to design age caused by free radicals29. Thus, a synthetic feed-
Synthetic gene circuit that synthetic biological systems with feasibility of implemen- back module could potentially provide more dynamic
senses the bioavailability of a tation in mind. Using the oncogenic signalling of ERBB and optimal control than traditional pharmacological
metabolite or hormone and receptors as a cancer-specific feature23, Chung et al.24 interventions that simply reduce urate levels. In this
autonomously corrects the
physiological level of the
designed modules that bound to phosphotyrosine sites approach30, the sensing cassette comprises a bacterial
molecule when it deviates on ERBB proteins. One of the phospho-ERBB binding transcriptional repressor, HucR, that binds to a DNA
from a targeted set point. modules was fused to a protease and another was fused operator sequence motif, hucO, in the absence of uric

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 947


acid. In the presence of uric acid, HucR dissociates disease-associated cytokines: TNF and IL-22 (refs38,39).
from DNA, which allows expression of downstream The sequential AND gate was generated using an
genes. This urate-sensing module is linked to a sec- NF-κB-driven promoter, which senses TNF signalling,
ond construct encoding urate oxidase, an enzyme that to express the IL-22 receptor (IL-22R). Additionally,
degrades uric acid. Both modules, along with a human STAT3-driven promoters, which respond to IL-22R sig-
urate transporter, are transfected into HeLa cells that are nalling, produced immunomodulatory cytokines IL-4
then microencapsulated into alginate-(poly-l-lysine)- and IL-10. In this system, IL-4 and IL-10 were produced
alginate capsules and intraperitoneally injected into only when both TNF and IL-22 were present. Mice were
urate oxidase-deficient mice. Remarkably, the naturally implanted with HEK293 cells that had been transfected
high levels of circulating uric acid in these mice are with the synthetic gene circuits and microencapsulated
reduced to physiological levels for up to 7 days. in alginate, and then skin inflammation was induced
Moreover, implantable cells engineered with syn- experimentally. Under these conditions, mice carrying
thetic feedback circuits have been applied to regulate the implanted synthetic gene circuits showed reduced
thyroid hormones31 and blood glucose32 with intended skin inflammation and diminished pro-inflammatory
applications in hyperthyroidism and diabetes, respec- cytokines40.
tively. Conventional methods to treat hyperthyroid- Successful transition from experimental settings
ism by antithyroid medication or thyroidectomy leads to the clinic for these implantable systems crucially
to hypothyroidism33. To address this problem, Saxena depends on the sustained activity of the implanted cells
et al.31 designed a synthetic feedback circuit using a in a given body cavity or target organ, and host recog-
thyroid hormone-binding nuclear receptor, which, nition and subsequent foreign body immune responses
upon ligand binding, drives the expression of a nega- often compromise their efficacy. Although anti-foreign
tive regulator of thyroid hormone production. Likewise, body responses and fibrosis are not fully understood, it is
anti-diabetic medications reduce blood-glucose con- now clear that innate immune cells such as macrophages
centration, but can cause hypoglycaemia with varying are involved, and that colony-stimulating factor 1 recep-
severity34. Using a calcium-responsive nuclear factor of tor (CSF1R) is a crucial signalling mediator41; vascular
activated T cells (NFAT)-driven promoter and an ectop- endothelial growth factor (VEGF) is another likely con-
ically expressed calcium channel, Xie et al.32 designed a tributor to the response42. Interestingly, size and shape
glucose-sensing circuit in HEK293 cells that interfaced are also crucially important across a broad spectrum of
with the endogenous pathway of the cell line. Elevated biomaterials such as hydrogels, ceramics, metals and
glucose triggers calcium influx by increasing intracel- plastics, with spheres of ≥1.5 mm diameter prevent-
lular ATP, which regulates membrane potential and ing foreign body reactions in rodents and non-human
voltage-gated calcium channel activation35. The NFAT primates43. Strikingly, encapsulated rat pancreatic islet
promoter drives the expression of insulin to form a cells in 1.5 mm alginate capsules were poor inducers of
synthetic feedback loop32. In both cases, the engineered foreign body response and fibrosis, and were able to keep
cells were microencapsulated and implanted in mice, circulating glucose at normal levels in diabetic mice for
and restored circulating thyroid hormone or blood glu- up to 6 months43. Further optimization of implantation
cose to physiological levels in experimentally induced strategies has been explored through combinatorial
pathologies31,32. chemical modifications of alginate, which might lead to
Synthetic gene circuits with feedback can also be used more effective matrices that avoid foreign body reactions
to tightly regulate the expression of therapeutic proteins and improve the long-term performance of implanted
that carry severe toxicities. Hepatocyte growth factor products to enable clinical translation44,45.
(HGF) stimulates liver regeneration and can be used
to treat hepatic injury. However, HGF is also a tumori- Circulating engineered cells
genic factor36, thus limiting the therapeutic window of In the context of cancer, genetically redesigned cell ther-
this therapy. Using a self-regulating feedback system, apies have provided an additional approach whereby
Bai et al.37 coupled elevated serum bile acids to HGF cells can be engineered in the laboratory and trans-
production as a therapy for liver injury. Various hepatic ferred to the patient. Infused cells can traffic to tumours
diseases impair the ability of the liver to clear bile acids, and deliver engineered payloads constitutively, in a
allowing high serum bile acids to serve as an indicator of context-dependent manner to environmental cues,
hepatic dysfunction (Fig. 3b). HEK293 cells were trans- or in response to exogenously delivered inputs46–48.
fected with TGR5, a cognate G protein-coupled receptor Engineered chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells are
(GPCR) for bile acids, and a module in which HGF is now an established example of this framework, and they
driven by CREB1 activation, a downstream effector have demonstrated profound clinical activity in haema-
of GPCRs. The circuit was activated by bile acids in a tological malignancies49. Although the therapeutic ben-
dose-dependent manner. When implanted in vivo, the efits of CAR-T cell therapy cannot be overlooked, issues
system produced HGF only when hepatotoxicity was such as lack of control over toxicities, lack of flexibility
experimentally induced, and not at homeostatic levels of in adapting to evolving pathology and lack of tumour
bile acids; this engineered cell therapy also ameliorated specificity limit their use in patients. As CAR-T technol-
the induced liver damage37. ogies have been extensively reviewed elsewhere50–52, we
Exogenous therapeutic
Following a similar sense-and-respond strategy, highlight here how synthetic biology is enabling the next
molecules delivered by a synthetic gene circuit was applied to treat psoria- generation of products by addressing these challenges in
engineered cells. sis by linking an AND-gate-sensing module for two engineered T cells (Box 2; Table 1).

