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Quar' lesson tl — Ler 2 Bs a Ten Plagues Bible Exodus 7:14-25; 8-11 Memory Verse “There shall no evil befall thee, shall any plague come nigh th; (Psalm 91:10). OR Sing Ps 91 4 Parent Study, Patriarehs and Do more research about Obedience. Character Quality Obedience — Willingness to follow the commands or guidance of God and His servants (parents, etc.); the act of obey- ing “Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into cap- tivity every thought to the obedience of Christ” (HL Corinthians 10:5). Looking Through Nature ‘The Study of Individual Insects 1. Water Insects w Lice (Gnats) Flies es . Infectious Insects . Locusts e 2 . Fireflies PBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 1 - Page 15 Patriarchs and Prophets 265-266 Research Water to Blood and Frogs ‘Moses and Aaron were commanded by God to tell Pharaoh what would hap- pen before each plague. They were obedi- ent. Pharaoh could choose to save himself and the land of Egypt from the plagues by letting the children of Israel go. Mo- ses and Aaron were now directed to visit the riverbank where the king came each morning to worship the river. The water of the Nile was the source of food and wealth for Egypt. It watered the crops and gave the people water to drink. Moses and Aaron gave Pharaoh the warning from God. He was not obedient. The rod was stretched out over the river and it turned to blood. The ponds and streams, and even the water in the vessels turned to blood. ‘The fish died, and it stank and the people could not drink it. For seven days this plague continued. The people dug around the river trying to find drinking water. This all happened because of disobedience to God, Again, Moses was commanded to ask Pharaoh to let His people go. If he did not, Egypt would be covered with frogs. Pharaoh did not obey so the rod was stretched forth and frogs covered the land. ‘They were everywhere. In the houses, in the bread, in the beds, slimy and croak- ing, and the people could not walk without. stepping on a frog. The frogs were consid- cred sacred by the Egyptians. Hequa, a frog-headed goddess, was thought to have creative power. God showed the Egyptians how silly they were and that there is only one God Pharaoh called for Moses and Aar- on to take away the frogs. The magicians appeared to make frogs, but could not cause them to leave. Moses prayed to God and He removed the plague. ‘The frogs died, and what a stink there was through- out the land. If only Pharaoh had obeyed God. Review 1, What were Moses and Aaron command- ed to tell Pharaoh before each plague? Why did God do this? 2, What was the first plague? (Exodus 7:17) What happened to the river? and how long did the plague last? (Exodus 7:18, 25) 3. What was the second plague? (Exodus :3) What happened to the frogs when the plague was over? (Exodus 8:14) Why did these plagues come upon Egypt? Do prob- lems sometimes come to our lives because we do not obey? we EBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson tl — Page 186 oe Nature »\* Water Insects ‘There are many insects that live in and around water. Some insects lay their eggs in the water and live there during the larva or nymph stage. They then crawl out of the water and split their nymphal skin and become the beautiful dragonfly you see. (Some other examples are: mos- quito, true fly, etc.) Other insects live in the water and spend their life cycle there. (Some examples: whirligig beetle, water scavenger beetle, backswimmer, water- strider, etc.) ‘These insects need water to live. ‘The people of Egypt needed water to live. When the water was turned to blood they had difficulty finding drinking water. They needed the “Living Water"—Jesus. “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shail give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlast- ing life” (John 4:14) If Pharaoh had obeyed God the people would not have suffered. Many times, not only ourselves, but others suffer because of our disobe Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. Visit the water and discover insects that live in water. Go home and look up information on them. 3. Draw a picture of a river and color it red. 4. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food Remind 1. As you work together as a family, be obedient. Can you think of ways to obey? Water can call to mind how Pharaoh disobedient. was “During the plagues on Egypt Pharaoh was punctual in his superstitious devotion to the river, and visited it every morning, and as he stood upon its banks he offered praise and thanksgiving to the water, recounting the great good it accom- plished, and telling the water of its great power; that without it they could not ex- ; for their lands were watered by it, and it supplied meat for their tables.” (1 Bible Commentary 1100-1101) FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson tl — Page BT Read Exodus 8:16-19 Patriarchs and Prophets 266 Research Lice Once more the rod was stretched out and the dust was smitten so that it be- came lice throughout Egypt. They bit the animals and they bit man causing painful irritation of the skin. The magicians tried to bring forth lice but could not. They told Pharaoh “This is the finger of God.” Pharaoh would not be obedient to God but