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MORE ABOUT QUANTIFIERS We can use of the with most quantifiers to | Some paintings are very valuable. | make the plural or uncountable noun refer | (= paintings in general) to something specific rather than something | Some of the paintings were stolen ‘general (= a collection of specific paintings) | Most tourists love sightseeing. (= tourists in general) Most of the tourists enjoyed the trip to Knossos. | | (= aspectic group of tourists) “When the meaning is obvious, we can use | Two men were arrested, Both were held overnight in the police station, ‘most quantifiers without the noun. (This Is not | All students found the exam extremely difficult and a few couldn't answer possible with no and every.) | any questions at all a Five cars were stolen, None were recovered. —_ When each, either and much are used as ere are ive cars. Each s worth over £100,00 subject, they take a singular vero (Of the two dresses you tried on, eter i suitable for a wedsing £5,000 has been given to charity this week. Much of twos raed by |__ |hitren 3 the local schoo! Wien both several, afew and many are used | Clve's parents were at the hospital during his operation, Both were as subjects, they tke apa verb. anxious to speak othe doctor afterwards Weve nada let of candidates show interest in the postion Several are being interviewed today A few have ben shot Isted already. We ae introducing a signingin poi for our employees because many eons arrive ate to work most mornings When any, aif, some, a ot ets and all are | We dont know much yt, so any information s welcome | used as subjects, they take a singular or plral_| Any of your ends are welcome to come tothe pa | verb depending onthe noun they replace. | There wasafire atthe funiture shop and aft of furniture wos damages Hal wos completly cesroyed, However, some pieces were Saved because they were in a diferent showroom. | Afood sto be consumed i the designated areas Wien neither and none are used with plural | Neither ofthe explanations | gave wasinere correct nouns, they can tae a singular ofa plral verb, | None ofthe students was/were able to make the experiment work {Using a singular verb is more formal) a | Fach ters to two or more people or things | There are two layers and twelve members ofthe jury in court | whereas every refers to three of more. Every |The judge listened caretly to each ante. cannot be used when there are only two people | (Fhe-judge-tistened carefully to-every-tamyer X) cr things. The judge listened carefully to each member ofthe jury The judge listened carefully to every member of he jy | We can use ang with a singular noun to meant | Take ony Book ve read al of them | doesnt matter wtih: We can also use some in| (~ftdoestt matter which book this way, butt usally hasan impolite, ‘cule 1 saw her talking to some gat school care less’ kind of meaning, (= I don't know or care which gir) | My cousin bought me a CD of some Band Ive never even heard of befor. | : (Font know the band and I don’ care aout We often use some to emphasise an That's some outfi you'e wearing! Yu lok fantastic excamation, That's some house he lives in; it must have twenty rooms) | ALERT! ‘A few and a litle mean ‘some, a small number/amount of. However, few and little mean ‘not enough of. There isa little time left. If you're quick, you'll get there before the shop closes. There is little time left; | doubt our team will score a goal now. There are a few places left on the excursion. If you book now, you should get one. Few participants have signed up for the seminar. Do you think we should postpone it? ‘= We can use few and litle with nouns that have a negative meaning (disabilities, problems, trouble, difficulties, et) In such cases, the overall meaning of the sentence becomes positive. There was little trouble at the football match last Saturday, (= There wasn't much trouble) There are few illnesses that modern medicine is unable to cure. (= There aren't many illnesses that modern medicine ‘can't cure)

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