948 | December 2021 | volume 20


Table 1 | Novel CAR-T cell platforms enabled by synthetic biology

CAR platform Limitation Mechanism of action Refs
Inducible stabilization/ Lack of control CAR is covalently linked to a destabilization domain, and active degradation is induced or 56,57,67

destabilization inhibited by a small molecule or other input

Inducible dimerization Lack of control Antigen recognition and signalling domains are separated into two proteins, each fused 59,60

to a dimerization domain that is brought together by a small molecule

Inducible expression Lack of control CAR gene expression is driven by conditional promoters with transcriptional activity 63–66

and specificity regulated by specified inputs; tumour specificity can be improved using promoters that
sense microenvironment-associated signals (such as hypoxia-induced promoter)
Adaptor-based antigen Lack of flexibility Engineered cells express a CAR that recognizes a common adaptor epitope; CAR activity 74–79

recognition is directed by antigen-specific antibodies tagged with the adaptor

OR-gated antigen Lack of flexibility Cell product expresses multiple antigen-specific CARs, each of which can independently 68–73

recognition activate the engineered cell; a single CAR can also be designed to target multiple antigens
AND-gated antigen Lack of specificity Simultaneous AND gate: a suboptimal primary CAR and a co-stimulatory secondary CAR 86–89,91,92

recognition that target different antigens are co-expressed

Sequential AND gate: a primary CAR activates an orthogonal transcriptional regulator
that induces expression of a fully functional secondary CAR targeting a different antigen;
in both mechanisms, full activation occurs only when both antigens are presented
NOT-gated antigen Lack of specificity A fully functional primary CAR and a co-inhibitory secondary CAR targeting different 85

recognition antigens are co-expressed, such that activation occurs only when the primary but not the
secondary CAR is engaged
Split universal All of the above A system based on a split two-module system comprising a ‘zipCAR’ and a ‘zipFv’. 100

programmable system The zipCAR module consists of signalling domains fused to an extracellular leucine
(SUPRA CAR) zipper. The soluble zipFv module consists of a second, matching leucine zipper fused
to an antigen-specific scFv. A functional CAR is formed by combining the two modules.
Response is controlled by the availability of zipFv. Desired breadth and specificity
of antigen recognition is achieved with the appropriate combinations of zipFvs and
CAR, chimeric antigen receptor; scFv, single-chain variable fragment.

Controllable CAR-T cells. Currently approved CARs are specificity, cells can be redirected to multiple targets by
synthesized constitutively, and continuously engage the co-expressing multiple CARs or linking multiple scFvs in
target, independently of the severity of immune-mediated one CAR to enable OR-gate recognition68–73. A chimeric
toxicities. Therefore, approaches that allow for the receptor can also be guided by a tumour-associated anti-
regulated expression and titration of CARs represent gen (TAA)-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb). This is
an important advance. Along these lines, a protein of achieved using a modular design, in which a CAR targets
interest can be destabilized (OFF-switch) or stabi- an adaptor molecule conjugated to the tumour-targeting
lized (ON-switch) only in the presence of an exoge- mAb74–79 (Fig. 4b). These approaches can be thought of
nously supplied pharmacological ligand53–58. When as modular and universal, as a single universal CAR
applied to CAR-T cells, CARs can be actively degraded can be reused for a variety of tumour targets by simply
upon administration (OFF-switch) or withdrawal switching the guiding module (TAA-specific mAb or
(ON-switch) of the ligand during excessive activation to TAA-specific scFv).
dampen the response (Fig. 4a). Alternatively, ON-switch
CARs can be designed by splitting the antigen recog- Selective CAR-T cells. As most TAAs are not truly
nition and intracellular signalling domains, which are restricted to tumours and appear in healthy tissues as
then dimerized by the addition of a small molecule59,60. well80,81, off-tumour on-target toxicity becomes a fun-
In both stability-based and heterodimerization-based damental limitation for current engineered T  cell
designs, cells can be circulating indefinitely and turned therapies82–84. Improved specificity can be achieved
on and off at will, which represents a clear advantage by targeting multiple co-expressed antigens in an
over permanently off systems such as suicide genes61,62. AND-gated or NOT-gated fashion 85–92 (Fig.  4c) . For
Beyond controlling CAR activity by small molecules, in-depth discussions of combinatorial antigen recog-
alternative methods to regulate CAR expression by nition, readers are directed to other reviews on this
heat63, ultrasound64, light65 and oxygen concentration66,67 topic48,93–95. The careful selection of appropriate antigen
have also been developed. combinations will be crucial for both types of logic-gated
CAR-T cell strategy, and systematic analyses of candi-
OR-gate Flexible CAR-T cells. Current autologous cell-based date antigen expression patterns across healthy and
Output is actuated if any of the therapies are costly to manufacture, and the freedom to malignant tissues96–98 will play a central part in the selec-
specified inputs are received. change their mechanism of action without the need tion of optimal combinations of target antigens. Outside
to replace the entire cellular chassis is advantageous in of the oncological applications discussed above, cellular
Output is negated if a specific the context of diseases with fluctuating antigenic land- therapies engineered with logic-gated synthetic gene cir-
input is received. scapes. To broaden the flexibility of CAR-T cell antigen cuits can also be applied to treat autoimmune diseases99

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 949


in which a single inflammatory factor is insufficient to Programming therapeutic bacterial cells

specify the diseased site. Immediately after birth, humans are colonized by a
multitude of microbes that establish specific human tis-
Integrated controllable, flexible and selective CAR-T sues as their primary niche101–103. Throughout life, the
cells. In the examples described above, synthetic biol- human body is in constant interaction with microbes
ogy approaches may address different aspects of control, that are present in the diet and the environment, and
flexibility or specificity in isolation. A CAR system that therefore, human-associated microorganisms can be
can improve upon all of these attributes simultaneously used as a platform to interface with host physiological
is therefore highly desirable, and initial attempts have functions for therapeutic purposes. Similar to the strat-
been made to produce a system that can be dynamically egies used for implantable human cells, microbial cells
tuned, combinatorial antigens switched and cell-type can be manipulated through synthetic biology method-
responses controlled100. ologies and delivered to the human body to prevent or

a Controllable CAR-T cells b Flexible CAR-T cells c Selective CAR-T cells

Tumour Normal cell Healthy tissue

On Inactive


Inputs Inputs Inputs

Exogenous • TAA • TAA
soluble ligands • TAA-specific • Healthy
• Small molecules guiding tissue
• Stabilizing antibody TAA-specific antigens
ligands Ligand guiding
• Dimerizing withdrawn antibody
• Drugs

