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Time allowed: 3Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80
General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The question paper contains THREE sections- READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.


Q.1. Read the passage given below. 10
(1) In a new finding, climate change has now become a national issue in America as a recent study
has deduced that warming- induced drought in the Middle East is leading to increased conflicts
over food and water, leading to its consequences on America and the world. The accelerating
rate of climate change poses a severe risk to national security and acts as a catalyst for global
political conflict. This is the conclusion drawn up by US experts, according to a government
report. At the US Centre for Naval Analyses, the Military Advisor- Board found that climate
change had induced drought in the Middle East and Africa. The lack of food and water was
affecting the populations of these countries to take recourse to extreme measures. This had
escalated long-standing ethnic tensions into violent clashes in the affected countries. In addition,
the report predicted that an increase in catastrophic weather conditions worldwide would create
more demand for American troops, even as flooding and disastrous weather could damage naval
ports and military bases.
(2) According to official findings, the report signaled that it would influence American foreign policy
as well. The report vitalizes situations causes by the massive dislocation or massive drying up of
the waters of the Nile or of the major rivers of India and China Pentagon officials also feel that
the reports would affect military of their country as climate change is having an impact on
national security, whether by increasing global instability or by opening the Arctic or by
increasing sea level and storm surge close to coastal installations. This is the first major study to
draw the link between climate change and national Security. Thus, American leaders are
delivering major speeches wherein they are linking up climate change with that of national
security. New regulations would also be put in place to cut pollution from coal-fired power
(3) The report follows a recent string of scientific studies that warn that the effects of climate change
are already occurring and that more Hooding, droughts, extreme storms, food and water
shortages, and damage to infrastructure will occur in the future. There is thus, a link in some
quarters between rising sea waters and terrorism. These effects are stress multipliers that will
aggravate stressors abroad, such as poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and
social tensions.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the question given below. 8
i How does the author feel about the impact of climate change on global political 1
(a) Optimistic
(b) Concerned
(c) Dismissive
(d) Apathetic
ii What is the tone of the writer in the given lines from paragraph (3) ? Rationalise your 2
response in about 40 words.
These effects are stress multipliers that will aggravate stressors abroad. such as
poverty, environmental degradation, political instability and social tensions.
iii Complete the sentence appropriately. 1
According to the passage, the lack of food and water in the Middle East and Africa
has led to an increase in .............. .
iv The passage includes some words that are similar to each other. From the sets (a)-(d) 1
below, identify one set of synonyms.
(a) Catastrophic and disastrous
(b) Deduced and induced
(c) Impact and extreme
(d) Catastrophic and extreme
v Complete the sentence appropriately. 1
The author's tone in the passage is predominantly................. about the implications
of climate change.
vi What is the message conveyed by the passage? 1
(a) Climate change has no impact on national security.
(b) The lack of food and water leads to cooperation among nations.
(c) Climate change contributes to global conflicts and security risks.
(d) The military is unaffected by climate change
vii Why does the author use the term 'ethnic tensions'? 1
viii Based on the reading of the passage, examine, in about 40 words, how climate 2
change-induced conflicts are like sparks in a dry forest.
Q.2. Read the passage given below. 10
(1) The North-East of India is a melting pot of variegated cultural mosaic of people and races, an
ethnic tapestry of many hues and shades. Yet, these states are less explored as compared to the
rest of the country. The new generations of travellers who are 'money rich and time poor' are
increasingly looking for unique experiences -a phenomenon being called the emergence of the
'experience. economy: For this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with its variety
and uniqueness hold immense attraction.
(2) A study conducted in 2020 by Dr. Sherap Bhutia, revealed that the foreign tourist arrival in the
North-East increased from 37,380 people in 2005 to 118,552 in 2014. The overall growth rate of
tourists (both domestic and foreign) in the North- East was as high as 26.44% during 2005- 06. A
high and positive growth of 12.53% was registered in foreign tourist visits to the North-East
States of India during 2012 and 2011, which further rose to register a growth of 27.93% during
2012 2013. Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2013-
2014 according to data provided from the Ministry of Tourism, Government of India.
(3) The study recommendations for tourism planners included the need to concentrate on some key
areas, like the enhancement of tourist facilities, tourism financing, focus on community
involvement and others for the formulation of a sustainable tourism strategy in the North-East
States of India.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the question given below. 8
i On the basis of your reading of paragraph 1, state the characteristics of the new 1
generation of travellers, and how do they impact their choices in destinations?
ii Fill the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets, based on 1
your understanding of paragraph 1.

