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Cash - паперові гроші

To earn money - заробляти гроші
To spend money - витрачати гроші
To waste mоnеу - витрачати
бездумно гроші
To save money - накопичувати гроші
To invest - інвестувати
To exchange money / currency - міняти гроші, валюту
To withdraw money from the card/
account - знімати з картки, рахунку
To put cash on the card/account - покласти на картку,
To get into debt - влізти в борги
Do you prefer going shopping alone or with friends?
Which is better, shopping in shops or shopping online?
What’s the worst shopping experience you’ve had?
Is shopping an addiction? How can it be cured?
Would you like to go on a shopping holiday?
Would you rather
buy a few high-quality items or many cheaper
receive a gift card for your favorite store or
have someone shop for you?
buy clothes that are trendy but may go out of
style quickly, or classic pieces that will last for
buy shoes for comfort or for style?
spend your money on experiences like travel or
on material possessions?
wait for a sale to buy something you want, or
buy it at full price right away?
"One of the best _______________ I've learned is to
always compare prices before making a purchase."
"I hate the feeling of realizing I've _______________ on
something I didn't really need."
"I believe it's important to _______________ in quality
items that will last longer."
"When I was younger, my parents gave me a weekly
_______________ to spend on whatever I wanted."

waste money, tips, allowance, to invest

Complete sentences
"Last month, I made a _______________ to a local charity to support
their cause."
"I always keep an eye out for _______________ deals, like the
_______________ offer on my favorite snacks."
"My parents taught me to always look for _______________ and use
them to save money on everyday items."
"Before making a big purchase, I like to gather _______________ from
friends or read reviews online to make sure I'm making the right
Describe them
Are these memes true
about you? If so, explain
Timmy wants to buy a new toy, but he only has a
limited amount of allowance left for the month.
Jenny wants to buy a new dress for a special occasion.
She sees two dresses she likes, but one is on sale.
Mike bought a new toy, but it's not working properly.
Share a story about an interesting or
memorable shopping experience you've
had. Include details like what you bought,
where you were, and why it was special.
Let’s play♥

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