Off Active

Cytotoxicity Cytotoxicity




Responses Responses Responses

• CAR expression • CAR-T cell • CAR-T cell
• CAR degradation activation activation
Fig. 4 | Human circulating CAR-T cell therapies with engineered genetic designed to target an adaptor molecule conjugated to a tumour-targeting
circuits. Circulating, engineered chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)-T cells can monoclonal antibody. c | Selective CAR-T cells. To improve the specificity of
be designed for control, flexibility and specificity of cellular therapies. CAR-T cells and minimize their off-target effects on healthy tissue, different
a | Controllable CAR-T cells. An exogenous soluble ligand can be used to logic gates with multiple inputs can be engineered to drive CAR-T cell
switch ON and OFF CAR-T cell activity by stimulating CAR expression or CAR activity. This approach includes AND gates (simultaneous or sequential), NOT
dimerization. In this manner, CAR activity is better controlled via two inputs: gates and combinatorial modules. In the illustrated example, dual CAR-T cells
an antigen and a small-molecule ligand. A CAR fused with a ligand-induced with multi-antigen recognition NOT gate express CAR1 for TAA (orange) and
degradation (LID) domain sequence is one example for improving control. CAR2 for normal tissue antigen (pink). The CAR-T cell selectively kills tumour
b | Flexible CAR-T cells. To broaden the flexibility of CAR-T cells to recognize target cells expressing TAA, while healthy off-target cells co-expressing
multiple tumour-associated antigens (TAAs), chimeric receptors can be normal tissue antigen inhibit CAR-T cell activation and cytotoxicity.

950 | December 2021 | volume 20


Toggle switch
treat diseases104. Microbial systems have been integral to therapeutics operating within the gut. Oral administra-
A synthetic, two-gene the development of synthetic biology owing to their rel- tion of bacteria carrying basic production and secretion
regulatory network in which ative ease of genetic manipulation, metabolic simplicity modules has proved to be a simple and effective strat-
either of two gene products and robustness3. The first generation of synthetic gene egy to deliver effector molecules to the gut environment.
represses the expression of the
other gene, resulting in bistable
circuits, such as the toggle switch and repressilator, were However, in recent years the combination of robust
equilibrium states. designed, built and tested in bacteria4,5, paving the way biological components and circuit design principles
for more complex systems105. Notably, the vast diversity has enabled the creation of bacterial systems that can
Repressilator of microbial life serves as a seemingly inexhaustible detect a stimulus and produce a designated response.
Regulatory cycle of multiple
source of genetic parts with novel functionalities for the This step-up in complexity of the synthetic gene circuits
genes whereby each gene
represses its successor in the
creation of synthetic gene circuits106–108. These features enables therapeutic microbes to achieve a more precisely
cycle, which is used to build an position microorganism-based engineered therapeutics localized and timed effect on the host. Below, we describe
oscillating biological network. as a promising field for addressing unmet clinical needs. some notable examples in which engineered bacteria
The selection of bacterial strains for the development have been used to deliver diverse types of immuno-
of therapeutic platforms generally depends on two fac- modulatory or anti-infective effector molecules. We then
tors: the safety profile of the strain and its amenability discuss more complex cases of engineered bacteria that
to genetic manipulation. Owing to their long-term safe incorporate higher-level synthetic biology principles to
usage in human nutrition, lactic acid bacteria (LAB) respond to gut biomarkers for diagnostic applications
have been recognized as innocuous vehicles for the or that have spatiotemporal sensing capabilities for the
delivery of therapeutic payloads to human tissues109. treatment of metabolic conditions in the gut.
In particular, Lactococcus lactis, which is frequently con-
sumed as part of fermented dairy products, has been Engineered bacteria as delivery vectors of effector mole-
extensively developed as a host for genetic engineering cules. One of the earliest applications of bacteria-based
efforts with industrial and clinical applications110,111. engineered therapeutics was their use as live vaccine
Similarly, various strains of Escherichia coli, a human vectors for the delivery of antigens into the human
gut commensal turned workhorse of molecular biology, mucosa to elicit local and systemic immune responses.
have been extensively used for living therapeutics appli- For instance, a recombinant strain of Bifidobacterium
cations. Of note, the probiotic strain E. coli Nissle 1917 displaying a Salmonella antigen on its cell surface pro-
(EcN)112 has been safely used for nearly 100 years as the tected mice from lethal challenge of S. Typhimurium123.
active pharmaceutical ingredient in multiple licensed Similarly, L. lactis expressing Helicobacter pylori Lpp20
medicinal products and the anti-inflammatory and anti- antigen124 or nontoxic recombinant fragments derived
microbial activities of which have been described113–116. from C-terminal receptor binding domains of cytotox-
Alternatively, attenuated pathogens that retain their ins TcdA and TcdB from Clostridioides difficile125 yielded
native tissue tropism can be used to deliver therapeu- effective adaptive immune responses that prevented
tic or stimulatory molecules to malignant tissues. For pathogenic colonization of the mouse gut. In another
instance, strains of Listeria monocytogenes that lack example, tetanus toxin fragment C was expressed by
virulence factors such as the actin assembly-inducing multiple native strains of lactobacilli eliciting serum
protein or internalin B display reduced growth out- pathogen-specific IgG and enhanced lymphoid
side tumours but are capable of eliciting antitumour responses126. Living vaccine vectors against viruses such
responses through intracellular growth within circu- as HIV have also been developed using engineered lac-
lating immune cells117–119. Also, strains of Salmonella tic acid bacteria. Chamcha et al.127 expressed an HIV
enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium (hereafter Gag antigen fused to the pilus proteins of group B
S. Typhimurium), which are defective in the transport Streptococcus on the surface of a L. lactis and showed that
of lipids or in the production of secondary messenger it was effective at eliciting mucosal humoral and cellular
metabolites, are incapable of bloodstream dissemination, responses after oral immunization in mice, highlighting
but are able to target the hypoxic tumour environment its potential as a vaccine platform against HIV.
when administered systemically120,121. Besides eliciting selective immune responses through
The in vivo delivery of therapeutic payloads and mucosal delivery of antigens, engineered bacterial cells
the execution of metabolic conversions have been at the have been programmed to express other genetically
centre of most synthetic biology approaches to establish encodable factors to hinder pathogen colonization or
microorganisms as living therapeutic agents. Recent resolve inflammatory conditions in the gut. Inspired
advances in the understanding of the interplay between by natural microbial competition, bacterial strains have
host cells and microbes in the context of the intesti- been engineered, for instance, to express antimicrobial
nal122 and tumour16 environments have pointed to key compounds that target invading pathogenic bacteria.
pathways in which engineered microbes can intervene Along these lines, Forkus et al.128 engineered EcN to
to restore cellular homeostasis. Below, we highlight key express and secrete the antimicrobial peptide microcin
advances in developing engineered bacterial therapeutics J25 and showed that administration of the engineered
that operate within the gut and tumour environments. bacteria reduced the burden of intestinal Salmonella in
Gut-associated engineered bacteria Bacteria can also be engineered to target the virulence
The ability of commensal and diet-derived bacteria to rather than the viability of pathogens. Some bacteria, such
interact with mucosal surfaces of the gastrointestinal as the cholera pathogen Vibrio cholerae, can detect —
tract provides a platform for the development of living or ‘sense’ — their own population density through a

