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Quarter 2 Bible Exodus 4:1-23, 27-31; 5; 6:1-13; 7:1-13 Memory Verse erefore go, and I will be with thy “Now moutth Gnd teach thee what thou shalt say” (1 6 4:12). arent Study Patriarclfs and Prophets, pages 253-265. Do morefresearch about Quietness. Lesson 10 — Moses Trusts God IBL Year 1 4 Quietn tranquil emotion; calmness; peace “And thi your ow own hands, (I Thessalonians 4:11). Looking Through Nature Character Quality ess ~ A state of rest; stillness; lity; freedom from agitation or Jat ye study to be quiet, and to do on business, and to work with your we commanded you” Variety of Insects . Variety . Size Color Shape I Shape II Shapes FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson Day 1 671) Rad Exodus 4:1-23 | Patridrelts and Prophets 253-256 Research Leaving Midian ‘Moses could see that leading Israel out of Egypt would be a difficult job. He had enjoyed his quiet, peaceful life in the desert and hills. Moses was warned that the people would not believe that God had sent him and so God showed him evidence that appealed to his senses—signs by which the people would be convinced. He was told to cast his rod down. What hap- pened? He was told to put his hand inside his garment. What happened? Next Moses said, “O my Lord, Lam not eloquent, nei- ther heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but Lam slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.” “Moses was now directed to Aaron, his elder brother, who, having been in daily use of the language of the Egyptians, was able to speak it per- fectly. He was told that Aaron was coming to meet him.” (Patriarchs and Prophets 254) Now Moses was obedient, and was ready to do the greatest work ever given to man, He bid Jethro good-bye, and, taking his wife and children, began the journey. Moses later sent his wife and children back, thinking it best for their safety. Moses was exchanging a very quiet, peaceful life for one with much dif- ficulty. The calmness, peacefulness, and quietness in his soul would be important as he faced the problems ahead. Review 1, What kind of life had Moses enjoyed in the hills and desert? What evidence did God show Moses to encourage him? (Exo- dus 4:1-7) 2. What did Moses say he could not do? (Exodus 4:10) What did God promise to do for Moses? (Exodus 4:12) 3, Who would “speak well” for Moses, and was on his way to meet him? (Exodus 4:14) Who went with him on his journey to Egypt? . (Exodus 4:20) What kind of life was Moses exchanging for a more active, difficult life? Describe Moses. Nature Variety Insects come in an endless variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They are the most beautiful and incredible creatures. ‘This week we will learn more about their sizes, shapes, and colors Remember as you see the many sizes, shapes, and colors of insects that God loves variety in His creatures. He wanted to deliver the Israelites from the sameness of their never-ending work. He wanted them to have time to enjoy nature and their families every day and especial- lyon the Sabbath. The uniqueness of insects and the size, shape, and color of each one reminds me of Moses as he began the many new adventures in his life. The size of the job requires the help of Heaven, which would shape Israel's future in each colorful expe- rience they would have. FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 10 — Page 122 Differences in the insects reminds us that God's children are also different in their abilities, like Moses and Aaron were, ‘There are ants in some colonies which have cork-shaped heads and they act as doorkeepers by stopping up the door holes. ‘Then there are ants in another colony that are pumped full of nectar. They are like living honey pots that share their sup- ply with the other ants during periods of drought. This reminds me of how Moses and Aaron wanted to feed their brethren who were suffering from spiritual drought. ‘There are even some kinds of ants that wage war and take other species of ants captives to use as slaves. Does this remind you of the Egyptians? Some insects are very quiet, which reminds me of Mos peacefulness, and quietness in leading Israel. We are told in Isaiah 32:17, “And the work of rightcousncss shall be peace; and the effect of righteousness quietness and assurance for ever.” Remind 1. As you work together tice being calm and quiet. sa family, prae- (Example: If brother begins to argue about whose turn it is to wash dishes, and it is his turn, be quiet and continue to do your part.) 2, What can you do that is different from your brother or sister? What does your fa- ther do that is different from your mother? How are your friends different from you? Remember how Moses and Aaron had dif- ferent abilities. Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2, Draw and color a rainbow. Find inseets during this week that, are each a color of the rainbow. It. can be an insect color treasure hunt. Draw and color the insect beside the color on the rainbow. If you find variations of colors, draw and color them below the rainbow. If it is not the season for you to find a lot of insects, resort to books, but it would be best to find real, live, wiggly insects! 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food “When, after Moses’ time of prepara- tion and trial was over, he was once more told to go and deliver Israel, he was self- distrustful, slow of speech, timid. ‘Who am Ihe said, ‘that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?’ He pleaded as an excuse a lack of ready speech. He had been the general of the armies of Egypt, and he certainly knew how to speak. But he was afraid that he would bring self into his work.” (1 Bible Commentary 1099) FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 10 — Page 123 Research Meeting Aaron ‘Moses journeyed on his way and met Aaron, who had been instructed by the angels to meet his brother in the des- ert near Mount Horeb. They were so joyful to see one another again. Aaron, like his brother, must have known how to have quiet time with the Lord in which he could receive personal instructions from heaven. Moses shared with Aaron all that the Lord had shared with him. “Together they journeyed to Egypt...” If God tells you to do something for Him, He will either give you the ability to do it yourself or He will bring you the special help you need to accomplish it. “Moses excelled in wisdom in con- ducting affairs. Aaron, Moses’ elder broth- cr, had been in daily use of the language of the Egyptians, and understood it per- fectly. He was eloquent.” (3 Spiritual Gifts 193) It is difficult to be calm, peaceful, and quiet during great trials if you rely upon yourself, This can only be done if Moses ¢ Aa celled in wisdom, and Aaron was eloquent in the Rgyplian language. you love Jesus and let Him help you. He will surely help if you ask Him. Like Mo- ses, we can have true beauty of character. “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wear- ing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price” (I Peter 3:3-4). Review 1. Who sent Aaron to meet Moses? (Pa- iriarchs and Prophets 257) Where did they meet? (Exodus 4:27) What did Moses share with Aaron? (Exodus 4:28) 2, What did Moses excel in? What did Aaron excel in? Is it difficult to be calm, peaceful, and quiet? How can you succeed? FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 10 — Page 124 Nature Size Most insects are less than 1/4 inch (6.4 millimeters) long. Some of the very smallest ones are only one-hundredth of an inch (0.25 millimeter) long. These small insects could craw! through the eye of a needle. Some giant insects are, the Goliath beetle which is 4 inches (10 cen- timeters) long, and the Atlas moth, which has a 10 inch (25 centimeters) wing span. ‘The Goliath beetle or Atlas moth re- minds us of the size of the job that Moses and Aaron were beginning. They would only be successful if they would. “Take heed, and be quiet; fear not, nei- ther be fainthearted...” (Isaiah 7:4). ‘Tiny ants can lift things that weigh more than they do. The big job of deliver ing Israel required a man who was little in his own eyes—one who would depend upon divine help to accomplish the task. Goliath Beetle Remind 1. As you work together as a family, pray often together for this quiet spirit. When tasks seem too large (like a Goliath beetle or like an ant or a wasp trying to carry a big burden many times its own size) be encour- aged by the experience of Moses and Aaron. 2. Do you ever have Goliath jobs? How should you respond to them? Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them, 2. Look for the big tasks to do this week, and leave the little tasks for others. 3, How much can you lift? Remember how much some tiny ants can lift. They are stronger then most: people. 4. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! EBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — Page 125 Remarkable Parent Food “As Moses journeyed to Egypt, the angel of the Lord met him and assumed a threatening posture, as though he would slay him, He was fearful of his life. He had yielded to the refusal of his wife to have their son circumcised, and, in compliance with her wishes, had neglected to obey God. His wife, fearful that her husband might be slain, overcame her feelings of undue affection for her son, and performed the act herself, After this, the angel let ‘Moses go. In his mission to Pharaoh, he was to be placed in a perilous position, where his life would be exposed to the will of the king, if God did not by His power, through the presence of His angels, pre- serve him, While Moses was living in neglect of one of God’s positive commands, his life would not be secure, for God's angels could not protect him while in dis- obedience. Therefore, the angel met him. in the way and threatened his life. He did not explain to Moses why he assumed that. threatening aspect. Moses knew that there was a cause, He was going to Egypt according to God’s express command, therefore the journey was right. He at once remembered that he had not obeyed God in performing the ordinance of cir- cumecision upon his youngest son, and had yielded to his wife’s entreaties to postpone the ceremony. After he had obeyed the command of God he was free to go before Pharaoh, and there was nothing in the way to hinder the ministration of angels in connection with his work. “In the time of trouble, just previ- ous to the coming of Christ, the lives of the righteous will be preserved through the ministration of holy angels. Those who come up to that trying time, neglecting to obey God’s commands, will have no secu- rity of their lives. Angels cannot protect them from the wrath of their enemies while they arc living in neglect of any known duty, or express command of Jeho- vah." (3 Spiritual Gifts 195-196) fler he had obeyed the command of God he was free lo go before Pharaoh, and there was nothing in the way to hinder the ministration of angels in connection with his work.” FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — P 126 Day 3 ad Exodus 4:29-31; 5:1-9 Nitriarchs and Prophets 257 Research Egypt Upon arriving in Egypt, Moses and Aaron called together the elders of Israel. ‘They shared with them what God had told them, and the signs He showed unto them. The elders believed! Afterward (Exodus 5:1), they went in to speak with Pharaoh making the request to hold a feast in the wilderness as commanded by Jehovah God. But Pharaoh would not agree to their request In fact he became very angry. Moses and ‘Aaron remained calm with quietness of spirit. “In their bondage the Israelites had to some extent lost the knowledge of God's law, and they had departed from its precepts. The Sabbath had been gener- ally disregarded, and the exaction of their taskmasters made its observance appar- ently impossible. But Moses had shown his people that obedience to God was the first condition of deliverance; and the ef- forts made to restore the observance of the Sabbath had come to the notice of their oppressors.” (Patriarchs and Prophets 258) Pharaoh made the Israelites work even harder by not allowing straw to be given them for their brick-making as it had been previously supplied to them, He suspected a revolt and said, “And the tale [daily required amount] of the bricks, which they did make heretofore, ye shall lay upon them; ye shall not diminish ought thereof: for they be idle; therefore they ery, saying, Let us go and sacrifice to our God” (Exodus 5:8). “Bul Moses had shown his people that obedience lo God was the first condition of deliverance; and the efforts made to restore the observance of the Sabbath had come lo the notice of their oppressors.” Review 1. What was the first thing Moses and Aaron did when they arrived in Kgypt? (Exodus 4:29) What did they tell and show these elders? (Exodus 4:30) Did the elders believe them? (Exodus 4:31) 2. Where did Moses and Aaron go next? (Exodus 5:1) What did they ask for? (Exo- dus 5:1) ‘Tell what Pharaoh said and did. (Bxo- dus 5:2-9) Pharaoh became angry. How did Moses and Aaron act? (Patriarchs and Prophets 257) FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — Page 127 Insects come in all the colors of the rainbow. Some kinds of beetles are brilliant, metallic (explain) colors. Many blend with their surroundings such as the beetles that live in the ground which are black and brown. Butterflies and moths are more colorful as they spend more time among the flowers. Some moths are the color of the bark on trees ‘The way in which an insect’s colors help it to quietly blend into its surround- ings, reminds me of Exodus 5:4, “And the king of Egypt said unto them, wherefore do foses and Aaron, let the people from their works? get you unto your burden: Pharaoh did not recognize who Moses was, and that he had once lived at the courts in Egypt. He ordered Moses and Aaron back to their task: slaves. They calmly and quietly left. Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. Continue to work on the “Rainbow In- sect, Treasure Hunt.” 3. For individual activities, stories, poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remarkable Parent Food “The Hebrews expected to be de- livered from their bondage without any particular trial of their faith, or suffering on their part. There were many of them ready to leave Egypt, but not all. The hab- its of some had become so much like the Egyptians that they preferred to remain with them.” (3 Spiritual Gifts 197) Remind 1. As you work together as a family, try not to be the center of attention, but blend in quietly, as insects do and as Moses did, 2. When guests come, be a good listener and do not do all the talking. If they are not very talkative ask questions. FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 10 — Page 128 { Pd Day 4 i), Read Exodus 5:10-23 Pattiarchs and Prophets 258-260 Research Taskmasters “Pharaoh's heart was becoming more unfeeling toward the children of Israel. He greatly increased their labor. The taskmasters placed over the Hebrews were Egyptians. They had officers under them who had oversight of the work, and directed the people. These officers were Hebrews and they were responsible for the work of the people under them. And when the unjust requirement was given them to make them gather the scattered straw and stubble found in the fields for their brick, the people could not perform their usual amount of labor. ‘So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble instead of straw. And the taskmasters hastened them, saying, Fulfill your works, your daily tasks, as when there was straw. And the officers of the children of Israel, which Pharaoh’s taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and demanded, Wherefore have ye not fulfilled your task in making brick both yesterday and today, as hereto- fore?” “Because the full amount of labor was not accomplished the Egyptian task- masters called the officers to account, and cruelly punished them, because they did not compel the people to perform their usual amount of labor. These officers thought that their oppression came from their taskmasters, and not from the king himself, Therefore they went with their case to the king and told him their griev- ances, and the cruel treatment of their taskmasters. Pharaoh’s heart was hard- ened against their distress, and he de- rided them, and mocked at all their com- plaints. He was filled with hatred against them.” (3 Spiritual Gifts 198-199) The officers of the children of Israel said, “Why are you treating us like this?” “But he said, Ye are idle, ye are idle; there- fore ye say, Let us go and do sacrifice to the Lord” (Exodus 5:17). Ye are idle; The children of Israel blamed Moses for all their sufferings. He quietly e dured their unkind words. Then he went to the Lord in prayer, for the Lord delayed to deliver His people. “They were not yet prepared to be delivered. They had but little faith, and were unwilling to patiently suffer and perseveringly endure their affliction, until God should work for them a glorious deliverance.” (3 Spiritual Gifts 200-201) The children of Israel joyfully received the news that God was prepar- ing to deliver them, but as soon as per- secution arose they became offended. ‘They wanted to leave Egypt without any trouble, but the fact is, “we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22). But this increased persecution was actually good for the Isra- elites because it made them more anxious to leave Egypt and would help them from desiring to return there. It was a Sab- bath-reform message that brought about the increased persecution. This lesson has important parallels for God's children in the last days FBL year 1, quarter 2 - Lesson 10 — Page 129 “We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God ‘The children of Israel needed to Jearn to quietly wait upon the Lord. Review 1. What did Pharaoh do to the children of Israel? How did he do this? (Exodus 5:10-11) When the people did not make as many bricks what happened? (Exodus 5:14) 2. What did these officers do? (Exodus 5:15) What did Pharaoh say? (Exodus 5:17-18) 3, Who did the children of Israel blame for their suffering? (Exodus 5:20-21) What did the children of Israel need to learn? Remind 