The statement that, for this new and growing breed of tourists, the North-East with
its variety and uniqueness holds immense attraction. is a ................ (fact/ opinion)
because it is a ..(subjective judgement/objective detail).
iii Complete the following analogy appropriately, based on understanding of the 1
passage. your

Just as a beautiful bouquet of flowers …………….. the senses of a person, the variety
and uniqueness of the North-Eastern states attract the 'money rich and time poor'
iv Which of the following is the main takeaway from the study mentioned in the 1

(a) The North-East of India witnessed a significant decline in foreign tourist arrivals
during the study period.
(b) The overall growth rate of tourism in the North-East states was higher than the
national average during the study period.
(c) The emergence of the 'experience economy' had no impact on the travel
preferences of the new generation of tourists.
(d) The North-Eastern states' tourism strategy focuses on mass tourism and
conventional destinations.
v Justify the following, in about 40 words. The passage employs the metaphor of a 2
"melting pot" to convey the idea that different cultural elements blend together in
the North-East.
vi Select the option that correctly displays what 'mosaic' signifies. (Reference- 1
Paragraph 1)

vii Infer one benefit and one drawback of being 'money rich and time poor' Answer in 2
about 40 words.
viii According to the data in the passage, 18 Foreign tourist arrivals in the North-East 1
witnessed a growth of 39.77% during 2014. State one inference that can be drawn
from this.
Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions
i Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket. 1
The students, with the help of their teacher ………………… (create) a beautiful poster.
ii Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: 1
The orchestra performed on the central theatre in front of a huge audience.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction

iii Bela shared some information about her visit to her grandmother with Malini. 1
Report Malini's question.
Is your Grandmother feeling better now?
iv Report the dialogue between the receptionist and the customer by completing the 1
Receptionist: When would you like to check into the hotel?
Customer: I will send you an email and give the details.
In response to the question regarding when he would like to move in, the customer
replied and give the details.
Select the correct option:
(A) that he will send an email
(B) that he would send an email
(C) that I will send you an email
(D) that he would send him an email
v Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the slogan. 1
……………. Educated mind can teach many. (The/ A/ An)
vi Identify the error in the given sentence and supply the correction: 1
Behind every success film there is a lengthy creative process.
Use the given format for your response:
Error Correction

vii Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the 1
following line:
The sounds of laughter was echoing in the corridor.
Option Error Correction
(a) Sounds Sound
(b) Laughter Laughing
(c) Was Were
(d) In Of
viii Complete the given narrative by filling in the blank with the correct option: 1
In times of trouble you can always ……...... your parents for help.
(A) turn in
(B) turn to
(C) turn on
(D) turn away
ix Ritu met Anita and saw her crying. 1
Report Ritu's question.
Ritu: "Anita, what is the matter?"
x Report the dialogue between Lata and Usha by completing the sentence: 1
Lata: What activity did you enjoy the most in the summer camp?
Usha: I enjoyed art and craft class.
Lata asked Usha what activity did she enjoy the most in the summer camp. Usha
replied that and craft class.
(A) she had enjoyed
(B) she would enjoy
(C) she enjoyed
(D) she has enjoyed
xi Complete the line from a poem Ozymandias, by filling in the correct option. Near 1
them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a ……………….. visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and a sneer of cold command.'
(A) shatters
(B) shatter
(C) shattered
(D) will shatter
xii Identify the error and supply correction. Use the given format for your response. 1
Air pollution is emerging like a global problem.
Error Correction