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 951


a Bacteria operating within the gut

Biosensors Immunomodulation Metabolic conversion
E. coli or EcN SYNB1618

Biomarker Cro
trigger Metabolite
protein Inflammatory Response AND
(tetrathionate, PttrBCA biomarker Hypoxia

Production Consumption
NH3 Arg
• Proteins • Pro-inflammtory
• Signal • Peptides molecules (ATP)
amplification • Small
• Memory molecules
Gut lumen

Epithelial barrier

Lamina propria
with immune cells

b Bacteria operating within the tumour

Controlled release of effectors Targeting APCs and innate immune activation


• Hypoxia PfnrS dacA

APC activation
Type I interferons


• Peptides
• Cytokines
• Chemokines
• Antibodies

quorum-sensing system based on levels of signalling engineered to express high levels of CAI-1, and pretreat-
factors, such as cholera autoinducer 1 (CAI-1), secreted ment with this engineered strain resulted in up to 92%
by individual bacteria. Thus, when the concentration of survival of mice that ingested V. cholerae129.
these factors reaches a certain threshold as the bacterial The luminal delivery of therapeutic proteins via the
population grows, it triggers a signalling pathway that oral dosing of engineered bacteria is a particularly attrac-
results in suppression of virulence factor production. tive notion in the context of inflammatory bowel disease
To prevent intestinal expansion of V. cholerae, EcN was (IBD), as this approach has the potential to deliver high

952 | December 2021 | volume 20


◀ Fig. 5 | Bacterial cell therapies with engineered genetic circuits. a | Existing designs principles140. The generalized architecture of a biosen-
of live bacteria operating from the gut can be divided into three broad categories: sor consists of several modules: a detection module for
diagnostic biosensors programmed to detect intestinal inflammation-associated multi­plexed pathological biomolecules (inputs) at prede-
biomarkers that appear in the gut lumen during disease states and that effectively termined thresholds; a Boolean module that incorporates
amplify an output signal; bacteria engineered for the production of immunomodulatory
a group of logic gates informed by user-defined clinically
molecules (such as trefoil factors or anti-inflammatory compounds) or for the consumption
of pro-inflammatory molecules such as ATP within the gut lumen; these responses can be
relevant biomarkers and/or rules, and an amplification
controlled by the presence of inflammatory biomarkers and can restore epithelial barrier and/or output module that produces an immediate
function and reduce inflammation. In the third category metabolic conversions of toxic user-interpretable signal. Alternatively, a memory mod-
molecules in the context of metabolic disorders (conversion of toxic phenylalanine ule can be used to stably store information in the DNA of
into trans-cinnamate (TCA) in the case of phenylketonuria, or ammonia into arginine the biosensor cell for retrieval later. These concepts can
in the case of hyperammonaemia) can be controlled by certain characteristics of the be applied, in principle, to any biological compartment,
microenvironment found in the gastrointestinal tract (such as low oxygen tension). and, as a proof of concept, Courbet and colleagues140
b | Existing designs of live bacteria operating from tumours to support antitumour incorporated amplifying genetic switches and logic gates
immune response and tumour elimination. These designs include genetic oscillators in alginate polymer-encapsulated E. coli for the detec-
such as quorum-sensing (QS) circuits to control the local delivery of effector molecules
tion and recording of pathological levels of glucose in
(such as immunomodulatory proteins, pro-apoptotic peptides, antibodies to immune
checkpoint inhibitors). Other designs trigger the synthesis of immunostimulatory
blood and urine in patients with diabetes140. Although
molecules in response to the hypoxic tumour microenvironment (TME) after engulfment the ex vivo detection of pathological biomarkers in fluids
of engineered bacteria by tumour-resident antigen-presenting cells (APCs). is attractive, the ultimate goal of synthetic biosensors is
constant in vivo monitoring for real-time diagnostics.
The engineering of gut commensals represents an attrac-
local concentrations of a therapeutic agent at the site of tive opportunity for the exploration of intestinal inflam-
inflammation (intestinal compartment), while mini- mation. A trigger–memory concept has been realized in
mizing its systemic exposure and therefore potential E. coli with a genetic design that includes an anhydro­
toxicities. The dysregulation of immunomodulatory tetracycline (aTC)-inducible promoter (Ptet) that controls
cytokines is thought to have a crucial role in the patho- the expression of the bacteriophage λ repressor protein
physiology of IBD, and as such the restoration of homeo­ Cro, and a memory element based on the λ cI/Cro
static levels of cytokine networks is an area of intense region141. In vivo, in mice dosed with the engineered
investigation130. Initial attempts to deliver engineered bacteria and aTC, the system was able to sense aTC and
bacteria to the gut for the control of inflammation in to ‘remember’ it after its withdrawal. This memory can
experimental IBD settings were based on the expres- be read by the user by interrogating the fraction of bac-
sion of murine anti-inflammatory cytokines or nano- teria in the Cro-ON state, measured by a β-galactosidase
bodies against pro-inflammatory cytokines131. Further reporter gene fused to Cro. This proof of concept for the
steps were made to engineer EcN to create inducible trigger–memory design of a small-molecule sensor can
curli nanofibres displaying trefoil factors (TFFs), and ulti- be adapted to sense biological biomarkers upregulated in
mately to promote gut epithelial integrity and restore disease states, such as intestinal inflammation.
epithelial barrier function during colonic inflamma- E. coli has been used to generate biosensors for tetrathi-
tion132. EcN was engineered with a plasmid encoding a onate, a metabolite produced during inflammation142
synthetic curli operon producing chimeric CsgA protein, (Fig. 5). The detection–trigger module detects tetrathi-
the main component of the E. coli biofilm matrix. The onate by the ttrR/S genes from S. Typhimurium to drive
CsgA protein was genetically fused to a therapeutic expression of the Cro protein by the PttrBCA promoter.
domain TFF3, a small cytokine promoting epithelial The tetrathionate-induced production of Cro results in
healing133. A synthetic curli operon was placed under activation of the β-galactosidase-based memory mod-
the control of the arabinose-inducible promoter (PBAD), ule that, once triggered, remains active in the absence
which can be activated externally through the addition of tetrathionate, which allows for subsequent signal
of arabinose to the drinking water of the mice. retrieval through non-invasive faecal testing. Riglar and
Although most of these studies were not framed colleagues142 validated this proof of concept in several
within a synthetic biology context of ‘sense and respond’, mouse models of intestinal inflammation. The sys-
they demonstrated how simple expression modules can tem was integrated into the chromosome of E. coli for
be incorporated in a variety of bacterial hosts to achieve enhanced stability, and was shown to continuously work
the effective delivery of therapeutics. In addition, these in vivo for up to 6 months142. Along similar conceptual
Curli nanofibres
The amyloid fibre component
studies suggest that simple synthetic gene circuits are lines, a biosensor for thiosulfate (another intestinal
of Escherichia coli biofilms. functional in the context of animal studies, and several inflammation-associated biomolecule) has been gen-
of these have moved on into further clinical develop- erated in EcN143 and demonstrated the ability to effec-
Trefoil factors ment, in which they have proved safe in phase I human tively sense, remember and report on gut inflammation
(TFFs). Disulfide-rich mucosal
clinical trials134–139. in mice.
peptides that promote
epithelium protection by Synthetic biology approaches have been applied to
stimulating cell migration and Bacterial living biosensors of gut biomarkers. An probiotic bacteria to serve as in vivo diagnostics of gas-
increasing the viscoelasticity ideal biosensor works in complex environments, has a trointestinal infections144. Mao et al.144 engineered the
of the mucosa. high-resolution detection capacity, a high signal-to-noise lactic acid bacterium L. lactis into a living diagnostic that
Curli operon
output range, the ability to store information and can provides a point-of-need readout of cholera infection.
Gene cluster that encodes and effectively amplify the output signal. These require- They leveraged the transient colocalization of ingested
regulates curli proteins. ments can be addressed through synthetic biological L. lactis and V. cholerae to detect the pathogen at an early