1, As you work together as a family, learn to quietly wait when things do not go your way. Example: A dish is dropped while you are helping to dry them. The mess has to be cleaned up before they are finished. You get to quietly wait, (or help clean up), for the rest of the dishes to be washed so you can finish drying them. Another example would be waiting quietly for a special prayer request to be answered. Insects come in a variety of un- usual shapes. The walking stick looks like a twig on a tree. Some insects look like green leaves or dry leaves; bark on a tree; thorns; dry reeds; and even bird drop- pings! These unusual shapes, and also their colorings, help them to hide from their enemies. The children of Israel could not hide from their enemies. They were mistreated by them. The children of Israel needed to quietly wait for the Lord to deliver them. “Thou art my hiding place” (Psalm 32:7), Reinforce 1, Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them 2. Try to find insects around your house that have unusual shapes. Sketch each shape as you find them. Sometimes their shape and color protect them from their enemies. Our appearance can also protect us as it does the insects. “Chaste simplic- ity in dress, when united with modesty of demeanor, will go far toward surround- ing a young woman with the atmosphere of sacred reserve which will be to her a shield from a thousand perils.” (Education 248) Discuss quietly waiting upon God as He works His will in your lives. 8. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! &, FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — Page BO Remarkable Parent Food “Fathers and mothers...teach your children that they must be subordinate to law. Do not allow them to think that because they are children, it is their privi- lege to make all the noise they wish in the house, Wise rules and regulations must be made and enforced, that the beauty of the home life may not be spoiled.” (Signs of the Times 9-25-1901) Day 5 ead Exodus 6:1-13 itriarchs and Prophets 260-263 4 Research God’s Promise and Israel Resists God spoke to Moses and told him that he would see what God would do with a strong hand, He reminded Moses of the covenant (promise) He had made with Israel to give them the land of Canaan. He had heard the groanings of the children of Israel in their cruel bondage. He prom- ised that He would redeem them with a stretched out arm and with great judg- ents, and then bring them to the Prom- d Land. ‘Moses spoke to the children of Is- rael about what God said, but they would not listen. They were not yet ready to quietly wait upon the Lord. Then, he was told to go again to Pharaoh to warn him what would happen if he did not let God's people go. Review 1, Relate the conversation between God and Moses, (Exodus 6:1-13) 2. Tell what it means to have quietness. 3. What was God's final word to Moses? (Exodus 6:13) EBL 1, quarter 2 - lesson 10 — Pag ya Y a Nature —7Je>~— Shape II Ya re-found in a variety of shapes and special structures. Insects can look like other creatures, or objects, such as a snail's shell. They have parts on their bodies of unusual shapes which can be used in ineredible ways. The inchneu- mon wasps have an egg-laying tool that is about 4 1/2 inches (11.4 centimeters) long that can drill through solid wood. The eyes of stalks are on the ends of slender stalks. Water scorpions have a snorkel- like part that they push up through the water to get air. Nut weevils have a long, slender beak as long as the rest of their bodies. They use it to drill into a nut. Back swimmers have long hind legs, which are used like a pair of oars. Some stag beetles have jaws as long as their bodies, and look like antlers. This reminds us that God had a variety of unusual ways to deliver His people, but they must first learn to trust. and quietly wait upon Him, Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. See how many tools you can name that are used in the garden or in the kitchen, ete. 