hardened his heart Review 1, What was the rod to smite? What did the dust become? (Exodus 8:16) Who did they bite? (Exo- dus 8:17) 2. What did the magicians try to do? (Exodus 8:18) What did the magicians say? (Exodus 8:19) 3, Did Pharaoh listen to his magi- cians? (Exodus 8:19) é Nature 7 Lice (Gnats) 2 s ® It is thought that the lice spoken of in plague three were gnats. Gnats are insects, and are very small flies. Some feed on the blood of animals and man. ‘They have a very painful bite. Gnats have mouth parts that form a snout which is called a proboscis. Its proboscis pierces the skin when preparing to feed, Some gnats, called black flies, lay their eggs on water. These eggs float for several days and then hatch. The larvae cling to rocks in the fast moving streams. Black flies live in most parts of the world, In some tropical and subtropical areas black flies spread disease (oncho- cerciasis, or river blindness). This disease can cause blindness. The Egyptians would not be obedi- ent to God. They worshipped the creature instead of the Creator. God sent insects to remind them that He was God. They, like those bitten by the black flies, were spiri- tually blind, “...Eyes have they, but they see not” (Psalm 116 Remind 1. As you work together as a family, do jobs that remind you of this plague. (Example: cover fruit with a cloth, or very fine mesh to keep the fruit flies off your fruit.) 6 Reinforce 1, Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. Catch a fruit fly and look at it with a magnifying glass. 3, For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food “Strict discipline may at times cause dissatisfaction, and children will want their own way; yet where they have learned the lesson of obedience to their parents, they are better prepared to sub- mit to the requirements of God. Thus the training received in childhood influences the religious experience and molds the character of the man.” (Signs of the Times Day 3 Read Exodus 8:20- Patriarchs and Prophet Research Flies Again Moses went to Pharaoh say- ing, “Thus saith the Lord, Let my people go, that they may serve me.” This time God sent swarms of flies, thought to be the dog fly. These flies are nd often fasten to the human body, especially to the edges of the eyelids. Hye diseases are very common in Egypt. Spiritual blindness was also very common in Egypt. This time the plague would not bother God's people. God said, “T will put a division between my people and thy peo- ple.” (Division means “distinction,” “deliv. erance,” and “redemption”.) ‘The swarm of flies came and cor- rupted the land until Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron, and said, “Go ye, sacri- fice to your God in the land” (Exodus 8: Pharaoh told them they could sac- rifice to the Lord in the land of Egypt, but, “The Egyptians worshipped certain beasts, and they regarded it an unpardon- able offense to have one of these beasts slain. And if one of their objects of worship were slain, even accidentally, the person’s life alone could answer for the offense, Moses shows Pharaoh the impossibility of their sacrificing to God in the land son Il — Page 139 of Egypt, in the sight of the Egyptians, for they might select for their offering some one of the beasts which they considered sacred.” (3 Spiritual Gifts 211) Moses, in obedience to God, said, “We will go three days’ journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the Lord our God as he shall command us” (Exodus 8:27). Pharaoh consented to this in order to get rid of the flies but hardened his heart after and would not let them go. Review 1. What was Moses sent to tell Pharaoh this time? (Exodus 8:20-23) What was the fourth plague? (Exodus 8:21) How was this plague to be different? (Exodus 8:22-23) 2. Describe these flies. (Exodus 8:24) 3, What did Pharaoh do? (Exodus How did Moses, in obedience, respond, and why? (Exodus 8:26-27) Did Pharaoh consent? What did he do later? (Exodus 8:28, 32) and death. If Pharaoh would have obeyed God's command, his people would not. have suffered. Disobedience is sin, and causes suffering, “...the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience” (Colossians 3:6). Fly Cycle 1. As you work together as a family, de- stroy any harmful insects in your home. Discuss obedience and disobedience. Ss 4 NO Some varieties of flies are among the most dangerous pests known. They carry disease inside their bodies, on the tip of their mouth parts, and on the hairs on their bodies. When a fly bites, or touch- es any object, it leaves germs. There are about 100,000 kinds of flies. They make up the chief group of insects called Dip- tera, meaning “two wings.” ¢--Nature Flies ‘The swarms of flies that came upon Egypt must have caused disease, sickness, Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. Catch a housefly and look at it under a magnifying glass. 