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 953


stage of the infection. For this, they constructed a hybrid of the culture medium with arabinose, whereas PheP and
cell-surface receptor that uses components from the PAL are produced in vivo when the bacteria encounter
V. cholerae quorum-sensing system to detect the patho- the hypoxic environment of the mammalian gastroin-
gen’s cognate small-molecule autoinducers. Upon acti- testinal tract. Functionally, SYNB1618 is controlled by
vation of the sensing module, the engineered probiotic the combinatorial inputs of Phe and hypoxia, which
computed the signal from the synthetic phosphorylation results in the conversion of Phe into trans-cinnamate
cascade to result in the expression and secretion of an (TCA) (Fig. 5a). Importantly, TCA is converted by the
enzymatic reporter, which is easily detected in faecal liver into hippurate (HA) and excreted in the urine,
samples with a colorimetric assay. The demonstration acting as a biomarker for strain activity. This so-called
of the functionality of the cholera-sensing L. lactis strain ‘synthetic biotic’ was shown to effectively reduce sys-
in an animal model of infection provided fundamen- temic levels of Phe in mouse models acting from the
tal evidence for the use of engineered microbes for the gastrointestinal tract. Importantly, in humans, oral
diagnosis and surveillance of gastrointestinal infections. dosing of SYNB1618 in healthy volunteers results in a
A recent application of engineered E. coli as a bio- dose-dependent accumulation of the biomarker HA in
sensor used living bacteria as a component within an the urine (NCT03516487).
electronic, miniaturized ingestible device that travels Ammonia is a prevalent by-product of metabolism,
through the gut and wirelessly communicates with and as such, the gastrointestinal tract represents a major
the user145. This ingestible microbioelectronic device source. In healthy individuals, gut ammonia is metab-
(IMBED) contained chambers in which engineered olized in the liver via the urea cycle into urea, which
EcN have access to the intestinal contents and report is then excreted in the urine. In individuals with the
an output that can be electronically transformed and rare metabolic disease urea cycle disorder (UCD)148, or
transmitted to the investigator. As a proof of concept, with liver injury (such as cirrhosis)149, ammonia builds
Mimee and colleagues145 designed a gastrointestinal up in the blood and results in hyperammonaemia and
bleeding-sensing module based on a synthetic pro- neurological damage. Therefore, capturing ammonia
moter regulated by the haem-responsive transcriptional from the gastrointestinal tract and preventing its escape
repressor, HrtR, and an output module based on the into the bloodstream is an important application for
luxCDABE cassette, which produces bioluminescence. which orally delivered engineered bacteria might repre-
The light output was detected by phototransistors, con- sent a viable therapeutic tool. In this context, a synthetic
verted into a digital code by a luminometer chip, and biotic was recently described, in which EcN was rewired
transmitted wirelessly outside the body. IMBED was to efficiently channel gut ammonia into the arginine
able to successfully detect and report intestinal bleeding biosynthetic pathway, which results in the production
in vivo in mice and pigs145. of l-arginine. This natural amino acid is often given as
a dietary supplement with no reported toxicity150. The
Engineered bacterial therapeutics for metabolic disor- engineering strategy was directed towards the effective
ders. An important step in the generation of synthetic funnelling of ammonia into the arginine pathway by
biology-based products for translation into human deleting a negative feedback regulator of the pathway
therapeutic tools is the development of cellular systems (argR) and creating a circuit with an arginine-resistant
with drug-like properties. These properties include mutant version of the other negative regulator, argA,
predictive pharmacokinetics, dose–response relation- under the control of the hypoxia-induced promoter
ships, safety, manufacturability and scalability. Recently, PfnrS. This design results in the constant conversion
two reports have introduced these concepts for orally of toxic ammonia into arginine when the bacteria
delivered bacterial cell therapies in the context of two encounter the hypoxic environment of the intestine.
metabolic conditions, phenylketonuria (PKU) and This strain (SYNB1020) was shown to reduce systemic
hyperammonaemia, highlighting the role of synthetic levels of ammonia in animal models of liver injury in
biology in the generation of specific, flexible and con- a dose-dependent manner and has completed phase I
trollable therapeutic entities (Box 2). PKU, an inborn clinical trials in healthy volunteers (NCT03179878).
error of metabolism, is characterized by a deficiency of Most synthetic biology applications in micro­
the enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH), and as a organisms have been centred around E. coli, for which
consequence the food-derived amino acid phenylalanine extensive genetic and biochemical knowledge has
(Phe) cannot be metabolized, accumulating in the blood been amassed for the past half-century. However, the
to levels that cause neurological damage146. Isabella and mammalian intestinal microbiota is dominated by
colleagues147 reported the generation of a strain of EcN other bacterial taxa, with members of the Bacteroides
that was engineered with three gene circuit modules: representing one of the most prevalent groups. For
a module based on a gene encoding the Phe transporter, this reason, Bacteroides, and especially the commen-
pheP, under the control of the hypoxia-inducible pro- sal species Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron, are receiving
moter PfnrS; a module based on a gene encoding phenyla- increasing attention as additional chassis for synthetic
lanine ammonia lyase (PAL), stlA, also under the control biology applications. The development of circuit parts
of PfnrS; and a module based on a gene encoding l-amino — most importantly, tunable promoters — as well as
acid deaminase (LAAD), pma, under the control of the ribosome-binding sequence libraries and other genetic
arabinose-inducible promoter ParaC. In this engineered components are quickly being developed151–154 to build
EcN strain (SYNB1618), LAAD is induced during fer- next-generation engineered intestinal microbes for
mentation and biomass production by supplementation diagnostic and therapeutic purposes.

