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Master’s in Computer Software Engineering August 2023 - May 2025
Arizona State University, Tempe, USA
Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science July 2023
Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering, India 8.7/10
Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript
Database: SQL
Frameworks: ReactJs
Tools: Git/GitHub, Microsoft Sharepoint, Google Colab
Certificates: Python, HTML5, CSS, Machine Learning, SQL

Global IT Department(Intern), Hitachi Vantara March 24th - July 5th
• Worked on Azure and Microsoft O365 Applications related to access management system and data security.

• Enhanced accuracy and compliance by conducting regular audits, identifying areas for improvement, and implementing

corrective actions, resulting in a 25% reduction in errors and increased customer satisfaction.
• Implemented robust data security measures, playing a pivotal role in fortifying organizational defenses, executed

comprehensive risk assessments by decreas 25% data breaches and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

Academic Projects
• Engineered a robust professional networking website utilizing HTML, CSS, ReactJs, and Firebase, which now serves as a
pivotal hub for career growth, facilitating global connections among professionals.
• The site’s feature for showcasing skills and searching for jobs has expedited the job-hunting process for many users.
• The website offers numerous features, such as the ability to update your profile at any time, ask questions on a post, edit
your created posts, and explore the profiles of connected individuals.
IEEE SB GVPCE website | HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, Github, VS Code
• Integrated real-time update functionality, which significantly improved information dissemination regarding IEEE GVPCE’s

events and activities.

• Spearheaded a team effort to design and deploy the IEEE SB GVPCE website.The project’s completion enhanced the visual

appeal and usability of the site, resulting in a 30% increase in user engagement as reflected by time-on-site metrics.
• This led to a quantifiable uptick in participation rates by 25% for events advertised through the platform.

Development of an AI-Driven Chatbot for Improved Website Navigation | NLTK, NumPy, Keras, TensorFlow, Pickle
• Implemented an intelligent chatbot which enhanced the user experience by providing instant, context-aware responses,

leading to a 50% reduction in average user time spent locating information on the website.
• The chatbot’s advanced natural language processing capabilities resulted in a 40% decrease in user drop-off rates, by

effectively guiding users through complex website structures and improving overall engagement.
Vehicle Detection & Counting using Image Processing | Cmake, Dlib, OpenCV
• The model identifies and count vehicles on roadways and highways.

• The system will keep track of the number of detected vehicles as they pass a specific location.

• The potential applications of this project include traffic analysis and urban development planning.

IEEE GVPCE | Web designing and Graphic designing member 2020-2022
IEEE WIE GVPCE | Vice-chair 2022-2023
Rotract club,GVPCE | member 2020 - 2021

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