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How Inflammation Impacts the Body

As the cellular and molecular mechanisms

behind various diseases are uncovered,
scientists are gaining a better understanding BRAIN
of inflammation’s complex role in disease
pathogenesis. When the immune system THYROID

functions correctly, inflammation is one HEART

of the many steps the body can take to rid

itself of unwanted pathogens, however,
when the immune system mistakenly LUNGS

attacks the body’s healthy tissues or organs,

the results are often debilitating. PANCREAS

We recently compiled examples of how

inflammation can impact specific tissues
and organs, plus some of the accumulating KIDNEYS

research revealing the cellular mechanisms

behind these processes. Keep reading to
better understand how inflammation can INTESTINES BLADDER

manifest in the body and its role in certain

diseases and disorders.

Since the 1970s, brain inflammation has been linked to diseases like Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s, but new research efforts, particularly those assisted by imaging, have
allowed scientists to observe these processes at greater detail than ever before. In March
2022, researchers investigated how neuroinflammation impacts neuronal proliferation
and healthy cognition in mice. Their work provides evidence that brain inflammation is a
key neuropathological pathway of interest in the cognitive loss associated with AD.

Lung disease, an all-encompassing term including asthma, COPD,
influenza, pneumonia, tuberculosis, lung cancer, and many other breathing
problems, is frequently characterized by lung inflammation. In 2021, a
review paper suggested some strategies for advancing treatments.

Thyroiditis, typically a result of unusually high or low levels of thyroid hormones in
the blood, is broken into three primary phases of thyroiditis: acute, euthyroid, and
hypothyroid. Hypothyroidism becomes permanent in 5-15% of patients. In 2022,
researchers investigated how COVID-19 impacts thyroid function and inflammation
in 174 patients with PCR-confirmed patients with SARS-CoV-2. In general, they
found that 80.46% of evaluated patients displayed abnormalities in thyroid function
tests at least once throughout the scientists’ observation.

While there is no cure for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), there have been
promising findings, such as those from UTSW researchers in 2022, discovering
new drug targets for inflammatory bowel disease. In the study, the team identified
a protein, Pak2, that interacts with inflammatory molecules in the gut. When
the researchers blocked Pak2 in mice, the animals lost weight, had more colon
inflammation, and showed other symptoms of IBD, including diarrhea and blood in
their stools. In the presence of Pak2, however, the IBD-like inflammation eased.

Inflammation in the heart can lead to irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia), heart failure,
coronary heart disease, and more. In 2021, scientists published a paper discussing the
recent advances in cardiac tissue engineering for managing myocardium. While there
has been previous work testing microfluidic devices with stem cells, the team suggests
a hydrogel-based system with both encapsulated stem cells and biocompatible patches
loaded with cells and applied at the site of infarction.

Kidney inflammation, or nephritis, is most commonly caused by autoimmune
diseases or infections. Lupus nephritis occurs when lupus autoantibodies
affect structures within the kidneys that filter out waste. In 2020, researchers
in Japan investigated the network of inflammatory mechanisms behind lupus
nephritis, with findings suggesting that blocking JAK/STAT and TIM-1/TIM-4
signaling pathways may help develop novel therapeutic agents.

Chronic pancreatitis (CP) can lead to irreversible damage to exocrine and endocrine
pancreatic parenchyma. Though there is still no cure for chronic pancreatitis other
than removal of the pancreas, scientists have suggested that gene therapy and cystic
fibrosis conductance regulator (CFTR) potentiators show potential as possible new
treatments for chronic pancreatitis.

Inflammation of the bladder, or cystitis, usually occurs after a bacterial infection.
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a chronic disorder characterized by an inflamed or irritated
bladder wall. In 2022, researchers investigated gender differences in interstitial
cystitis/bladder pain syndrome (IC/BPS), and discovered differences in both symptom
profiles and patient experiences of symptoms and their impact.

In 2018, researchers looked at the role of inflammation in liver disease and
clarified the role of inflammasomes in the aggravation of liver disease, as
well as how selectively blocking this pathway may be a valuable strategy to
delay fibrosis progression in liver diseases.

Gastritis is an umbrella term for several conditions, all including inflammation of the
stomach’s lining. Severe cases can occur due to major surgeries, infections, medication,
or autoimmune disorders. Scientists took a closer look at chronic gastritis in 2015,
discovering that, in addition to the risks of malignancy and peptic ulcer, severe forms of
gastritis may associate with failures in the absorption of essential vitamins, like vitamin
B12, micronutrients (like iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc), diet and medicines.

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