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Ermengarde went to Sarah's room one day, but she was not there.

When Sarah went up to her room,

her face was white. Sara was hungry, she was often not fed. Ermengard brought Becky, Sara a cake.

Minchin saw that the girls were eating cake. She boiled them, and also said that Sarah would not eat

Sarah lay hungry. She heard a sound. She opened her eyes and saw food on the table. Hot meat pies,
beterbrods, cakes, oranges and apples. She did not understand where all these things came from.
Becky was also surprised. The note read "To the girl in the attic from a friend."

Miss Minchin did not understand why Sarah was happy. Sarah went to sleep, and found new things
again. A warm blanket. There were pictures on the walls and books. And again the dinner was
delicious. They saw something in the window. It was a monkey.

Mr. Carisford was sad because the girl was not found. They continue their search. He was offered to
see Sara because a monkey came to her. Sarah came to Mr. Sarah said she took the monkey because
it was cold. Sarah told them her story. About his father and why he works at school. Mr. Kerisford
listened to her and told her the whole story. And so the story ended happily.

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