954 | December 2021 | volume 20


Tumour-associated engineered bacteria bioluminescent EcN strain that also produces an enzy-
Ever since the pioneering studies of William Coley in the matic reporter. Orally delivered bacteria enabled the
late 1800s155, bacteria have been recognized as potential detection of murine liver tumour and metastases by
anticancer agents. Coley first observed the eradication of imaging and measuring reporter enzyme substrate in the
a cervical sarcoma after an acute streptococcal infection urine. These studies demonstrated that bacteria remain
of the tumour area, inspiring him to devote his career metabolically active in tumours, at least to an extent that
to the activation of the immune system with bacteria allows the operation of engineered gene circuits.
as a cancer treatment155. His work is credited as the first Given that bacteria preferentially colonize malignant
immunotherapy programme in the history of medicine. sites and naturally activate innate immune cells such as
These very early observations captured two key notions: dendritic cells and macrophages, their use can provide
bacteria can live in tumours, and they can trigger antitu- a baseline level of immune activation in the TME. The
mour immune responses. These insights form the basis use of immune checkpoint inhibitors such as anti-PD1
upon which synthetic biology strategies can be har- and anti-PDL1 antibodies has revolutionized cancer
nessed to create controlled, safe and rationally designed treatment161. However, only a fraction of patients can
antitumour biotherapeutics using bacteria. Below, we benefit from this therapeutic approach. Although the
present notable examples in which engineered bacte- reasons for this lack of response in most patients are only
ria were used for the localized delivery of antitumour partially understood, it is clear that some level of T cell
compounds as well as immune system modulators. infiltration at baseline is necessary for checkpoint inhib-
Bacteria of a wide range of taxonomic groups prefer- itors to work, and in fact these so-called ‘hot tumours’
entially accumulate and proliferate in tumours, and in have consistently demonstrated good prognosis. By con-
fact, many animal and human studies with pathogenic trast, ‘cold tumours’ that lack T cells show poor progno-
bacteria have demonstrated antitumour activity156. sis and therefore represent an important unmet medical
Unfortunately, these studies also unveiled unaccept- need for cancer immunotherapy162.
able toxicities that prevented the development of these Synthetic biology can accordingly be applied to
agents as therapeutic tools. Further attempts to attenuate engineer bacteria for the controllable expression of
pathogenicity resulted in safe but ineffective therapies, metabolites, cytokines, scFvs or any other molecule
highlighting the apparent trade-off between toxicity capable of engaging T cell immune responses. This
and efficacy in these approaches156. Currently, most engineered function, in combination with the natural
bacterial antitumour strategies are based on the use of immune-engaging components present in the bacterial
a non-pathogenic chassis (such as EcN) that is ration- cell, has the potential to drive durable antitumour activ-
ally engineered with synthetic biology tools to engage ity, even in cold tumours. This concept has recently been
the immune system in the tumour microenvironment demonstrated through the engineering of a stimulator of
(TME) for robust and durable antitumour activity. interferon genes (STING) agonist in EcN (SYNB1891)
The combination of synthetic biology approaches (Fig. 5b). The intracellular activation of STING by cyclic
with our rapidly advancing understanding of tumour dinucleotides results in the production of type I interfer-
immuno­logy represents an attractive opportunity for ons that activate innate immune cells as well as promote
the deve­lopment of novel bacterial cell therapies for the priming of cytotoxic T cells163. Leventhal et al.164 designed
treatment of cancer (Fig. 5b). a circuit in which dacA from L. monocytogenes (encod-
One way to improve bacteria-based cancer therapies ing an enzyme that synthesizes cAMP, a STING agonist)
is to further augment their intrinsic tumour tropism157,158. was placed under the control of the hypoxia-induced
The natural affinity of some bacteria for tumours can promoter, PfnrS. SYNB1891 was also designed to include
be enhanced by engineering synthetic adhesins tar- two auxotrophies (thyA and dapA) that result in its ina-
geted to bind predetermined cancer-expressed mole- bility to survive outside the TME and in its inability to
cules such as neoantigens or other molecules that are replicate within the TME, respectively. This gene circuit
enriched in cancer cells. Synthetic adhesins are mod- design endows the system with significant specificity
ular membrane-anchored proteins with extracellular (only activated in the hypoxic TME) and controllability
immunoglobulin domains that can be generated and (eliminated outside of the TME and unable to multiply
optimized by library screens. As a proof of concept, within the TME) (Box 2). In mouse tumours poorly infil-
Piñero-Lambea et al.159 built a constitutive circuit in trated by T cells, SYNB1891 drove robust tumour erad-
E. coli with a synthetic adhesin targeting green fluores- ication and induced long-term immunological memory
cent protein (GFP) and demonstrated efficient in vitro rendering cured mice resistant to tumour relapses164.
and in  vivo binding of the engineered bacteria to These effects were STING and CD8+ T cell dependent,
GFP-expressing HeLa cells. Crucially, the in vivo intra- and further highlight the potential of bacterial synthetic
venous delivery of this engineered strain resulted in biology for cancer therapy. SYNB1891 is currently being
effective tumour colonization at a dose 100 times lower evaluated in phase I clinical studies in various types of
than that needed for an endogenous strain, or for a strain cancer (NCT04167137).
carrying an irrelevant adhesin, suggesting that similarly Beyond enabling bacterial systems to deliver and
manipulated bacteria can be used to deliver therapeu- overexpress payloads of interest within the TME, syn-
tic payloads to tumours at very low doses with minimal thetic biology approaches allow for the tuning of the rel-
potential systemic toxicities159. The ability of bacteria ative strength and duration of expression of the intended
to selectively home to tumours has also been explored output. One way to control timing and duration of
for diagnostic purposes160. Danino et al.160 developed a expression is by building a tunable gene oscillator165.

