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ADVANCED LANGUAGE PRACTICE 3. In most lines of this text there is one extra word. Write the extra word, or put a tick if the line is correct. (Our reporter, Sarah Hardie, goes to Otley Hall to experience a spooky weekend, There have been signs of paranormal activity at Otley Hall at various times 1. cover the last 200 years time, IFtales of headless huntsmen and wailing nuns don't spook you out, do get this for a ghostly tale: « young Vietorian man in a silver gown emerges himself ftom the garden, walks through the ftont door, whether or not will it happens to be open, and walks upstairs with a lantern, 2 3 4 s before vanishing inthe library. If local folklore its to be believed, he docs 6. this without fail at midnight on 6 September every year, this is being the date 7. ofthe untimely death of one George Carpenter, the gardener ofthe hall, 8 ‘who met his doom in te library, had burned by his own lantern. Otley Hall 9. stands 3 miles north of the town of Rugby, England, and that is reputedly the 10. ‘most haunted house in England, a claim which few who have never visited it 11 ‘would dispute. Even the approach to the Hall is not much a journey tobe 12 undertaken by the faint-hearted; at one point an executioner emerges 1B from the tres, was brandishing en axe, although it must be said that this 14. practice ceases after September, when the Hall is closed to vistors. 15, My own visit revealed nothing more mysterious than such gimmicks, 16. Jaid on for an ever-gulible low of tourists, cameras been at their sides, "7. eager to snap theit buttons at the frst sign of anything even remotely 18 ‘unexplainable. But it was all having great fun, and the ghostly maze on 19. the final day was terrific, even if| did never get to see George Carpenter. 20. 4 Complete each sentence with one appropriate word. a) I's. 4g. sossene Since [last had a good Chinese meal. b) Funnily enough I saw Bob quite al the sports club. ©) I've loved you ever the first day I set eyes on you! 4) How long was it that you lived in Inverness? ©) Ive to see anyone who can dance as well as Diana, ) Could you phone me the you arrive at the hotel so I don't worry? 2) I promise to get everything ready eight o'clock at the latest. h) T told Sue 1 already finished my essay. i) Tm sorry you've been waiting so long, but it will be some time Brian gets back j) Just sit here, would you? The doctor will be with you 30

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