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food “When parents fail to require prompt and perfect obedience in their children, they fail to lay the right founda- tion of character in their little ones. They prepare their children to dishonor them when they are old, and bring sorrow to their hearts when they are nearing the grave.” (Child Guidance 86) FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson tl — Page MO Day 4 Read Exodus 9:1-12 Patriarchs and Prophets 267 Research Murrain and Boils Moses went to Pharaoh and said, “Let my people go, that they may serve me.” If Pharaoh would not let the children of Israel go, all the sacred cattle and the beasts of burden, (cattle, horses, asses, camels, oxen, and sheep) would have the grievous murrain. But no harm would come to the children of Israel's animals. God said at a certain time tomorrow He would “do this thing.” ‘The next day, it happened just as God said that it would. Pharaoh sent to see if any of the Israelites’ animals were dead, but they were not. “And the heart of Pharaoh was hardened...” He would not be obedient. Moses was next instructed to take handfuls of ashes from the furnace and sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh, It became small dust in all the land of Egypt. The fine particles spread over Egypt, and wherever they settled, on man or animal, produced boils. The Egyptians broke out with boils, as did the domestic animals that were left from the murrain, ‘The magicians who had encouraged Pharaoh in his stubbornness could not even stand before Moses because of their s. But Pharaoh hardened his heart in bedience to God. shes “Pake to you handfuls of of the furnace, and lel Moses sprinkle it toward the heaven in the sight of Pharaoh, And it & boil breaking forth.” Exodus 98-9 Review 1. If Pharaoh refused to let the children of Israel go, what would happen? (Exodus What would happen to the children of Israel's cattle? (Exodus 9:4) When did God say this would happen? (Exodus 9:5) Did this plague happen? (Exodus 9:6) Why? 2. What did God instruct Moses to do next? (Exodus 9:8-9) What happened to the Egyptians? (Exodus 9:10) 3. Describe how Pharaoh responded to these plagues. (Exodus 9:7, 12) Why? i X Nature Infectious Insects Many insects transmit diseases to people, animals, and plants every year. Some that are hurtful to man are: fleas and lice, which bite their victims, leav- ing soreness and tissue damage, and even death. Some mosquitoes cause yel- low fever and malaria. Houseflies carry germs that cause typhoid fever, cholera, dysentery, or other diseases. These insect disease carriers remind us how the ashes, carried boils to the Egyptians through the air, because Pharaoh was disobedient to God and would not let Israel leave Egypt. FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson tl — Page MI Remind 1. As you work together as a family. Learn how to help those that are sick. If someone gets a boil, put a charcoal poultice on it, ‘That will draw the poison out. Try to help train people to be obedient to God's laws of health. Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them, 2. Learn how to give hot and cold fomen- tations and other natural remedies. See SonLight Catalog. 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Parent Food “If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for Lam the Lord that healeth thee” (Exodus 15:26). PE Day 5 Read Exodus 9:13-35; 10:1-20 Patriarchs and Prophets 267-272 Research Storms and Locust As God commanded, Moses obedi- ently arose early and stood before Pha- raoh. He said, “Thus saith the Lord God of the Hebrews, Let my people go, that they may serve me.” Moses told Pharaoh about the terrible storm to come, rain, hail, thunder, and fire. Pharaoh could save his cattle and men if he brought them into shelters. He did not believe the word of the Lord and he lost the cattle, people, and crops in the terrible storm that came. Only in the land of Goshen was there no hail. Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, “have sinned this time: the Lord is righteous, and I and my people are wicked.” He asked that they entreat the Lord to stop the storm and they could then leave Egypt. Moses did! But, as soon as the storm ceased Pharaoh disobeyed by still refusing to let Israel go. Next, the east wind brought locusts, in obedience to God’s voice, and covered everything, ‘That which escaped the hail was eaten by the locusts. These insects were in the house of Pharaoh and his servants, and in the houses of all the Egyptians, they were everywhere. Not a green plant. was left Pharaoh called Moses and said, “Go!” God sent.a west wind and the locusts went into the Red Sea. Once they were gone, Pha- raoh hardened his heart and did not obey God to let the children of Israel go. FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 11 — Page 142 Review 1, Each time God asked Moses to stand before Pharaoh, was he obedient? What was Moses to tell Pharaoh? (Exodus 9: 19) Did Pharaoh listen to and obey God's counsel? (Exodus 9:20-21) 2. Describe the storm. (Exodus 9:22-25) What area did the storm not touch? (Exo- dus 9:26) 3. What did Pharaoh do and say next? (Bxodus 9:27-28) Was Pharaoh then ready to obey God? (Exodus 9:34-35) Tell the story of the locusts. air and fly long distances. Wherever they land they eat and destroy vegetation. Eventually they are separated and they are no longer a swarm. “A fire devoureth before them; (lo- cust] and behind them a flame burneth. the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilder- ness; yea, and nothing shall escape them” (Joel 2:3). We know where the locusts came from, and why they came on the land of Egypt; it was because of disobedience. The locusts obeyed God's