NATure RevIeWS | DRuG DiSCovERy volume 20 | December 2021 | 955


Gene oscillators represent one of the earliest examples to neighbouring cells and triggers lysis upon reaching
of the application of engineering principles to bacterial the critical threshold. A few surviving cells proliferate
systems and can be designed by introducing compet- again and produce ϕX174 E until it reaches the critical
ing activating and repressing factors. Stricker and col- threshold and triggers a new round of bacterial lysis,
leagues165 built a circuit in E. coli in which three genes completing a new cycle. This pulsatile, synchronized
— araC, lacI and yemGFP (reporter) — are controlled lysis system was connected to an output of up to three
by a hybrid promoter, Plac/ara1. This synthetic regulatory cargoes — a pro-apoptotic peptide, a chemokine and
element is composed of the activation site from the haemolysin — resulting in the simultaneous release of
araBAD promoter and the repression operator sites all three in the TME each time that quorum lysis took
from the lacZYA promoter. Copies of Plac/ara1 were then place. This approach showed encouraging efficacy in
placed both upstream and downstream of transcrip- syngeneic mouse tumour models169.
tion start sites controlling each of the three genes in the There are other notable examples that demonstrate
circuit. The system is activated by the AraC protein in the utility of the coupling of programmed cell lysis with
the presence of arabinose, and repressed by the LacI synthetic quorum-sensing systems for the release of
protein in the absence of isopropyl thiogalactopyrano- therapeutic payloads into tumours. Chowdhury and
side (IPTG), and its oscillation can be tracked by flu- colleagues170 engineered non-pathogenic E. coli with
orescence (GFP). Importantly, the period (duration) a synchronized lysis circuit to lyse within the TME
and amplitude (magnitude) of the oscillation could and release an encoded nanobody against the anti-
be accurately controlled by the relative concentrations phagocytic receptor CD47, which is commonly over-
of arabinose and IPTG added to the culture medium. expressed in several human cancer types. Gurbatri and
The architecture of this synthetic gene network can be colleagues171 built a probiotic bacteria EcN with a similar
translated into therapeutic circuits that enable periodic lysis circuit integrated into the ϕ80 site of the EcN-lux
delivery of payloads. genome, where plux drives the transcription of luxI and
A successful strategy to build genetic oscillators ϕX174 E genes under a single promoter. Circuit activa-
in anticancer bacteria has been inspired by quorum tion led to the controlled production and intratumoural
sensing, in which the build-up of a crucial diffusible release of nanobodies targeting PDL1 and cytotoxic T
factor triggers a synchronous response in the pop- lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4), as well as the release
ulation166–168 (Fig.  5b). When the predefined cellular of granulocyte–macrophage colony-stimulating factor
response to critical density is cell lysis, this approach (GM–CSF). In both examples, treatment with engi-
enables the programmed release within the TME of neered bacteria led to robust tumour regression and
engineered oncolytic factors, as well as immunomod- systemic antitumour immunity.
ulatory proteins that, in combination, resulted in can-
cer cell lysis and tumour growth inhibition in vivo169. Prospects for engineered cell-based therapeutics
A genetic circuit designed by Din et al.169 includes a As the field of engineered cell therapeutics matures
common promoter (PluxI) that drives the expression of and expands, it will face unprecedented challenges in
its own activator (acyl-homoserine lactone), as well as terms of manufacturing (Box 3) and clinical development
a bacteriophage-derived lysis factor (ϕX174 protein E). (Box 4), owing to the fact that cells have not been widely
When the circuit is ON, ϕX174 E is produced, diffuses used as the fundamental unit in the in vivo production
of a therapeutic. Synthetic biology has demonstrated
conceptual improvements in therapeutic strategies for
Box 3 | Creating cell-based therapies: manufacturing considerations tackling currently intractable diseases. In silico-guided
gene circuit construction could further accelerate the
The clinical-grade manufacturing of engineered live therapeutics (ELTs) uses production
technologies similar to those for other cell products that are already in clinical use
design–build–test cycles of engineering therapeutic
(such as clinical-grade probiotics or autologous lymphocytes), and is subject to the platforms172–175. Exciting developments are underway in
same rules and regulations. An additional challenge, however, is the inclusion of this field, and below we highlight some additional areas
engineered, heterologous biological circuits that can impose burdens on the culture that will augment the transformative power of synthetic
during scale-up, resulting in circuit and strain instability. Importantly, the use of biology in ELTs.
synthetic biology approaches in the manufacturing process itself can offer effective
solutions, whereby synthetic gene circuits can be introduced to ensure a desired Autonomy
process control as well as engineered pathway retention. For example, the therapeutic As discussed earlier, negative feedback-controlled gene
circuits in a given cell can be efficiently shut down during the manufacturing process circuits can autonomously correct disease-driven per-
so that reproducible and tightly controlled production of biomass can be ensured. For
turbations to healthy physiology in complex diseases
facultative anaerobic bacteria, this can be achieved by engineering hypoxia-controlled
promoters and introducing defined oxygen concentrations into the microbial
such as diabetes and hyperthyroidism31,32. A closed-loop
fermentation runs147. In some instances, however, activation of the synthetic gene sense-and-respond therapeutic system self-regulates
circuits during manufacturing may be required to ensure that the engineered pathway its activity according to a predefined set point. Once
is effective at the time of therapeutic administration. administered, these systems would no longer require
Although the ELT field is still in its infancy, lessons from the more established industrial additional instructions. Applications that could benefit
fermentation field provide helpful insights and potential solutions for manufacturing from such design principles include efforts to mitigate
pitfalls. Relevant technical challenges include the accumulation of mutations during the toxicity of cellular therapies (such as cytokine release
manufacturing with the consequent emergence of underproductive strain variants syndrome from CAR-T cells).
as a consequence of production load and metabolic burden that may make consistent Non-autonomous platforms like those requiring
production of approvable batches challenging186,187.
exogenous control by the user with small molecules