Q.4. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A. Write a descriptive paragraph in 100-120 words of Sachin Tendulkar on the basis of
the notes given below:
1973- Born on April 24 in Mumbai
1975- At the age of 2 ½, begins hitting ball with a broomstick in his backyard.
1983- Watches World Cup cricket match on television and becomes seriously
interested in the game.
1986- Scores first century in school
1988- Sets world record of 664 runs for Shardashram School at inter-school
tournament with Vinod Kambli.
At 16- Selected to play against Pakistan, makes his international debut in One-Day
Internationals (ODIs) and Test matches.
1990- Tours England and scores 119 in a match.
2001- Becomes first batsman to score 10,000 runs in one-day cricket.
B. Write about a time when you were late for an important event. What lesson on
punctuality did you learn? Write a descriptive paragraph on the above given
situation in 100-120 words.
Q.5. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5
A. Make an entry in your diary in 100-120 words on your hesitation to speak in English
and your wish to improve your English speaking skills
B. Write a story with the help of the given hints in 100-120 words. Also give a suitable
"Going to Mumbai by train to attend the marriage of a friend ..... got stuck in a
traffic jam ..... reached the railway station late..... boarded a wrong train..... realised
after two hours..... now you......"

Reference to the context 10

Q.6. Attempt ANY ONE of two extracts given. 5
6.A The Inspector had smiled after he was finished and patted Margie's head. He said to
her mother, "It's not the little girl's fault, Mrs Jones! think the geography sector was
geared a little too quickly. Those things happen sometimes. I've slowed it up to an
average ten-year level. Actually, the overall pattern of her progress is quite
satisfactory." And he patted Margie's head again. Margie was disappointed. She had
been hoping they would take the teacher away altogether. They had once taken
Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked
out completely.
So she said to Tommy. "Why would anyone write about school?"
i. State one inference about the inspector from the given context: 1
"Actually, the overall pattern of her progress is quite satisfactory." And he patted
Margie's head again.
ii. Which phrase would correctly substitute 'geared a little too quick', in the given 1
sentence from the extract?
I think the geography sector was geared a little too quick.
iii. The mechanical teacher was set right but Margie was disappointed. Justify. 2
iv. State TRUE or FALSE. None of the term (1)-(4) below, can be applied to the 1
They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history
sector had blanked out completely.
(1) A hypothesis- a proposed explanation for a phenomenon
(2) An assumption- something that is taken for granted or assumed to be true
without proof
(3) A premise- a proposition that forms the basis of an argument
(4) A theory- a well-substantiated explanation for a natural phenomenon
6.B She never looked back from that point onwards She toured the United Kingdom with
a youth orchestra and by the time she was sixteen. she had decided to make music
her life. She auditioned for the Royal Academy of Music and scored one of the highest
marks in the history of the academy. She gradually moved from orchestral work to
solo performances. At the end of her three-year course, she had captured most of the
top awards. And for all this, Evelyn won't accept any hint of heroic achievement, "If
you work hard and know where you are going, you'll get there" And she got right to
the top, the world's most sought-after multi- percussionist with a mastery of some
thousand instruments, and a hectic international schedule. It is intriguing to watch
Evelyn function so effortlessly without hearing. In our two-hour discussion she never
missed a word. "Men with bushy beards give me trouble," she laughed. "It is not just
watching the lips, it's the whole face, especially the eyes." She speaks flawlessly with
a Scottish lilt. "My speech is clear because I could hear till I was eleven," she says.
i. Which of these statements is NOT correct according to the passage? 1
(a) Evelyn was clear about her dream since her childhood.
(b) Evelyn was too proud of her achievements.
(c) Evelyn could play almost all the musical instruments.
(d) Evelyn could speak well in spite of being deaf.
ii. Why is it fair to say that Evelyn's tone, when she says "Men with bushy beards give 2
me trouble" is a light-hearted and humorous tone?
iii. Read the following descriptions (a)-(c) and identify which one correctly corresponds 1
to the extract.
Soliloquy is a speech given by a character alone on stage, which reveals their
innermost thoughts and feelings to the audience.
(b) Motivational story arouse emotion in the reader, and they build a strong
connection between reader and writer.
(c) Biography is a story of a person written by someone else.
iv. Imagine if Evelyn had been an actor instead of a drummer, despite being deaf how 1
would she follow her dialogue and expressions in 30 words.
Q.7. Attempt ANYONE of two extracts given. 5
7.A I will arise and go now, for always night and
I hear the lake water lapping with low sounds
by the shore;
While I stand on the roadway, or on the
pavements grey.
I hear it in the deep heart's core.
i. Fill in the blank with one word. 1
When the speaker says, that he will wake up and go for now, he refers that he wants
to go to.....
ii. Identify the correct figure of speech in 1
"the lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore"
iii. Which of the following best describes the poet's present moment situation? 1
(a) Shaking himself out of the dream
(b) Appreciating the world
(c) Listening to the lapping water
(d) Standing in the roadway
iv. Comment on the note on which poem ends. 2
7.B Remember they have eyes like ours that wake
Or sleep, and strength that can be won
By love. In every land is common life
That all can recognise and understand
Let us remember, whenever we are told
To hate our brothers, it is ourselves
That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn.
i. What is the significance of the word 'they' in the first line of the poem and how does 2
this word choice contribute to the overall mood and tone of the poem? Answer in 40
ii. Which thing show similarity among all the human beings? 1
iii. Complete the sentence with the appropriate option. 1 the word that doesn't relate to condemn.
(a) Criticise
(b) Break
(c) Attack
(d) Censure
iv. Identify the type of tone that have been used in the above given extract. 1
Q.8. Answer ANY FOUR of the following in about 40-50 words each. 4x3=12
i. The poet from the poem "A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal" wrote "A slumber did my 3
spirit seal; I had no human fears'. Who doesn't feel any human fears and why?
ii. Explain how the poet has described the 'tree' in the poem "On Killing a Tree" to 3
engage the readers. Refer to the given lines.

