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3 Mars 2024


And now we turn to recent reports by a number of international newspapers regarding the
NSO group. The company manufactures spyware which can be installed on Apple or
Android smartphones from the remote location via a text message.

Than require the attacker to physically have access to the device. In a recent lead to Major
news organizations phone numbers are 50,000 people of interest to authoritarian
governments were discovered. The numbers belong to Human Rights activists lawyers and
journalists as well as heads of state business Executives and even several members of Arab
royal families. What is not known is how many of these numbers were actually infected with
spyware or who supplied the list to news agencies? The NSO group rejects any accusation
of misconduct and claims that its products are for countries with a good reputation for
supporting human rights to be able to use against terrorists and criminals. They state that
they only sell to military organizations intelligence agencies and law enforcement from these
countries, but did resolve to investigate the list. News agencies studying The List have
Find 1000 of the numbers, which included 180 journalists working for organizations, such as
the New York Times, algebra and CNN. Many of the numbers were in the same countries,
such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Bahreïn hungry, India and Rwanda.
Despite where known as Pegasus has previously been found on the phones of people
connected to journalists who have been murdered The fiance of Jamal Khashoggi. The
journalist who was murdered in Istanbul in 2018, was found to have the spyware on her
phone. Just a few days after he disappeared, The phone makes a concern journalist. Cecilio
Paneda Birto was also targeted with a spyware twice yet. His phone was taken from the
scene of his murder meaning that it could not be examined for evidence can carry
investigative journalists Andras Szabo and Szabolcs Panyi headphones infected with the
spyware though, the Hungarian government denied any knowledge of the matter In India.
Government ministers working for the opposition against Prime. Minister Modi were also
found to be on the lead list. The Indian government has also denied an authorized use of the

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