voice when Pharaoh would not. ature Locusts Toenst is a name given to short- horned (antennae) grasshoppers. There are many kinds of locusts. ‘They are about two inches (5 cen- timeters) long. You could describe them as having a large head, large eyes, short antennae, long hind legs for jumping, and four wings that fold over their backs when they are not flying. Locusts make a sound by running their ridged hind legs on their front wings. The wings then vibrate and make a noise ‘The migration of locusts takes place when large numbers of females lay their eggs too close together. Migration may happen because of flooding or not enough food. Scientists do not understand much about locusts and their migration. When the young hatch they stay together and live in a group. They meet other groups and form a swarm, The locusts take to the Remind 1. As you work together as a family, be quick to obey. Do not be like Pharaoh. When mother asks you to tear the lettuce for a salad, come quickly, as the locusts obeyed God's voice. Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2, Find a grasshopper or locust and look at it closely 3, For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! FBL year 1, quarter 2 sson Il — Page 43 Remarkable Parent Food “In the strength of God, parents must arise and command their households after them. They must learn to repress wrong with a firm hand, yet without im- patience or passion. They should not leave the children to guess at what is right: but should point out the way in unmistakable terms and teach them to walk therein.” (Review and Herald 5-4-1886) Mee @> 6 Read Exodus 10:21-29 Patriarchs and Prophets 272 Research Darkne: “Suddenly a darkness settled upon the land, so thick and black that it seemed a ‘darkness which may be felt.” Not only were the people deprived of light, but the atmosphere was very oppressive, so that breathing was difficult, ‘They saw not one another; neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.’ The sun and moon were objects of worship to the Egyptians; in this mysterious dark- ness the people and their gods alike were ‘| smitten by the power that, had undertak- en the cause of the bondsmen. Yet fearful as it was, this judgment is an evidence of God’s compassion and His unwillingness to destroy. He would give the people time for reflection and repentance before bring- ing upon them the last and most terrible of the plagues.” (Patriarchs and Prophets 272) Pharaoh called for Moses and said Israel could leave but their flocks and herds would stay. Moses said no, the animals must go with them. Pharaoh hardened his heart again in disobedience. Each time he disobeyed, it made it harder for him to obey the next time. “They saw not one another; neither rose any from his place for three days: but all the children of Israel had light in their dwellings.” json Il — Page M4 Review 1, What was the ninth plague? Describe this darkness. (Exodus 10:21-22; Patri- archs and Prophets 272) 2. What was worshipped by the Egyp- tians? (Patriarchs and Prophets 272) What could the Egyptians have done dur- ing this plague of darkness? (Patriarchs and Prophets 272) What did Pharaoh do? (Exodus 10:24) What would he not let the children of Israel take with them? (Exodus 10:24) 3. What happened each time Pharaoh disobeyed? but the Egyptians were in total darkness. God loves to have us obey Him and to have light. Disobedience brings darkness. We will do what Jesus said in Mat- thew 5:16, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heav- en” (Matthew 5:16). Nature Fireflies Fireflies are'insects. They belong to the family of beetles called lightning bugs. ‘There are 1,900 kinds of fireflies. In the early evening the fireflies are seen flash- ing their lights. The larvae (young) of all fireflies, and the eggs of some kinds, give off light. ‘The glowing larvae are called glowworms A fireflies’ light organs are usually under the abdomen. A chemical reaction takes place in the light organs and makes the fireflies glow! Fireflies use their lights to find mates. Each species of firefly has its own light signal. Females sit on the ground or in the bushes waiting until a male flashes the correct signal. She answers him with her light. These fireflies remind me how the children of Israel had light in their homes, Remind 1. As you work together as a family, do night time jobs, and you can understand a little how the Egyptians did when they had darkness during their daytime. (Example: Feeding the animals after dark) Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. As a family, on the evening of the day when you learn about the ninth plague, turn all the lights out and discuss this les- son. 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food “Obedience to parental author- ity should be inculeated in babyhood and cultivated in youth.” (Review and Herald 13-1894) FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson tl — Ps e 145 Av Day 7 + * s Review—Ten Plagues 1. Water to Blood and Frogs 2. Lice 3. Flies 2} v 4, Murrain and Boils 5, Storms and Locust ° 6, Darkness Aspecial Sabbath activity could be to draw a picture of each plague in its sequence. Pyralis Firefly EBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson tl — Page 46

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