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1. Public interest priority.
2. Fast , honest , economical service.

1. Excellence in duty.
2. Professionalism and dedication.

1. Justice for all.
2. Rule No 2: Respect and fairness always.

1. Neutral service stance.
2. Non-partisan commitment.

1. Prompt and courteous.
2. Transparent and responsive.

1. Loyalty to country.
2. Support the homegrown, stand for the autonomy.

1. Defenders of democracy.
2. Responding to the electorate.

1. Living modestly.
2. Avoiding extravagance.
1. Public authorities should solve interests of the community first, rather of personal gain; hence
there will be proper and fair use of the resources.
2. The obligation of public interest that stems from the fact that governmental officials use their
powers with unfathomable honesty and thrift.

1. Professionalism means that the public officials work very well, competently that and that they
apply their knowledge and talents to their work with a passion.
2. In the face of professionalism, public officers must serve their duties with a passion that
nobody questions and must earn themselves trust by avoiding the use of government resources as
personal rewards.

1. Never should the justice and the sincerity that public office workers are so expected to deliver
go against the equality and also does not in anyway favoritism.
2. Public servants should employ the "Do not do unto others what you do not want to be done to
others tactic”, and their actions should be in line of the democratically-elected laws and morals
of the country, and the best interest of the neglected in the community.

1. Political neutrality means as service providers, we must withhold favoritism or preference by
reason of party support or partisanship.
2. The public servants answer the question of impartiality in their activity and serve all citizens
as equally as possible, without any political bias on the work carried out.

1. Meeting the public idea implies being responsive and offering fast, courteous and transparent
service to the people who are in need of help.
2. The response is reaction of public officials that simplify regulations, become more proactive in
communication and ensure the availability of required data to everybody.

1. Nationalism and patriotism responsible for the fact that the public officials should be loyal to
the country, by developing and mobilizing local resources and encouraging immunity to outside
2. Public servants ought to place emphasis on keeping the citizenry inspired in and striving to
better their country by availing strictly made at home products and technology.
1. What the fans are also asking for is that public officers need to demonstrate a commitment to
democracy which is the upholding of principles of accountability and power by the people.
2. Public administrators have to be faithful to the country's first, even while bearing in mind
personal or party attention, thus underscoring that democracy is a superior value.

1. Cropping off a non-monetary items government officials must show exemplary lifestyle within
the means of their salaries scales.
2. Public servants and their families should not spend money like crazy or stop dressing showy
and choose such style of life as it befits them being public servants.

1. A mayor ensures that the public resources are used in the efficient strategies for the
developments of the community accountably, turning down every unlawful offer of individual
2. An official in a government department implements various cost-cutting measures that have
public interest as their focus and the motivator and objective, not the private gains of individuals.

1. A professional teacher is characterized by hard work that always results in deeply interesting
lessons and an eagerness to individually assist students in their learning.
2. Proper professionalism by a doctor involves handling private information of patients and
treating all individuals with dignity and sympathy.

1. A judge in his or her place of duty pronounce the judgment purely basing by law and evidence,
without of any traits of showing of partiality towards the parties involved.
2. Humanizes “a social worker by helping the low-income families with sincerity and
compassion to ensure that the communities will not be dominated by rich people and rich people
only will get all the resources and support.”

1. Election Commission of the government produces free and open elections, arranging for fair
and equal treatment of all parties irrespective of politics.
2. A police officer remains impartial when upholding that law while the same time he / she is
showing respect to the people in the community and for that they are also trusted and respected.
1. On top of that, the government hotline operator addresses quickly and gleefully citizens’
inquiries, handing out updates and help if that is the case.
2. A city's council involving the public during the consultations - scheduled by the local
government to collect opinions on the strategies they are planning to have implemented, will
guarantee that popularity will meet the expectations of the people and accordingly the interests
and problems.

1. A missionary or cultural diplomat carries the country's culture, artifacts, and products
overseas, thus sensitizing the foreigners on the country's crafts and culture, which culminates in
national pride and growth of local industries.
2. A business literally makes a statement with choosing the local workforce for the business
operation and also obtaining the materials locally, as this will enhance the economic growth and
development of the country.

1. A public office-holder pushes for transparency and accountability for all public services,
providing the platform where citizens take part in, and their voices heard and respected.
2. Military General responsible to civilian authority and does not intervene in political matters
because this approach is a guarantee of democracy and peaceful settlement of dispute.

1. A minister of the government downplays his/her social status by staying close to simplicity,
refusing to indulge in excesses while at work. Consequently, the conduct sets a good example for
all the other influential folks out there.
2. Public officials refrain from spending unnecessary money on official trips for publicity
purposes, but only uses only a cost-effective mode of transport that strictly benefits the public

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