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Canada Embassy
Visa Sec2on

Dear Sir/Ma’am

Sub: Replay for a Procedural Fairness leBer (Bank Statement)

Dear Visa Officer,

I am wri2ng in response to the procedural fairness leBer I received regarding my visa applica2on.
I am deeply troubled by the accusa2on that I submiBed a fraudulent statement of account as a
support document for my applica2on. I want to unequivocally state that this allega2on is
completely false and baseless.

I take great pride in my integrity and would never jeopardize my chances of obtaining a visa to
Canada by resor2ng to deceiSul means. It is disheartening and insul2ng to be accused of such
misconduct without any concrete evidence or jus2fica2on.

I demand a thorough inves2ga2on into this maBer and urge you to reconsider your assessment
of my applica2on. I am more than willing to provide any addi2onal informa2on or documenta2on
to prove the authen2city of my financial situa2on and the veracity of my applica2on.

I expect a fair and unbiased review of my case, and I trust that upon further examina2on, you will
find that my applica2on is genuine and in full compliance with all the necessary requirements.

I request an immediate resolu2on to this issue and a swiV decision on my visa applica2on. I will
not stand for false accusa2ons tarnishing my reputa2on and hindering my legi2mate pursuit of a
visa to Canada.

Thank you for your aBen2on to this urgent maBer. I an2cipate a prompt and just resolu2on in
accordance with the principles of fairness and transparency.

Anteneh Messele Weldesilasie

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