956 | December 2021 | volume 20


Box 4 | Creating cell-based therapies: clinical development considerations shared by many pathways178,179. Therefore, the output
of these circuits could be induced by other nonspecific
In the United States, the FDA regulates all aspects of the clinical development of signals. Co-opting orthogonal modules from evolution-
engineered cell therapies through the Center for Biological Evaluation and Research arily distinct organisms into human cells (such as bacte-
(CBER). As there is some societal hesitancy about genetically modified organisms as a
rial two-component systems)180 is one way to ameliorate
general concept, using the tools of synthetic biology to address crucial areas of unmet
crosstalk with endogenous processes. Engineering artifi-
medical need argues for a more balanced view for the benefit to patients. In this regard,
crucial areas of regulatory concern have focused on chemistry, manufacturing and cial protein effectors181,182 and novel signal transduction
control issues, which in many ways are similar to those of drug candidates from other mechanisms183,184 is also a promising area of investigation
therapeutic classes, including small molecules, monoclonal antibodies and vaccines. for expanding the toolkit of synthetic biology and avoiding
A complete description of the manufacturing guidelines is available elsewhere188. untoward interactions with cellular host machinery.
An important objective of the engineered live therapeutic (ELT) field is the
development of pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic tools to guide the candidate Durability
selection and drug development process, applying the collective knowledge of decades The successful application of many ELTs will rely on the
of clinical development of other therapeutic modalities. ELTs present new scenarios for persistence of the introduced cells in vivo. The microbi-
the construction of these relationships — for example, an orally administered agent
ota represents a niche in which a synthetically engineered
may have a pharmacokinetic that is essentially the transit time of the organism through
commensal chassis could be coaxed to engraft and per-
the gastrointestinal tract. Similarly, the pharmacokinetics for a human cell therapy
delivered intravenously (such as CAR-T cells) can be determined by blood counts of the sist indefinitely, with the built-in ability to respond and
administered ELT over time after administration. However, local concentrations within activate an effector circuit only upon the sensing of a pre-
the gastrointestinal tract are challenging if not completely impractical to measure, and determined pathological cue or combination of cues. As
stool samples are frequently used to generate data on the time to clearance of a specific discussed above, the rapid expansion of synthetic biology
dose. Bioengineered resources, such as artificial in vitro gastrointestinal systems, will tools for prominent members of the human microbiota,
offer important new technologies that allow drug developers to extrapolate human such as Bacteroides or Clostridium, is paving the way for
dosing regimens from a collection of preclinical data, informing dose selection for clinical such durable approaches151–153. Robust, long-term func-
trial design189,190. A similar challenge is posed by CAR-T cell engraftment, which is tioning of the engineered gene circuits is also an impor-
indicative of clinical activity but represents an additional level of complexity when
tant consideration for durability. For example, repetitive
characterizing in vivo behaviour of ELTs. Undoubtedly, and appropriately so, regulators
DNA elements in synthetic constructs can lead to
and physicians will expect reassurance that a given dose of an ELT with a defined potency
will provide an expected therapeutic benefit. There is limited experience to date with the genetic instability and loss of intended activity. Efforts
development of ELTs as human therapeutics, and the approved and in-development to design nonrepetitive components185 will be useful in
CAR-T cell therapeutics (human cells) as well SYNB1618 and SYNB1891 programmes constructing circuits of increasing complexity.
(bacterial cells) offer early examples of the development of tools and strategies to
support candidate selection and full development. Concluding remarks
The ELT field is at an inflexion point. Significant bio-
are not ideal, as they also require a clinically useful medical challenges that once remained intractable to
biomarker for practical implementation and constant conventional pharmaceuticals are now being tackled
monitoring of patients. In the case of CAR-T cells, by a new frontier of biological engineering approaches.
a synthetic gene circuit capable of dampening responses Human and microbial cells can be genetically modi-
by sensing local inflammation could potentially serve as fied to correct intrinsic defects or to unlock their full
an autonomous safety switch. Tuning the sensitivity of therapeutic potential. In this regard, synthetic biology
the sensors and dosage of the output105,176 will be crucial principles, such as molecular logic gates and feedback
for engineering self-regulated ELTs that do not require control, have made significant contributions to build-
additional user intervention. ing the next generation of ELTs. Efforts to translate the
innovative gene circuitry described here are currently
Orthogonality underway. As with previous shifts in therapeutic para­
One of the major aims of synthetic biology is to pro- digms, multiple hurdles in the research and develop-
gramme novel cellular functions, often using building ment of next-generation ELTs still need to be addressed
blocks that are derived from natural biological systems. before clinical benefits are fully realized. Nevertheless,
This leads to problems with crosstalk between the syn- the intersection of synthetic biology with cell and gene
thetic and endogenous pathways that can compromise the therapy holds great promise for advancing medicine
fidelity of the intended function177. In the examples dis- by expanding our ability to create specific, flexible and
cussed above, CREB1 and NFAT activity downstream of controllable treatments for complex diseases.
bile acid and blood glucose detection modules32,37, respec-
tively, are common terminal transcription mediators Published online 6 October 2021

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