It has grown
Slowly consuming the earth,
Rising out of it, feeding
Upon its crust, absorbing
Years of sunlight, air, water,
And out of its leprous hide
Sprouting leaves.
iii. Explain the kind of notion Evelyn had as she stood on the platform waiting for the 3
London underground. (The Sound of Music)
iv. On Sunday afternoon Grandmother sent Kezia down to the drawing-room? What 3
happened when she went there? (The Little Girl)
v. Maria Sharapova received all the support to play tennis and progress in life from her 3
parents, whereas, Santosh Yadav had to fight for herself. How do you feel that both
the situation were contrasting to each other? (Reach for the Top)
Q.9. Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 40-50 words each. 2x3=6
i. In the story, "A House is Not a Home" the writer mentioned that she walked around 3
the school like a zombie. Elaborate.
ii. In the story, "In the Kingdom Of Fools" the writer A.K. Ramanujan created a sense of 3
humour, irony, satire, conflict by using various elements. Comment with reference to
any one element.
iii. The story, "The Lost Child" revolves around a child who is lost in fair. Explain the 3
theme on which the story is knitted.
Q.10 Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. 1x6=6
i. A character arc is the transformation or development of a character throughout a 6
story and refers to the changes a character undergoes as a result of their
experiences, challenges and interactions with other characters.
In the light of the above information, trace the character arc of the intruder in
Douglas James "If I Were You", in 120 words.
ii. The travelogue "Kathmandu" is written by Vikram Seth. Imagine, instead of Vikram 6
Seth, William Wordsworth who wrote "A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal" is the author of
the travelogue, what would have been his tone of describing the locations and
lifestyle of people residing there?
Q.11 Answer ANY ONE of the following in about 100-120 words each. 1x6=6
i. You have been chosen to give a speech on the importance of sharing happiness and 6
helping the one who is in need. Based on your understanding of "The Happy Prince"
by Oscar Wilde write a short speech in 100-120 words.
You may begin like this:
In this fast paced life.............
ii. Johnsy from the story "The Last Leaf" had an assumption that she would die if the 6
last leaf from the vine fell, but she lived for another day and found the leaf still on
the creeper. Now, imagine yourself to be Johnsy and write a diary entry expressing
your emotions when you found the leaf there on the branch.
You may begin this way:
I woke up that morning................

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