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! Remind 1. As you work together as a family, be reminded of how God provides insects with parts on their bodies to help them ac- complish their tasks. Be aware of the tools, God provides for you to do your tasks like: arms, hands, fingers, feet, legs, rak jovels, hoes, hammers, screw driv soap, dish cloths, and buckets. Do you complain? or do you quietly do your work with a cheerful, uncomplaining spirit? God has also given us tools to break the bondage of sin in our lives. They are prayer and obedience to the Word of God. Remarkable Parent Food “A Christian will cultivate a meek and quiet spirit; he will be calm, consid- erate of others, and will have a happy temper that sickness will not make ir- ritable nor the weather or circumstances disturb.” (Review and Herald 9-8-1885) FBL year 1, quarter 2 - lesson 10 — Page 132 Day 6 Read Exodus 7:1-1 rchs and Prophets 2oPa65 Research A Hardened Heart Again Moses and Aaron appeared before Pharaoh, Pharaoh granted them an interview but required them to show a miracle, in evidence of their divine com- mission. “... Aaron now took the rod and cast it down before Pharaoh. It became a serpent.” Pharaoh sent for his “wise men and sorcerers” who “cast down every man his rod, and they became serpents; but Aaron’s rod swallowed up their rods.” “The magicians seemed to perform several things with their enchantments similar to those things which God wrought by the hand of Moses and Aaron. They did not really cause their rods to become serpents, but by magic, aided by the great deceiver, made them to appear like serpents, to counterfeit the work of God, Satan assisted his servants to resist the work of the Most High, in order to deceive the people, and encourage them in their rebellion. Pharaoh would grasp at the least evidence he could obtain to justify himself in resisting the work of God, performed by Moses and Aaron. He told these servants of God that his magicians could do all these wonders. The difference between the work of God and that of the magicians was, one was of God, the other of Satan. One was true, the other false.” (8 Spiritual Gifts 205-206) Pharaoh hardened his heart, and he said that his magicians had as much power as Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron quietly left. They did not need to prove to Pharaoh who God was. They calmly and quietly trusted Him, Review 1, Who commanded Moses and Aaron to appear before Pharaoh? What did Pha- raoh demand them to show? (Exodus 7:9- 10) Explain what the miracle was. 2. What did Pharaoh do? (Exodus 7:11-12) What did Aaron’s rod do to the magicians’ rods? (Exodus 7:12) 3, How did Pharaoh respond? (Exodus 7:13) What did he say? (Patriarchs and Prophets 263) What were Moses and Aaron to do? Do you remember the unusual shapes of insects we learned about on Day 4 of our nature lesson? ‘These insects hide themselves by taking on the shape of a twig, green leaf, dry leaf, bark, thorn, dry reed, or bird dropping. Are they really these things? No, they are only pretending. They are in- sects! This reminds us of the Bible lesson today. Aaron took Moses’ rod and God. turned it into a real serpent. The magi- cians could not really turn their rods into serpents. It only looked that way. They deceived Pharaoh. Moses’ rod was truly a serpent, and the magician’s rods were false, they only appeared to be serpents. When we serve the true God, there is a FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — P BS peace and quietness in our hearts that frees us from the temptation to be decep- tive in order to protect ourselves, Remarkable Parent Food “After the plague was stayed, the king refused to let Israel go. Rebellion Remind 1. As you work together as a family, al- ways represent truth in the quietness of your heart. (Example: Telling father you put away your bicycle when you left it in the drive- way is like an insect pretending to be what it is not, or like the rod that. was a false serpent.) produces rebellion. The king had become so hardened with his continual opposition to the will of God, that his whole being rose in rebellion to the awful exhibitions of His divine power.” (1 Bible Commentary 1100) Day 7 Review—Moses Trusts God Reinforce 1. Look for insects! Use your insect guide book to identify them. 2. Discuss being false or true. Use two long sticks found in nature. Label one “magicians” and the other “Moses.” Pick up the rod that shows whether the peace and quietness of God is in the heart, or whether Satan is. Use questions like: + Mother asked me to empty the garbage on the compost pile. I cheerfully obeyed. Which rod? Discuss. + Father asked me to rake up the pine nee- dles. I left to do the chore but began to play with the new puppy. Which rod? Discuss. 3. For individual activities, stories, and poems, use the booklet entitled, Children’s Bible Activity Book for this quarter. Say your memory verse! 1, Leaving Midian 2. Meeting Aaron 3. Egypt 4, Taskmasters 5. God’s Promise and Israel Resists 6. A Hardened Heart FBL year 1, quarter 2 — Lesson 10 — Di

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